
189 A Spatial Disformity and the Girlfriends are Strong

[Host, there are a lot of robots in the sky.]

"Mmm..." Allen pondered what could be happening, considering it was the Stark Expo, it should be some enemy of Tony's. Allen thought for a moment and pulled out his phone to call Nick Fury.

"Fury, there are a bunch of killer robots here..."


After a brief explanation, Allen noticed the girls' gaze; he thought they might be upset that he decided to ignore this problem, but Gwen and MJ's looks said otherwise, they wanted to fight.

As for Felicia, she simply shrugged. "I'd like to take a ride while you save the day."

Allen grabbed her by the collar of her jacket. "Are you going to steal?"

"Hey! What kind of person do you think I am?!"

Allen raised an eyebrow.

"Maybe I'm a thief, but I have my principles; I wouldn't steal on a date," Felicia blinked, trying to be cute, "Unless you don't mind."

Gwen smiled as one of her eyelids twitched. "Hey Felicia, I remind you that we are superheroes..."

Felicia crossed her arms arrogantly. "And I remind you that I know how kinky you can be in private."

Gwen opened her eyes and looked angrily at Allen, but he raised his hands. "Wait, it wasn't me"

Gwen looked behind her only to see MJ sneaking away in the distance, before anyone could say anything, they all received a message from MJ on their phones.

MJ – I'm going to put on my superhero costume, so I'll go ahead ;3.

"That b...*sigh* " Gwen refrained from cursing MJ and looked at Felicia with an expressionless gaze, and then the blonde girl extended her hand. Felicia looked suspiciously and then took it, neither girl said anything, but they reached a mutual agreement of silence.

Allen watched this with relief, it was really complicated to have a superhero girlfriend and a villain girlfriend.

As Allen watched the girls leave, he remembered that they moved the story forward without him. "Wait, doesn't my opinion count?"

[These problems wouldn't affect you if you were a monogamous man.]

"Yeah... that's true."


The place became chaotic with the spread of robots; they even tried to attack civilians, but Spider Gwen and Spinneret fought against the robots, while Tony was facing the other robots in the sky.

People screamed and ran, Allen didn't participate directly, but he avoided the wounded by defending civilians from shots and explosions.

Allen received a call from Tony. "Hey, what are you doing? Why aren't you fighting?!"

"Tony, it's obvious that this is your expo, and your villain didn't want to steal your thunder..." Allen replied sarcastically.

"Don't mess with me!"

"The real reason is that I was a bit lazy, but I can protect civilians from attacks, so you can fight without worries."

"What?!" Tony felt a great weight lifted off his shoulders; Hammer's robots had no mercy, so he was worried there might be many deaths. "Thanks, Allen, sorry for getting worked up!"

"No problem." Allen paused and then continued speaking, "By the way, Tony, why are you wearing the Mrk. Six and not the Prime armor?"

Tony remained silent and embarrassed, he couldn't say he was too lazy to go down to the workshop for it, so he just grabbed the one closest to the door.

Although the Mrk. Six and Prime armor had no comparison, with the new reactor all of Tony's armors had increased power, even capable of using high-power lasers.


"Have you ever read about the three laws of robotics?!" Gwen looped her web around the feet of two robots in the air, and with her super strength, she pulled them to the ground, one crashed, destroying itself upon impact, the other only got damaged, it got up and shot towards Gwen, but she, with her spider-sense well developed by this point, could easily dodge them.

"Bruh look! she's Ghost Spider and Spinneret!" someone said while recording.

"What are you doing? run!" scolded Allen, but he ignored him.

Allen saw the human stupidity of the current era; some people ignored their survival instinct and decided to record Gwen fighting.

Allen shook his head and turned toward the fight.

MJ didn't lag, she used her webs to gain height and landed on one of Hammer's robots, it plummeted, and Mary Jane jumped onto another robot, smashing it to pieces.

While it may seem that the robots are as fragile as Lego for the girls, it's because they are very strong but in reality, these robots can withstand tank fire.

"Destroy it Ghost Spider!"

"You can do it Spinneret!"

