

"Very fucking funny." Her face matched her voice, deadpan.

"What is it?" I asked, concerned.

"Meet the trio. This combination literally means someone will die soon." Her hand waved over the three, and she leaned back.

"Someone has a dry sense of humour," Morgan said dryly, not humouring the three cards. She placed them back into the pack and began shuffling again.

A knock at the front door interrupted us. Reaching out, it wasn't Leo, and I couldn't sense anyone there. What?

"Oh shit." Morgan jumped up to grab the door.

I slyly followed, standing just shy of the threshold. I heard a familiar voice.

"Morgan, hello!"

"Maddie! I am so sorry. I forgot to call you to cancel."


I sighed, leaning against the propped-up door. This was the last thing I needed.

"Oh? Cancel?" I heard her heels click on the floor and the door close.

"Yeah... My son is here to visit."

"Oh, Derek? I'm sure he won't mind me here."

"Actually..." Morgan sounded apprehensive.

There was a thud from upstairs. Leo had returned from his alone time, and we all sensed it.

"That's..." Maddie's voice sounded breathless. She was in disbelief.

"I don't think this is a good time for reunions." Morgan's voice sounded calm and no-nonsense.

"What? This is perfect! He's come back! I told you. He would leave that boring thing and come back." Her heels ticked on the floor, coming closer to the room.

I thought I had calmed down from my irritated mood, but it came back three-fold when I heard her comments.

Squaring my shoulders, I took two steps forward, appearing through the doorway, halting her progress, and the door opened from upstairs.

"Leave what boring thing, Maddie?" I confronted.

She stood, mouth agape, "What are you doing here?" she demanded.

"Could ask you the same thing." Leo's voice sounded from the top of the stairs.

I watched her face not turning and felt him stand beside me, just shy behind me. I felt his fingers brush my waist. I instinctively shifted closer, and his hand rested there.

I was glad he stood by me and the small touch of reassurance.

Maddie flipped her hair over her shoulder, "I'm your Ma's apprentice."

"Morgan's apprentice." We both corrected her.

She pursed her lips and eyes narrowed, and she asked, "What are you doing here?"

"That's none of your business." Leo's voice was curt and to the point. He still treated her the same as the last time he saw her.

"Derek told me about your predicament."

I raised an eyebrow, "and what predicament is that?"

A smile grew on her face. It was not a sweet smile, "Your death cycle."

"And how does Derek know that?" Leo swiftly asked.

She shrugged, and her smile dropped, "Didn't ask."

"Then he's talkin' pish," Leo retorted.

I bit my lip to refrain from laughing, but a smile grew instead.

A grumbling growl came from the floor. I looked down as a warmth spread on my legs. Sooty was weaving, his hackles raised.

"Okay. Okay." Morgan approached, holding her hands up, "That's enough. Maddie now is not the time. I will rearrange with you, okay?"

"No. I want to stay. You said I should watch you work."

Morgan quietened for a moment, "Give us a minute?" Her eyes flickered to both of us.

Leo's hand tightened slightly.

Which reminded me that our argument was not over.

I nodded to Morgan, and with a final look to Maddie, I turned to walk out the backdoor, following Leo.


Leo held out his hand before I descended the back stairs; I took it. Navigating the steep steps, he did not let go and said, "I want to show you something."

He headed forward towards the line of trees. Entering them, I felt the magic protecting the place as we walked through the barrier. We exited the concealment, and I was met with a beautiful sight of the rolling hills of Scotland, covered in a light dusting of snow.

"I don't think Maddie will leave."

I looked up at him, "More snow is coming, isn't it?"

He nodded, "She won't be able to 'go home'." His fingers quoted.

"Great," I muttered.

"I know."


I did not let go of his hand even while I sat down on the cold ground, covered in moss and a little bit of snow.

He joined me.

After a few moments of silence, I had to break it.

"I'm sorry."

His arm crossed my shoulders, and he pulled me to him, kissing my temple.

"I just want to keep you safe," he whispered against my skin.

"What if there isn't a way?"

"Leave him... Let him be happy."

"There is."

"There are other choices."

I was quiet, stuck within my head.

"Your time is soon, but not yet."


I breathed before, "I remember something else my grandma told me... Leo, I didn't die that night, but I will. Soon."

He pulled away slightly, pinching his eyebrows, "Lexi." His voice was frustrated.

"It's the truth. Before she told me to go back and break the cycle and stuff..."

He sighed, "What did she say exactly?"

There is still so much you need to uncover. Although I am not supposed to tell you this... Your time is soon, but not right now.

"Soon can mean anything," he pointed out.

"Yeah... Soon-er than we think."

"Or later than you think. We can't have pessimism, miss." He tapped my forehead.


"What else are you hiding?" Leo asked.

"I spoke to Morgan as well while you were out... I think I met the crow lady before."

He looked down at me, "When?"

"At the Abbey. She was the one in the cage."

Leo looked up at the view as if to find answers there. He was thinking the same thing I was. This was not a coincidence.

"What else?"

"Hm," I looked at the sky, "A spirit is following me."


My eyebrows scrunched, "...What?"

"What else are you hiding?"

I shook my head slightly, "Noth-" "In your head... Why are you doubting this? Us."

"...I don't know."

He waited, "I already told you... I am not leaving you."

Tears built up in my eyes again, and I sniffed, "Everyone does eventually."

"They always come back. Look at Seri, Devan... Yes, it took Quinn and Lathen a while, but-" "I didn't mean that."

"Everyone leaves eventually," I repeated, "I'm scared."

I didn't bother to wipe the tears and kept going, "I don't want to leave you with... horrible memories or a broken heart."

