
Leaving the country

Waking the next morning I head downstairs to eat with Lucien as Nilan is still gone dealing with the infection outbreak, when someone rings on our doorbell. Lucien gets up and heads over opening the door to people in the Neelan countries military uniform armed with swords at their sides, "We are here to ask if you currently have anyone with healer abilities at home as we have entered country wide shut down due to disease out break and all those able to help are being requested to report to the government."

I hear Lucien sigh before saying, "My son is a healer but he is only 22 years old and is not a member of any group whether it be a guild or faction and by law you have no right to come asking for his aide. I am very aware of the laws of this empire and I know what my son is required and not required to do."

I get up to see things that are happening more clearly, I approach and can see the soldier can now see me in the back ground and one gives me a look that is anything but appropriate.

"Sir aiding ones country is only proper I can help your son sign up with the Hansen faction I am a member myself after all, I am sure anyone would be willing to take a healer like him." The one giving me the inappropriate look says, it is clear his agenda is no longer just to get me to go help with the infection but to get a claim on me.

I walk up beside Lucien and give my opinion on this so called good soldier, "If you didn't look at me like you would drug me in a bar and take me home maybe I would have agreed but from the look on your face I wouldn't make it to the infected. Also I am not born in this country and neither is my father so although we live here neither of us are actually citizens of this country but are from the beastman nation."

I can see the other soldier who has been nothing but polite give the other one a look that clearly showed his disapproval but he said nothing as the badge on his shoulder had one less sword on it proving he was a lower standing officer.

I return to the kitchen and continue eating while Lucien shoos them away before returning as well, "You should be more polite, he could go make trouble to the person supporting him and they may try and charge you with a random crime so he can get you. With a mass infection breakout like this corruption will drastically increase and he has the backing of a Dukes faction, although we are supported by both be embassies and friends of the king the man may use his influence to kidnap you and cover it up. I am thinking of moving away until things blow over, the Lycaonia country is currently in peace and will welcome us without prejudice."

It is clear the country is heading to an internal fight due to corruption and if the king doesn't crack down soon it may even become a civil war that wants the king off the throne, it is clear staying here much longer may not be an option.

"I will pack my bags so you get everything ready to leave so we can head out before things really head fully south." I respond, he will probably get Nilan to return home and we will all leave together. I head upstairs to begin packing as it is clear we will not remain long so it is best to be ready to leave as soon as possible, I can hear Lucien grabbing his items and heading out most likely to get in contact with Nilan and book train tickets in advance.

Looks like it will be a while before I can return to the tower a pity as I just started back up a month ago but I would rather be safe then continue climbing with the risky environment waiting for me when I leave.

I head to the practice room to workout and practice my martial arts as I will not be going to the tower for while.

When Lucien returns he tells me, "We leave two weeks from now, Nilan will be back in a week and a half and it will be another two week journey to Lycaonia, the country is a beastman one filled with wolf and dog beastman so they are mostly friendly if a little territorial. So no need to worry over any discrimination though they will definitely flirt more then you are used to they are also very good at understanding the word no, no need to worry over being badgered all the time."

I nod in understanding and we wait anxiously for Nilan to return home so as to make sure everything is going to go okay, he arrives at the two and a half week mark and has his bag packed the day he gets back, but the next day a group of soldiers starts to walk the street around our neighborhood and they have been nothing but perverts often hitting on everyone and not taking no for an answer.

When the time to leave rolls around we have remained in the house for the whole time with only Lucien leaving to get food for the trip, we lock everything up grab all our things and head out with only me holding the potted plant and everything else in a space bag it is hard to tell we are moving.

Soldiers see me and begin to cat call but we continue on our way to the train station which is filled with different officers checking people for an infection or any signs of health problems, we get in line and head up when one of the soldiers pulls on my arm and I have to hold to my plant tightly not to drop it. "Where are you heading, I never seen someone like you before around here I need to ask some questions to make sure of no problems." The one that grabbed me said.

"He is a member of the embassy party sent by the beastman feathered tribe and unless you are a Lieutenant General to have the right to detain and question him." Lucien cuts in ripping the mans hand off my arm while holding up our papers.

The man backs off clearly realizing he isn't going to get the fun he was hoping for, we get checked and are shown to be clear the look of disappointment is clear on the military personnel faces.

We board the train with no more interferences and go to our booked first class room, closing the sliding door behind us and locking it for privacy, it is clear things are going downhill fast in the country.

Lucien gets on the communication orb and tells the other of his party of what has happened as well as the current problems in the capital making it clear to leave now letting them know to meet up in Lycaonia, we are seated for an hour when a nock on the door comes and Lucien opens it to a ticket inspector who scans our tickets and leaves.

Two days later we arrive at the border of the country and people are being asked to show their I.D.s and their paperwork for leaving, we show ours and the soldier looks over it closely while also looking me up and down, but there is nothing he can do as it is done properly and detaining a ambassador is a good way to get other countries involved in whatever internal breakdown is occurring. 

We get out of the country and two month mark after my 22nd birthday we arrive in the country of Lycaonia.
