
Chapter 12: A New Direction and Meaning

Chapter 12: A New Direction and Meaning


'That's right. I can work. I can study. I can travel as I please.


'I can do whatever I want!


'Why didn't I think about this sooner?!'


Just like her sudden vacation here.


She had decided this when she was already in the airport. She simply booked her ticket right there after hearing from the people sitting beside her that this place was relaxing and rejuvenating.


She had no accommodation in mind and simply looked for a place to stay when she arrived here.


All of it was random and on the spot which she could not do when she was married.


Edric did not like her traveling abroad without him. He said it was dangerous.


But Loreen was just fine despite travelling without a plan.


Even her tours here were random. She simply accepted what the hotel staff offered her. And things went just fine.


It was true that it was lonely and cold without Edric. But she was breathing just fine.


She was still alive even though she had lost the motivation to live and had been wasting her time here for two weeks without a goal in mind.


But meeting the girl was such a powerful enlightenment and awakening to Loreen.


She realized she wasn't the only one suffering. There are a lot of people going through so much more. And that if she could no longer live for herself, she could live for others.


Just like the little girl, there were people out there who may need her help.


'That's right.  I do not need to wallow in self-pity and sorrow when there are more useful and meaningful things I could do.


'Granny always enjoyed social work. I can live just like her.


'Even if I die poor, my life was meaningful and fulfilled.


'Granny had a smile on her face when she died. Maybe, I can look for another NGO engaged in social work.'


Loreen finally thought of a new direction in her life after her divorce.


Her life may have rotated around Edric for the past three years, but now, she had a new reason to live.


After such realizations, Loreen finally had the courage to open her phone. She had it on silent mode the whole time and never opened it despite charging it at least every two or three days.


'Oh, right. I forgot. I should have left this phone. Even this was a gift from Edric. I need to buy a new phone and have this sent to the mansion.'


The phone still had connection even here since Edric already had it activated in case, she would travel with him to other countries.


"Huh? What the hell is wrong with this guy?!" Loreen tilted her head at what greeted her.


She had 200 missed calls from her ex-husband.


'Did my notes annoy him that much?'


Loreen checked her messages. She had 100 messages from Edric. 


'My goodness. What's wrong with him?'


This was the first time he called and messaged her that much in a span of two weeks.


It was so unbelievable that Loreen could not help laughing out loud for the first time since their divorce.


She did not want to read the messages, but her curiosity killed her. 


'I can do this.'


She already felt so much better after realizing there were a lot of other things, she could do aside from being Edric's darling obedient wife.



(Five minutes after Loreen left their residence…)


Answer my call. (sent 1x)


(10 minutes later…)


ANSWER MY CALL. (sent 5x)


(20 minutes later…)





Even sending messages ten times consecutively was new. Edric only sent her short and concise messages. And she does not receive much.


He was mild on the first text message since he was likely still guilty about asking for divorce on the same day of their wedding.


But his frustration from not getting his calls answered immediately was evident on the second text message. 


Loreen usually answered his calls a few seconds after they rang. And she always replied to his messages quickly.


"Ah, this must after he read my notes," she laughed when he began cussing in his messages.


Loreen figured he was trying to pick up a fight with her again, but she did not answer a single call since she was busy crying her heart out in the cab.



(1 hour after Loreen left their residence…)




(2 hours after she left the residence…) (sent 2x)

Why the hell are all your monthly allowances still here? Why did you not use them? 

The bank account was also never used. Why? 

Did you think I could not afford to give you these?

And you did NOT sign the alimony. How dare you tear the documents to pieces?

Was this also part of your plan?

Are you playing hard to get? 



"Playing hard to get?! How am I playing hard to get? I simply had no use for all that," Loreen glared at her screen. She did not know Edric was this full of himself.


Is this really the man she was in love with?


'Did he think I would grovel on his knees and beg him not to divorce me? 


'I did try to make him change his mind, but I still have a bit of pride. 


'I won't grovel or throw a tantrum for him to change his mind.'


Loreen was beginning to regret reading the messages, but she was curious about what Edric had to say about her notes, so she continued reading.



(3 hours after she left their residence…) (sent 2x)


Fine. I do feel bad to have done this on our anniversary when you prepared a celebration. I did not intend to do this today. I was so busy I did not feel the days passed by.

I did not intend to be violent with you either. For that I apologize. I lost my calm. You know I never hurt you in the span of our marriage.

But I will not change my mind about the divorce so just accept the alimony.

This is the end of our relationship so don't expect me to give more. 

No matter what you do, I cannot give you part of my inheritance since my family will not allow it.

I'll also have the cash allowances you did not use deposited to your bank account. 

Return to the house after three days and sign the new alimony documents.

The house is also part of your alimony so I'm the one who's moving out.



'He's trying to make excuses. It still doesn't change the fact that he forgot our anniversary. I have been thinking about it the month before it.'


Loreen glared at her phone. It would have broken to pieces with the tightness of her grip if she was strong enough.

