
Book Of Shadows

"Restorignum," I whispered.

The vase easily reversed from its humpty dumpty moment, and the flowers were placed beautifully in full bloom.

"Sorry," Alex said sheepishly once again.

I smiled and returned to the workroom. I was beginning to think Alex was breaking things on purpose. That's fourteen things within the month. I shook my head and returned to the Book of Shadows.

Still nothing from Jack or the dam Victoria. We were also stunned by Tiffany's condition and thought it best to let them keep to their healers.

Leo and I had no new leads in our past lives: only Anna, Edward, William, and Rose on repeat with a murder of crows. I could tell Leo was getting frustrated, as was I.

I also finally managed to pry apart the stuck pages of Grandma's book.


21st June 1953

Jerrold is leaving. He is going back to America to university. Why he isn't going to one in the UK is beyond me. 

But he assured me he would return, and we will wed. 

I will slowly plan our day with our families and promise to write to him. 

How will I cope? 

He departs tomorrow; I will not see him until the Yule holidays. 

Goddess help me! 

He has given me a beautiful necklace. I shall wear it at our wedding. I am in love with it already.

- Selena


A bitter-sweet smile appeared; I could see some ink smudges, like water had mixed with the words. She was crying when writing this.

I flipped through the pages, reading her longing and heartache until I reached her wedding date. I smiled. Her writing is as joyous as it should be. Filled with pressed flowers from her bouquet, they were well preserved.


14th November 1956

Goddess has blessed us! 

A fine little boy. 

We are excited – Off to celebrate! 

- Selena


I smiled as images of my dad came to the surface of my memories. I could feel the residual energy from her fast pen strokes; she was ecstatic.

Flipping through more pages, I gasped at the first sentence. The entries so quickly changed from the joy of pregnancy to this. Was it hormones? I had to read on.


15th March 1957

That bastard. 

Going on business, he told me. 


His Amelia is pregnant, three months gone, begging him to return.

A mistress he kept hidden in the States. 

I am nearly nine months gone, and this stress is the last thing I need. How did I find out? 

She sent him a letter. One, he did not burn well enough. No wonder he was sweating like a pig when I greeted him. 

I have kicked him out and told him to return to the States. Never return. 

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. 

I have told my family. My brother has chased him out, too. I cannot even think about him. I am angry. WHY? Why did I trick myself into a happily ever after? I should have trusted my instincts and stayed away from him. 

I will figure out how to break this fate line.

- Selena


I closed the book slowly and sniffed. Her scratchy and harsh pen strokes still show hatred and betrayal. Her magic was erratic; I could sense it now like she was in the room. I took a moment to gather my thoughts.

I needed a break from the whiplash of emotions written in the book.


The front door opened, and I sensed my mother enter.

"Welcome home," I said over my shoulder while nursing a tea and looking out the back door.

"Hello, Sweetie," Mum greeted and placed a couple of leather books on the table, "Did anything happen whilst I was gone?"

She snooped in the fridge while I scanned the books she placed. One was old brown leather, the spine creased. I would not be surprised if it was falling to pieces; the other I recognised as my fathers.

"Hm, Other than our wolf visitors? Alex has been clumsier."

"Oh really?" Mum said apprehensively, taking a seat opposite.

I kept side-glancing at the books while we talked. She eventually smiled and pulled the books towards her.

"I took a visit to Keiron before returning home… Only a short detour," she said, opening the older book, "This is Grandma Greenwood's book of shadows."

My eyebrows scrunched together, and I looked once more at Dad's book, "Why did Uncle Kerion have Dad's book?"

Mum looked over to it with sadness, and her shoulders slumped, "I couldn't look at it. It hurt too much," she said quietly before taking a breath and adding, "Plus, there was a name in there that I hoped your uncle would find more about."

My head tilted to the side as my phone buzzed. I took a moment to look at a message from Leo on his lunch break.

"Ah, I know that smile," Mum teased knowingly.

My smile grew, "You know, you never really talked much about you and Dad when you were younger."

She tilted her head to look up slightly at the wall behind my head and, more specifically, the lightly gold-framed photo of her and my dad when they were younger. She smiled in reminisce. I rested my chin in my hand, elbow resting on the table, watching the smile form; I couldn't help but grin myself lightly.

"Well, I met your father on a road trip with my family. I was about fourteen; we were visiting the well-known history of witches and witch trials,

"We gave each other an address and sent letters and gifts for years. Until I turned eighteen, your father surprised me with a visit on my birthday, asked me to move in with him in Pendel and the rest… History.

"Still makes me swoon. He was a hopeless romantic like me. You know he loved you both dearly." 

A bittersweet smile came on her face. I couldn't help getting up to hug her. 


"Here," Mum said, putting both books on the desk next to Grandma Langton's, "Hopefully, you'll be able to find a lead. Just shout if you need me." 

I nodded as she left. I breathed and started again flipping through entries, this time in Dad's book. 

"Bistlecast?" I murmured, and all the later entries talked about this witch, the necklace and my impending 'doom'…? 

This must have been the name Mum wanted more information. There was no information other than her witch name and line of work. While he mentioned Scottland… there was no named place. Just as it was difficult to find another living witch, it was near impossible to find one willing to teach or admit they are necromancers. 

I flipped through more, reading the details of his mother's claims and how my dad brushed them aside until he investigated. I was envious of how easily he could see my past lives, yet I struggled. 