"You mean Like Eddie and Will?"

I nodded, finally wiping my tears, "I'm also scared to die again... It hurts."

Leo's voice wobbled, "Then we have to try."

I couldn't help but turn to him. His hands clasped my neck, and touching foreheads, he continued, "If we absolutely can't fix this. Then and only then will I let you walk away."

His words confused me, yet I could not stop the tears from falling. I just nodded.

He did not console me. He instead kept us warm and allowed me to cry.

It was what I needed: the stress and frustration, finally released. I did not want to be consoled, and although he may not admit it. I felt a couple more droplets on my head, too.


We slowly walked back after I could no longer feel my backside from the cold. Morgan was waiting for us at the back of the house.

"Sorry. I know it's not ideal, but a snowstorm is coming." Morgan's voice was slightly annoyed.

"It's okay," I replied, wiping my nose.

"Have you two hashed it out?"

"You told her?" Leo turned to me, displeasure on his face.

"No, she didn't," Morgan defended, "It wasn't hard to guess though. You come as a pair, if I recall."

I couldn't help but breathe a laugh.

"Come on. Dinner is nearly ready. I suggest you two warm up. There's plenty of hot water left."

She turned away and entered the house. Leo's hand gently pushed me forward.

"A shower does sound nice..." I murmured, following Morgan in.

An unhappy Maddie greeted me. She sat at the table with Sooty sitting in front of her, staring. No doubt dead eyeing her. She shifted as we came in, and a growl shortly followed.

"Sooty. Stop it."

A small huff came first, "I don't like her."

"Neither do I, but you have to be nice," I warned.

He huffed once more before sauntering off into the living room. Leo only laughed and followed him.


I was mesmerised by the large snowflakes floating to the ground. The snow came down fast. After a few short minutes, the grass was covered.

Gronk! Tap, tap, tap.

Morgan looked up from her chair and swiftly stood to allow her bird in through the window.

She gave out a peanut, but the raven didn't take it; instead, it gave an onslaught of noises.

"Henry. Calm down. What is it?" Morgan calmly said.

Morgan put a hand to her hip, listening to the slower noises, her eyebrows furrowed further and further.

"Which coven leader?"



I perked up at the name, and the bird said no more, trying to grasp the peanut.

"Ah no... when did this happen?"


"Good bird." She gave up the treat and, looking at me, spoke.

"The council has arrested Nixon."

I gasped in shock, "Quinn..." I whispered.

"Is there a way to contact home without phones?" Leo asked, thinking the same thing as me.

"Scrying, but they may be looking out for you." Morgan swiftly got the black mirror from her workroom and gladly passed it to us.

"Um... How do we...?" I asked sheepishly.

A soft smile came over her face, "Think of the person you want to contact. There must be a reflective surface near them in order to reach them."


I closed my eyes, thinking of Quinn. I gazed softly into the mirror.

All I saw was my own two eyes.


"Try your Ma," Leo whispered, softly stroking my shoulder.

Still nothing.

I sighed, "Hm. Maybe..."

I thought of Cynthia and the larger mirror on the wall in their hallway, the one I often glanced into when I walked past.

'Come on, Cynthia...'

The smooth reflection warbled like a water droplet, creating a ripple. I saw the other side of the hallway and saw Freya entering the living room.

I jumped in my seat and said loudly, "Freya!"

She paused and looked around, confused.

"Here! In the mirror!"

"Lexi? What the?" she was shocked as she came closer, "How did you manage that?"

"I'll explain later. Is your Ma there?"

"Erm... Yes?"

"Get her for me, please."

"Is Leo alright?" she asked apprehensively.

"Yeah, I'm here. Get Ma, will ya?" he looked over my shoulder at his sister.


"SHE'S WHAT?" Came a shrill from within the house.

"Uh oh... that's my mum..." I whispered.

I heard her before she appeared stomping to the mirror with Cynthia behind her.

"Lexandria. What the hell are you doing?" Mum demanded.

"Hello, Mother. I'm fine, thanks; how are you?" I asked dryly.

Her eyes narrowed before she could say anything. Cynthia asked, "Are you both okay? Are you safe?"

"Yeah, we are fine. Leo is here too, see?"

I slightly turned the mirror to get both of us in.

"Listen, Mum... We heard something on the grapevine." I looked up briefly at Morgan.

"What is it?" her voice was a bit calmer now.

"Nixon's arrest. Is it true?"

She looked down and nodded, "He was arrested today. A couple of hours ago."

"How's Winnie and Quinn?"

She looked guilty, "Upset... We all knew it was coming. The detective interviewed the whole coven...with a truth spell. He was asking questions about you; it was bound to come up."

"What was?"

"The lock."

My confused face prompted her to continue.

"Whether a coven leader or not, it's not right to lock away someone's powers without consultation of the council. The detective was shocked... appalled... to find out. He was arrested because of what he did to you and the lies he told to all of us."

We were quiet for a moment before Cynthia whispered something to Mum.

She winced, "Oh and Lexi? I am so sorry... Sooty escaped. I can't find him anywhere..."

"You need to trust familiars." Leo smiled and quickly picked up the fluff on his lap.



I couldn't help but laugh.

"What-when? How?" Mum stepped closer to the mirror. Only her eyes could be seen.

"Fae portal. He's smarter than we give him credit..."

Flabbergasted, she said nothing.

Cynthia chuckled, "Well. That's that. Stay safe, you two. We will call you if anything else happens."

"If you can... The phone signal here could be better."

We said goodbye and made Sooty wave a paw.

Looking up, I caught Maddie's eyes. She sat observing this whole time, not saying a word.

It was slightly unnerving.
