
Chapter 010

- No... Well, not entirely but... She twirled her hair between her fingers, before laughing. - Isn't it fun? I've always had so much fun watching him from afar and now I can kind of join in on the fun, isn't that cool?

-... So you're just the rich, lonely kid that no one plays with and that's why you buy them? - Akeno asked, smiling. Rias blushed.

-N-It's not like that!


Stay away from her. - Akeno spoke calmly, with a very dangerous smile. Buchou is coming to have lunch with me. - The brunette said while holding one of her King's hands.

- I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I have something very important to talk to her about. - Naruto said, while holding Rias' other hand.

- Look... We can all have lunch together. - Rias tried to find a way out of that situation. The whole school watching that event was kind of boring. No, she didn't care about that... But after 2 weeks with Naruto within his nobility and with him and Akeno constantly fighting, it got really boring.

They both ignored it.

- I don't think this is as important as having lunch with your Queen, mere Tower. - Akeno barbed.

- Mere tower? This tower can definitely kick your ass, believe me. - Naruto replied with a smile.

- Ara? Without your "Dattebayo"? - She laughed. - Or did you finally realize how pathetic this is and stop using it?

- It's pathetic to hide under a mask. The blonde replied.

Akeno stared at him coldly despite her gentle smile.

- It's not like you don't hide with one too, right? - She laughed softly. -She's so happy and happy... I can see the pain in her heart.

Naruto looked at her and then sighed.

- I think you're right. He said, letting go of Rias' hand, while Akeno pulled her close.

- It saw? You can be human-like when you want to be. She thanked him in her own way.

The blonde shrugged and stuck his hands in his pockets.

Yes, Akeno... I, as a good and completely normal human being, who has not strayed from the kind ways of our lord Lucifer, know how to be seated. But don't worry, that doesn't make her inferior... On the contrary, it makes her equal...

Should I have listened to something you were saying? - She laughed when she interrupted.

Naruto sighed.

Well... I guess we're not that different, but I certainly have something that you don't... He said, before taking something from his pockets and throwing it on the floor. - Smoke bomb!

Said and done, the small bomb exploded in a lot of smoke that quickly covered almost the entire corridor, making some students cough in fright and Akeno pull Rias closer...

Or that's what she thought she managed to do, before realizing she had pulled a random student.

-Oh! Naruto~~~o! Put me down! She heard the redhead's scream from afar, as she saw Naruto's blurred form disappear with the redhead in his arms bridal style.

- Ara? -She couldn't believe what she saw, it was simply unimaginable that the blonde could be slowed down to that extent... Not really. It was just like him.

It seemed like she had lost this fight now.

But it wasn't like she couldn't get revenge.

When the smoke disappeared, Akeno sighed, and put her hand on her face.

- My God! Uzumaki Naruto-san kidnapped Rias after she refused to engage in ugly activities in high school! She said dramatically while pointing at the - blonde running away.

Luckily for her, the Baseball and Football clubs were passing by together and, not seeing what had really happened, they took her word for it, after all, the blonde was, in fact, an enemy of all of them as he refused to play these games. sports.

- What?! Blonde Demon!

- Is there no limit to this monster's evil?!

Recover Rias-onee-sama! Don't let that monster take her virginity~~!

Akeno simply smiled as she watched the events unfold.


Naruto groaned in sadness as he stood "on all fours" on his side in front of Rias's desk, who currently had her ass sitting on the blonde's back.

- I still don't understand... I fought with those two clubs to defend your honor and you treat me like that Rias-chan?! - Naruto shouted indignantly.

Well, nobody told you to kidnap me first. - She said with a calm and happy smile. She was really having fun with this... Naruto was like a wild horse that no one could ride

Naruto sighed.

- If that's so, Rias-chan... - Then he shrugged. - At least I can feel that soft ass on my back...

That comment made Issel, who was sitting on the couch, cry tears of blood..

- I also want to feel Buchou's soft ass~~! - He shouted emotionally, making Koneko, sitting next to him, look at him with even more coldness.

....Disgusting pervert. She said calmly, making Issei cry a little more.

- Oh, Koneko-chan! Don't be so bad! He begged, but she denied with more and more terrible words for the dark-skinned young man.

- And even? - Rias smiled. Akeno, you can slap his ass 4 times, as this punishment is too light for the great Uzumaki.

- Ara? Buchou, you are such a good King~~!- Akeno said, while smiling sadistically with a huge blush on her cheeks.

Naruto's eyes widened.

-N-No! R-Rias-chan! Please do not! No! He screamed until he felt a really strong slap on his back. He couldn't help but let out a soft cry of pain.

Ah~~! Uzumaki-kun, you may be a rubbish person... But your screams of pain are so beautiful and perfect~~s! Please let me hear more of these. She gave another slap and Naruto, crying inside, held back the pain.

Issei, Kiba and Koneko watched the events a little sad, while the

- Ara... Please don't hold back. I beg you, just one more of this glorious scream~~! Another slap and a muffled groan from the blonde.

He was sure that the power behind them was increasing greatly... She was using magic!

With her hands crackling with energy, Akeno smiled before landing another slap.

The blonde couldn't hold it back... A scream of pain came from his mouth and then one of pleasure came from Akeno's mouth. She was red, sweating and looking almost asleep with pleasure...

Naruto felt like doing something he hadn't felt like doing in a long time: He wanted to cry.






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