
Chapter 45: Reminiscing About the Past (1)

Chapter 45: Reminiscing About the Past (1)


(Two months ago, in a hotel in Italy…)

The two-week long business trip Edric had been busy with was finally over. He just had to attend the party this evening as the closing event. And after that, he could finally go home.

"I want to skip and just go home," Edric sighed as he fixed his necktie. 

He badly wanted to skip the formalities and just fly back home but it would be rude to the investors and other business partners who would also attend. 

He did not spend much time dressing up. He just made sure he looked decent enough.

What use would it be if his own wife would not even see him?

Edric missed Loreen. 

He wanted to see her pretty smile and hold her tight in his arms. He knew she would surely run running into his arms once he arrived home.

He smiled at the thought. It always felt good to be welcomed home like that.
