
Chapter 59: Introductions

Everyone of the eight memebers were seated on his chair, the first is Kai, he has a frail appearance with a tall and lean frame. His hair is light gray, and his eyes are narrow slits. He often has a mocking smile

Next to him is Doradrea, a dwarve, short with a muscular body. Unlike her masculine look, she has long brown hair and a high pitched voice which made me question if she was a male or female first. Different from most of the female uniforms, Doradrea wears pants instead of skirts.

Then comes my fan, Claire, oozed positivity and passion from her very pores. She isn't nearly as pretty as Lucy or Elizabeth, but she possesses her own charm, with her scarlet red hair that came down to her chin.

The last one on my left side of the table is Theodore a muscular and tall guy with short black hair and a blond streak. His physical appearance can compare to a bear.

As for right side of the table, the first three are Curtis the prince, Kathyln the princess and Feyrith. The last one is the quiet kid with his brown buzz cut, dark brown eyes and some earings, he's called Baren.

Standing from my chair, I started talking. "Hey, fellow mages and DC memebers! It's time for a little chat from yours truly Meliodas Leywin, the President of our oh so prestigious Disciplinary Committee.

Now, I know we're all here because we're the crème de la crème of power and responsability, but let's not forget to sprinkle in a dash of fun, because who said enforcing rules can't be fun?

First things first, let's talk rules guys. Rule number one, this seems obvious but no turning classmates into vegetable, even if they deserve it. We do have permission to do whatever it takes to ensure the safety of the school but lets avoid that that, right?

"Tch, I wanted to beat some sense into those arrogant bastards." Doradrea crossed her arms looking to the other side.

"Sorry but I decide until the director says otherwise, anyways for rule number two, no discrimination whether you're a fire mage, an ice sorcerer, or just really good at card tricks, we're all in this together. Also racial descrimination which the student council president and vice president already spoke about!" Taking a deep breath, I then continued.

"Now, onto the serious stuff. As serious as I get, anyway. Our mission is to keep this place running smooth. We're the unsung heroes of Xyrus Academy, the people behind the curtains making sure chaos doesn't become our favorite spell.

But fear not, my diligent comrades, for I promise this journey will be very entertaining. We'll face challenges but im sure everyone here can handle that.'" I looked at everyone while speaking.

"Hehe, your really funny Meliodas." Claire was just smiling, the embodiment of positiveness.

"Thank you, this is our mission, the goal we will work on, all of us as a team..."

"Yeah we get it, now can we-" kai tried to say something, so I cutted him half through, as I continued.

"But! I do not know you or your abilities, I will be fighting alongside you people, which means that I will be putting a lot of things at stake alongside you, so I need to know you better, dont you think?" I leaned forward with a big grin.

"So? What do you propose?" Theodore, the huge kid calmly asked.

"Great question indeed Theo! To remedy this, I've got a proposition. How about a little friendly fighting match? A magical showdown, if you will. All of you against me and this friend of mine." I rubbed Amaya who is around my body.

Seeing their perplexed expression, I taunted them. "Don't worry, if you are that scared we can just stop here and each one of you can go back home with his tail between his legs." My grin grew wider.

"HOHO! You seem to be a real man Sin of Wrath! Very well, I accept this proposition!" Doradrea clenched her fist in excitement.

'She oddly resembles Lucy' I thought with a small awkward smile.

"Humph, I will finally show off my techniques and prove that I changed a lot from back then." Feyrith tried to look cool by waiving his long hair but he just looked even more dumb.

"This is completely stupid, im not participating in this." Baren the quiet kid finally spoke, I just ignored him and waited for the others response.

"The idea of a fight is really interesting, count me in!" Theodore kept his arms crossed with a calm expression.

"Woaah! Fighting agaisnt the dragon sin of wrath! What a previlige!" Claire started dreaming of who knows what with stars in her eyes.

Turning towards Kathyln, I saw that she had a determined expression. "I still have some score from the past to settle with you, so I accept." She calmly said.

"What about you Curtis? Your the last one." I asked.

I... I am s-sorry... I wont participate" he said looking down.

'Damn, I think I really traumatised him, lets hope he dosent get PTSD later and start freaking out.' I thought.

"So that settles it! Let's see what you've got in your arsenal. If you've got fireballs, shoot 'em my way. Ice spells, make it frosty. Card tricks? Well, get creative. The stage is yours. But this will come later, first we will be going to present ourselves to the whole school!" I declared.



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