"Come on Ironman, there are many more to go!"

Allen was in a bad mood, while the show in the Sky of three superheroes was attractive, the people's lack of concern around him was absurd.

'Hey, if they knew that if it wasn't for me, many would have died?!' Allen refrained from shouting because he was incognito.

People felt safe, and for some reason, no one was hurt despite the explosions and shots, A random guy even started streaming for social networks.

This hasn't been mentioned much, but Allen's existence has inspired many people to create content, even before they should have done so in the future, creating new creators and new creations. However, not everything is rosy; Allen's influence also made it a trend to record dangerous situations like robberies and shootings.


In the sky, Gwen looked at MJ, and both girls nodded.

Gwen jumped to be on top of a pole, MJ from the ground threw her web, which was grabbed by Gwen, and then the blonde girl propelled the redhead into the sky.

"Here we GO!"

MJ flew over a mile high, and most of Hammer's robots followed her from behind, she smiled, turned around, and threw her spiderweb in the form of a net, catching all the drones that were dozens.

MJ didn't stop, she threw several open webs to create a huge cocoon and landed on it. Gwen from the ground shot her webs aiming to link the cocoon; due to the distance, she wouldn't make it, but Spinneret threw her webs towards Gwen's.

With the precision of a surgeon, both lines are connected. Gwen had her feet firmly anchored to the ground, and Mary Jane did the same on the cocoon; both girls screamed and pulled with all their strength, the cocoon seemed like a meteorite heading to the ground in an area free of buildings. The spider web cocoon crashed to the ground and exploded destruction of all the robots.

Everyone watched, including a proud Allen of his girls, this method was ingenious and required great teamwork. Allen knew they weren't sleeping while he acted as a villain, with Diana's help, both girls had become very strong.

Tony, for his part, finished defeating the rest of the drones, feeling a bit unsatisfied that they stole the spotlight from him.

Allen scolded Tony because he wasn't focused, at that moment, he received a call from Ivan Vanko, who challenged him blatantly. Tony's arrogance and narcissism disappeared, and he felt anger against Ivan... no, against Whip Lash.

Allen, for his part, needed to visit Hammer Industries to punch someone; he was in a bad mood because his day was ruined.

Meanwhile, Felicia wandered around the Expo while checking some computers with information on new prototypes.

Felicia is a thief who enjoys stealing valuable objects, although many times she does it not for the money, but because she likes it.

Allen is aware of that but decides not to stop her from doing it, as long as she obeys a few rules, never steals from anyone who can't afford the loss, never steals dangerous or problematic items, and never lies to him about what she steals.

Allen knows that this is part of Felicia, preventing her from doing it is like preventing Wednesday from having torture tools or Rebecca from building technology.

He wasn't going to force them to change or give up their tastes, but a relationship is a commitment from both sides, so as long as they obey a few rules, they are free to do as they please, the same applies to him.


Allen left the Stark Expo and went to see Hammer.

Hammer Industries is a huge building reinforced with state-of-the-art security. Tony was going to infiltrate to locate Ivan Vanko, but Allen was more direct.

He went through the main door, an alarm sounded as red lights flashed throughout the building.

In his office, Justin Hammer was scared. He had been deceived by Ivan, the bastard never intended to help him, he just wanted revenge against Stark. Now there was a monster out there who wanted his head.

"Quick, prepare my helicopter!"

Hammer grabbed one of his guards by the collar, he didn't have much time. Hammer is scared, if Allen were someone else he would feign ignorance and demand to resolve this through legal means, but his opponent, from his point of view, was an irrational monster who wouldn't hesitate to kill him if he got in his way.

Hammer didn't know Allen more than by rumors and some clips he had seen.

Allen walked slowly towards the entrance; the guard post was empty, but several cameras were watching him. The floor opened, and four automatic turrets emerged; they activated and had fifty caliber machine guns.

Allen didn't react...

"Mr. Hammer, are you sure about this?!" One of his guards asked, nervous. Hammer Industries, as an arms company, has the most advanced security systems, but all that seemed useless against Walker.

