
the civil war in heaven

Disclaimer warning- I don't mean to offend anyone's religion in this chapter. This is just how I thought the rebellion played out.

After telling God about what happened with lucifer and his plan. God ordered that every still loyal angel was to train, for the anglic war.

Michael returned to the Barracks, he summoned every soldier no matter the rank to participate in brutal and grilling training.

Day and night Michael did not stop he wanted heaven army to be ready to crush the opossition.

Raphael didn't just sit still either he made all of his division the healers train to be masters at healing, knowing the art of saving life and taking it, as Raphael also thought them a new ability for smiting.

Creating a power where the angel uses it grace to instead of healing it would glow a pink light and smite the target by makeing them combust on a molecular level. With only a pink substance left behind.

Raphael made a special unit in the healer division and called them the Rit Zien the hands of mercy, it was kinda poetic.

As I was also there and present as Raphael was teaching me more about healing and then taught me the unique Smiting.

I was pretty good at it but it was my style so I didn't use it leaving it to be a Rit zien trait.

Gabriel and Kafziel and their division carried messages from garrisons and acted as a line of communication as under my instruction.

I made Evangelos cut off Lucifer and all that joined him from the telepathic link through heaven.

However just in case we had spies, we used the messagers as a neutral party in this side. They and Gabriel stated they wanted no part of the war.

This enraged Michael as he declared that anyone not participating In the battle would be an enemy.

Gabriel wanted Michael and Helel to make up but neither was going to stop.

I comforted Gabriel through everything and encourage him that everything was going to be alright even if things change we are still a family.

I didn't see Father that much after the report we gave him about Helel, the next time I saw him was when he showed me Hell.

The place where Helel and all fallen angels would stay as punishment for rebeling against God. And the last time I saw him was Edens creation and God putting Adam and Lilith there, I sent Serafina to watch over them.

Heaven waited til the day Helel would attack and then it came there was a great disturbance in heaven, as every angel in heaven could feel it.

A shift of reality level thing was about to happend and everyone in the heavenly host knew what was happening but no one could predict what happened next.

Never has a division such as this one took place in heaven as the influence of the Darkness through Helel broke into the everlasting light of heaven.

In a moment of blink of an eye, nothing in both Heaven and Earth would be the same after what was about to unfold.

Th signal of Helel army came in the from of a trumpet blast as the army made up from the 1/3 of the former angels, of the heavenly host. As they began to mobilize.

As the ranks of the army began to form as the strongest generals of the war in the front line as the weaker foot soldiers were at the rear.

There was no sound as the once beings of light began to assemble against the creator God. The lord almighty, as the heavenly host watched in confusion and horror.

The traitious rebels knew that they would have to act quickly before the archangels, myself, or the seraphs would interfere.

They were all gathered there in a part away form the Axis Moudi called the Nebulous, a sea of glass and beautiful crystals that the likes of man would never see.

Normally to enter the presence of Father, one would fly into the light of his holiness and bask into it's glory.

But Helel wanted to disregard this and made his army to march straight through the holy grounds of the Nebulous and Axis moudi into the base steps to God's Thorne room.

Boom, Boom, Boom, as the sounds of 240 thousands of angels marching towards the place of the most high.

As they marched the angels of the lower class got to witness the sights that only the archangels and seraphim got to see.

For some of these angels this would be the closest they ever would have been with God. The evil that poison Helel was also with them, it was like a great stench in God's holy place.

The very ground hiss like acid and cried out as the rebellious angels marched passed. The angel's that were talking on angel radio began to fall silent ,as the enemy moved closer and closer to the Throne room.

As they reached near the Throne room where the seraphs suspended in place as bright changing light, their eyes before and behind the base of the Throne. Singing praises to the almighty in ancient Enochian, Holy, Holy, Holy the lord God, almighty what is to come.

At first they looked at Helel and it seemed like they were going to attack but at my unseen command, they stayed at peace and continued to worship.

And their fire growing brighter and more dangerous as the rebels walked by.

But didn't do anything but back down when Helel approached.

Lighting and thunder roared as the full force of the voices of the host was speaking the name of God over and over again.

My crowns glowed brightly with a orange pulse it was if the holy place of God knew the evil that infiltrated its sacred place.

Leading the massive army into the battle was the archangel Helel, normally his fromed is adored by crystals of ice with massive red wings.

Now he wears a massive cloak of bright red similar to the color of human blood. The new seal of lucifer, the radiant glow that was his body had somehow been extinguished.

Next to him are his generals in this war his most loyal servant Azazel and asmodi, as well as the two traitious seraphs Remiel and Abbodon.

Azazel constantly assuring Helel that this was the right path, and that his rightful place is on the Throne and the extermination of humanity.

His and all of the rebel angels light were also extinguished. As the ultimate defiance to the creator was the cloak of human blood each of them weared.

as they reach into the steps of the Throne room it was almost dead silent now.

The only sounds are the whispers of the third coming through the ranks. Many of them are scared behind comprehension but they still do not repent and follow their leader.

