


Few hours before the fireworks.....

Cortez leaned on a carriage, taking a drag from his cigar. The weather was cold, yet the girl was running around at the shore, laughing like the whole world and their problems did not bother her. Cortez had his eyes glued to Axilla, who was trying to throw sand on her friend.

His eyes had always been on Axilla, watching all her actions. Who she met with, who she greeted, and even who she stared at. And it was during this time he noticed how her eyes were always on him. Taking another drag from his cigarette, he puffed the smoke in the air, enjoying the innocence and warmth the girl brought to people around her effortlessly.

"You always have your eyes on her, like a mother hen." Cortez's solitude was disrupted by an annoying voice which he was familiar with and, at the same time, disgusted by.