I leaned back, scouting the oak beam, running horizontally as if answers would be there as I silently filtered through the information. 


My grandma predicted the vampires, the abbey, and me dying at the Vitamortum spell. Could that be why I saw her shortly after leaving my body? Was she watching over me?

A familiar shooting pain came to my forehead. 

She told my father of this 'prophecy', which he laughed at until the lock was placed. I knew he had a hand in making the lock more permanent, but now I know why. To try and prevent Vitamortum. 

He instead lost himself. Dad wanted to destroy the necklace and was frustrated at being unable to find it. He died trying to connect to my grandmother.

Why not use a psychic or séance? Why Vitamortum? Did he want to bring her back for a while longer? 

I wondered if Grandma had written down any of her 'prophecies' in her book. 


I flicked to the back, glancing over the family tree and began searching. 

Her writing became less recognisable and scratchy. I knew she had trouble holding a pen. The grammar and spelling that was once excellent resembled more of a five-year-old. I sighed as the tears welled but came across what I was after. It was scribbled sentences that seemed to be all over the place.

I found my old necklace. I wonder if Jerrold will return home. Where did he go again? A business trip? I cannot remember.

- Selena

I cannot sleep. I wore the necklace again in bed. I cannot bear it. It shows my granddaughter, Lexi, dying. Why? Why was my brain tormenting me? 

I must hide it. 

Hide it from her. Keep the Crow away.

- Selena

My son Nick… Does not believe me. I have warned him. She will die early. Vampires will break the treaty. 

She will die at their hands. Why am I not there to protect her? 

- Selena 

I cannot bring myself to destroy it. CROWS.


If it is destroyed, nothing will change. It has shown me that much. I must keep it safe. Hidden. From myself, Nick and Lexi. It is vital to breaking the cycle. 

CROW. Break the cycle before the crow breaks you.


The scribbles continue, turning into scribbles and drawings. It felt like reading a horror book; the last sentence felt like it was directed at me. Her mind was indeed disappearing. 

Before I closed the book, I felt a flare of power and a shimmering of silver. Eyebrows furrowed, I let my magic dance over the page. The writing shook as if alive. 

'What the hell?'

Was it this headache causing the ink to move? I thought for a moment, racking my brain through the pain. Had I seen this before…? I wasn't sure. 

I naturally closed the book after some consideration. The room spun a little.

I rubbed my temples and staggered out of the room onto the sofa, pulling the blanket over my head and eyes; the darkness eased the pain. 



I grunted out a response, still not lifting the blanket. 

"Soona," Mum cooed, "Migraine?" she asked.

"Yes," I responded sluggishly.

"Always working hard," she uttered, stroking my hair. 

I whined at her statement and felt the furry friend jump onto the armrest near my head,

"The book!"

The little voice opened my eyes more, 'Sooty?' sure enough, green eyes and a furry paw touched my head.

"The book!"

I looked at him in confusion. While he was my familiar, he hardly spoke other than to ask for food, cuddles or… 

'If something was seriously wrong.'

I looked at my mother, confused; she did not understand a word he was meowing.

"What? Is he hungry? I have just fed him," she smiled.

"Come quick!" he urged.

He jumped down from the headrest and his meows were demanding, making me sit up. 

"No. He's talking about a book," I say, rubbing my eyes. 

She follows him while I take the pills she gave me. 

"Erm, Lexi? Did you dig up the necklace?"

My blood runs cold, "…No."

"You might want to see this…" 


I stand in the doorway in disbelief. The necklace sat on top of Grandma Langton's book, covered in splotches of wet mud; the book was open onto a clean page, and the splotches formed lines. Sooty was sitting next to it, looking at me unnervingly. 

"The book." 

"What the hell?" Mum uttered, going around to view it. 

Not wanting to touch it, I whispered, "Elevitarus."

The necklace hovered in the air. The diamond was missing from the back; other than this, the necklace dimly sparkled with the mud and soil coating. 

Mum inspected the page, "The diamond is here." she pointed to the sparkle.

"Why has it moved now?" I uttered.

"Spell." Sooty pawed the book.

"What spell?"

He continued to paw at the book, looking over at me. My eyebrows furrowed further in confusion, yet I moved to the stubborn cat and stood beside my mother. 

I saw the same ghostly writing and placed a hand on the book. The necklace fell, bouncing once on the table before landing on the book. 

The page revealed itself. 



If you are reading this, you have a long journey ahead. One, I cannot help you through. 

I will continue to watch over you and try to guide you however I can.

I pray your father has not destroyed the necklace. You must keep it safe. Follow it through the lifetimes. 

Go back. You must seek the common theme, what started this whole thing.

Break the cycle.

It can be done. Speak to Bristlecast. She will help you. 

Beware the Crows. They serve another. One I cannot see, one I cannot protect you from. 

I am sorry to leave you; I am with you in spirit. Know I am there. 

Listen and look for my signs. 

All my love,

Grandma L.


The writing faded slowly back into the off-white page. The tears from my eyes splashed onto the page, and Mum pulled me into a soul-crushing hug. 

"I told you she wasn't far," she whispered.

I broke.

Authors note!!!

Updates for this story have now changed to every SUNDAY. Thank you for your support! Happy Reading!

Maeve_Lindleycreators' thoughts