They come first, to the seven massive steps leading to the giant gate into one of the entrance of heaven.

The army of lucifer is commanded to wait at the bottom of the steps until the order is given to attack.

Helel looks at the gate to heaven and growls, and begins to spead his mighty wings which are a sight to behold.

With one flap of his wings and fly high into the sky the winds of that flap were so strong. The seraphs had to cover themselves with their wing, the door to heaven was a spectacle indeed.

The gate was larger than any human compression, looking at it was if looking at the entire sky at earth. As billion of jewels cover it.

On the top of the gate was written in Enochian King of Kings and at the bottom lord of lords and a thousands of glyphs were present.

As Helel begins to float in front of the gate, his body knows only one response and angers him greatly and watching in horror I watch as he mutilates himself before the gate.

He first rippes out all 5 thousand of his vocal cords, his wounds heal instantly of course. This was more so a demonstration to god as a sign of defiance.

Like a petulant child throwing a tantrum for not getting his way. But that doesn't amount to the utter disrespect to my Father than what happened next.

He takes his halo, his majestic gift given to him by the Father at the beginning of creation and crushes it and kicks the remains to the ground.

With that sigular motion alone all of heaven, even lucifer own rebel force gasp in surprise In unison and promoted the gate opened. With defining winds and a blinding light.

And a figure stepped out, a being of light as the voices of all the angels were like the wind blowing Helel an inch before he steady himself.

He mustn't show any fear towards the Father as he must be the one to be feared. As the eyes of the third went wide as the figure was standing there.

His face was like a trillion exploding sun's, and a spinning crown sat at his head but dare not touch.

The crown was the entire color spectrum with an unknown metal at its edges with a thousand gold mountains atop of it.

His body was flowing liquid light, his hair as white as snow and lighting flashed in his enormous beard.

And was in a robe of holiness that plused with Devine energy. I quickly covered my face as to now look at my Father's holiness.

To gaze at my Father was to gaze upon affection.

The sheer force of his presence made the third bail out in sheer terror even Ramiel and Abbodon knew that they would not win against the father.

All of heaven braced for what is to come and Father open his mouth and the echo of the word reaches everyone senses before the sound does. Speak Father commanded, and Helel speaks boastful, his pride and vanity showing.

You know why I'm here I'm sick of being your lapdog, look here Father I have amassed a vast army as the third of the anglic host beckons to my call.

They all know the truth that cover and protect you. I proclaim myself higher than the most high for it is I who is king of all kings and lord of all lords.

I didn't even hesitate as soon as Helel spoke those words I un sheath my sword and swung it upwards and was ready to pull it down to smite Helel and try to eradicate him then God said in my mind. Peace my son do not attack yet wait for my signal.

His army cheers him on and the rest of heaven is shocked beyond disbelief. Azazel get the troops primed and ready for Helel signal.

Then with a voice of a billion oceans, God speaks again stand down oh vain angel for it was I who created you and it is I who can destroy you with a thought.

The third cursed at Father's holy named and continues to disrespect themselves.

You lie, Helel says you created me and I have found fault in both you and mankind. You knew that this moment would come.

No I will not stand down for it is I who will asend my self into my rightful place on the Throne.

It's time Father, to fulfill your destiny and bow to me. Heaven goes silent again for what seems like an eons. Father started to laugh like it he heard a funny joke. You are a foolish and stupid angel.

At the sound of the fourth trumpet, you and your army will be casted down to a place I have prepared for you down at the lower realm farther than earth itself. And you will watch as humanity takes your place as my favorite.

Then Father turns his back, toward Helel and his army. Helel enraged at such disrespect does the ultimate desecration of himself and attacks Father as a 1 thousand feet tall brimstone dragon.

As his attack closes In on Father, both myself and Michael appear. Michael blocking the attack with a shield,And stood on guard.

For the first time in ever the three of us stood at odds, Michael his eyes calculating and hatered in his eyes, posture straight like a warrior ready for battle.

I looked at Helel with melancholy sadness and disappointment

As Helel had gone mad and corrupted a vast number of thier youngest siblings.

What will happen here would be rembered for history. Helel looked at them with disgust in his eyes. And then looked at his army, look back on this day brothers ATTACK roared Helel.

At his command his army began to take flight,I brought out my wings and flew out to intercpt them talking them all.

Michael and Helel already started fighting, God spoke again and said attack the rebels .

As the holy anglic army comes out to meet with the rebels in a carnage of light. God turned and left. Michael was dodging and striking at Helel at speeds faster than the eyes of angels.

Helel jumped at Micheal and was ready to eat him when I blew the horn the sound was so loud it shattered parts of heaven.

Abbodon flew to me and i pulled our my blade and we began fighting, I was the better at sword then her, so i overpowered her.

Michael slashed at Helel's neck injuring him, Helel roared in pain as he used one of his claws to impale Michael.

Helel looks at Father and says last chance, to bow to me. I grabbed the injured Michael and took flight away from the battle to heal him. When I saw lucifer broken halo and got idea and grabbed it.

Helel saw this and began to mock Father saying you see that cowards, I have already won.

