


Axilla walked into the prison where Clephas was being held, carrying a basket filled with fruits and bread.

"Good morning, Clephas," Axilla greeted politely, setting down the items she brought from the palace kitchen.

"Axilla, dear," Clephas acknowledged.

Axilla frowned, "I thought everyone knows you are innocent, why are you still in chains, and your clothes are all worn out?" the young girl said, looking worried.

Clephas let out a small laugh, touched by the concern, he was happy that even though he did not have children of his own. He still had people who worried for him like they were his own family.

"I am doing just fine. They have to follow protocols. I will be released in no time, don't worry your head," Clephas reassured her, gently patting her head.

Axilla decided to let the discussion go, thinking that maybe she would report to the princess after she leaves.