"I don't care what you do; just keep him away from me!" Justin grabbed his phone and tried to contact Ivan Vanko, to his surprise, he answered.

"You got me into this!" Justin Hammer saw how his dream and future crumbled; no matter how much money or government contacts he had, not even Senator Stern, who had allied with him to take down Tony, could save him.

Ivan was smoking as he prepared to face Tony with his upgraded suit. "Yeah, I tricked you... but there's one thing I didn't lie about, bring the brat to the portal... you have the activation key."

"Wait... does that thing work?!"


Hammer opened his mouth, unable to believe what he was hearing. Hammer's gaze turned to the security cameras.


Allen walked slowly through Hammer Industries while the machine guns fired five thousand rounds per minute; all bullets were stopped by the Infinity.

Allen said calmly "Wednesday..."

Shadows enveloped the turrets and crushed them to dust.

From the roof of the building, a huge swarm of armed drones was deployed into the sky.

Allen looked at the sky and whispered, "Rebecca..."

"Yeah!!" Rebecca landed in front of Allen and hacked the drones in seconds, then made them shoot each other.

Allen arrived in front of a reinforced door. "Artoria..." Allen murmured.

The Lion King stepped forward, enveloped in golden light and with her spear, Rhongomyniad, in hand. She only needed to touch the door with the tip to create a huge hole through several reinforced steel doors protecting the place.

Allen entered without hurry Hammer's heart sank, Allen hadn't even lifted a finger, and his women had already dealt with his security system.

Hammer ran to the portal he didn't know if it would work, but it was his only chance. He felt that even if he fled in a helicopter, Allen would catch up to him and kill him.

At the same time, a group of armed robots deployed in front of Allen; they weren't humanoid like the ones that attacked the Stark Expo, these seemed to be Hammer's prototypes.


"I would prefer them to be humans," Esdeath adjusted her hat, exuding a great murderous intent.

"I need to talk to him alive," Allen interrupted Esdeath, who intended to kill everyone in the building. While Hammer has many things automated, he still has human guards and internal staff.

"Tsk... I understand." All the robots that were already firing were frozen in an instant; Allen continued walking as the metal robots disintegrated due to their current fragility.


Justin Hammer was almost wetting his pants, but he reached the portal. This portal, in theory, would open a connection to the Negative Zone to trap Allen there.

Was it possible? What the hell was the Negative Zone? How could they put Allen in there?

Of course, all were lies, Ivan tried to create a portal, but there's a 99% chance it'll explode. Even if that explosion doesn't kill Allen, it would keep him busy while Ivan kills Tony Stark.

Hammer was too stupid and blinded by ambition, and now by fear; otherwise, he would realize that Ivan never saw him as anything more than a walking wallet and his jester.

Hammer activated the "portal."

It was a giant machine with a circular ring that would theoretically connect a convex with another world.

Allen opened his eyes when the giant ring began to glow. He instinctively created a sphere with Destruction Ki to destroy that thing.



[Analyzing readings... detecting disformity... this could work... Host, it's the missing piece!]


[It can't be... all this time it's not that I couldn't take him out, something was preventing it...]

The system seemed very concentrated, and Allen didn't want to interrupt her, but that unstable portal started absorbing everything in its path.


Hammer clung to a cable, but he would not be able to resist for long, so he started begging for his life.

"I wanted to know what kind of man is capable of something like this but Hammer you are disappointing." Allen remained indifferent.


"I'm sorry... I don't think I'm such a good person to save someone who tried to kill me"

"NOOOOOO!!" with a desperate look, Justin Hammer disappeared into the portal.

Tony called Allen to inform him that his fight against Ivan Vanko was over and where he was.

Allen closed his eyes for a moment; he had to make his decision, it was unexpected, but the opportunity to get more fragments presented itself. Hopefully, in a less dangerous place.

Of course, he didn't plan to be out for long, maybe a week at most; any help he gets is good.

Allen decided not to close the portal and started his stream...

What awaits him is unknown... it could be a blessing or a hell...


A/N: My previous patreon was removed, I made a new one and now my new patreon is: Patreon.com/_Aizen