He looks back at his army and says the heavenly host are a joke, they fight with no real passion nor convection. This day will be talked about for centuries the day I became the Supreme ruler of heaven.

Father looks at Helel speaking at his very being.

Every time you think you won I will show you who I am, everything happens because I allow it to happen. You will learn soon enough my son.

God then turns back and goes inside the gate as it shuts from behind him.

Helel sneered at the Father and looks at heavenly host what a coward you serve. Michael and myself return to the battle with Michael equipped with a new weapon.

It was no longer the sword tzedek, it was a Lance with metal imbued with Helel's destroyed halo, forged in the fires of Michael hatered of Helel. It gave Helel and his army a sense of danger.

The real power of the Lance was the runes I inscribed on it giving it the power to kill all that is evil quick and all angels slow.

Well you got all fixed up and got a brand new toy Michael, no matter I still wipe my kingdom of your stench brother. Looking at Micheal with hate in his eyes.

He looked at me and his eyes, soften Brother the offer to join me is still there, please Isaiel he says my name I don't want to fight you.

We are alike you and I, both suffering from the curse that God put on us.

He was taking abut our connection to the darkness through the mark, my connection to the mark was more observing than actually being one with the mark.

As I help Helel when the mark tried numerous times to break his spirt or to corrupt him, and evertime I helped him.

I projected my conversation with God to him about how many times did Helel make him proud. And when he got angry and attacked the younger angels for no reason.

I consoled him even thought him ways to control his and or sometimes show his anger on me.

Before I could even reply to Helel, Michael speaks Isaiel is nothing like you you monster, we were happy now look you caused a rebellion, you destroyed the peace and open these place to countless blood shed.

He points to the battle with the Helel's and God's army and I saw angels dying left to right at the hands of Abbodon and Azazel.

Helel fired a blue ball of lightning at him in response, Michael hits the attack and the between them ensues once again.

Michael then powers up the Lance with his divine grace and thrusting the Lance into lucifer side. And shoots out beam of blue light and pushes Helel back.

azazel tries to sneak up on Michael attending to get a blow on him but is then gets stopped by me as a block the hit and then blast a supersonic blast from Gabriel's trumpet.

Azazel is pushed back into the ranks tumbling through wings and sounds of battle, massive shockwaves vibrate though heaven.

Above us Michael and Lucifer were locked in a savage display of power, that even the armies of both sides stopped fighting to watch.

The sheer power between these two fighting was something that even the show itself couldn't have measured.

No amount of plot amor would have been enough to save Sam and Dean from Michael and Lucifer destroying the earth in the apocalypse. Even with the keys to the cage.

Mountains in heaven were being destroyed and slipped down the middle as the energy of the two archangels were clashing.

Helel sneered in anger, as half of his body is burned off and he shifts back to his previous anglic form.

And with his right hand unleashed a wave of energy so vile, so repulsive, it knocks Michael back but he still has his grip on his Lance.

I appeared next to Michael and use more and more of my holy grace, and blows into the trumpet of Gabriel. The force was so strong from the winds it pushed Helel back.

And Michael moved in to strike but just then azazel in attempting to stop Michael, grabs Kafziel who was flying watching everything and throws him in the path of Michael Lance and watches in sick glee as he is impaled.

Noooo! I shouted as Kafziel got injured and was falling to the ground.

Lucifer is shocked before laughing but us stopped as I blasted the trumpet so hard stars brun away and universes crumble away.

Michael makes a wave of energy of all of his and his Lance power, and beams it at Hele it connects and in a flash of light.

Helel is pushed into several mountains into falls into a crater on a side of a mountain.

The Gate opens and Father steps out, and surveys the damage done to his kingdom and children.

In his anger God speaks to all the angels who had side with Helel, Depart from me.

Just then a black hoke opened and began sucking the angels of Helel's side into the hole where they would go into the pit of hell.

Before Azazel, Abaddon, Remiel, and Asmodi. The generals in this war and I began to shout at them.




NOBODY WILL REMEMBER YOU. You will become shadows blind creatures Lucking in the dark, in serach of a light you don't even deserve. That is my punishment for you.

Then the black hole sucked them in, Helel was the last one to be left, both him and God were having a conversation that only they could hear.

The only sounds that was uttered was Helel saying I hate you and God replied I know my son in a sad tone.

Then Helel got sucked into the back hole and God, turned to us from now the archangel Helel is banished from heaven and will no longer have a name here. It will be Lucifer, the deciver, the accuser, and the fallen one.

Then God left, and I rushed to Kafziel and called for Raphael to come heal him, but I knew that wouldn't have helped. I designed the weapon to kill angels grace from the inside out.

Kafziel it seems that your not going to make it, please forgive me. S-sir it was my fault if it was for letting my guard down.

No this war was my fault I should have expected casutiles, Ephraim came to my side he looked at me with a questing gaze as he put his draconic paw on Kafziel face.

No if anyone was going to kill him it would be me, I raised my hand and the pink glow came out,

Kafziel noded as his last words were it was such an honor to fight and serve with you.
