
10 going 11

P.O.V. Izel (second eldest child and Aadi's sister)

She had taken over for her brother a year ago and had a new found respect for all the things he succeeded with packing into his small limited time, she also felt that maybe her brother is probably happier not having to give all of himself to others anymore now that he is dead. She felt that if she had to spend another year being peoples nanny's she was going to strangle one of them, most likely the 6th born child who turned 6 a month after Aadi disappeared, and is slowly driving her mad with pranks and unwillingness to do as he is told. He is high mid potential.

The twins are well behaved but have stopped working in the farms as so to focus on studying more, the teachers say's with their good mannerisms and intelligence, they will be near guaranteed scholarships and can work jobs more advanced like repair or in managing. They turned nine in April, and are low high potential but poor health makes them unable to become hunters in the future so are treated like high mid potential instead.

The fifth turned 8 in may and has become very meek, quite, and easily scared since then. He was also born with lowest potential like their lost brother.

Her own birthday was exactly ten months from her brothers and she knew she had become more brash and forth coming with her words and actions, although she was born with high mid grade potential she has always thought she would follow her older brother. Without him here she intends to make as much as possible, and the easiest way to do that is by being a hunter.

The 7th had officially joined them in school as his birthday was December just barely making the cut off of his year. He had low mid potential.

The eight and ninth were both premature and were born back to back, lowest potential and bad health meant they would be deemed to weak for public school when they turned five and taken in by the government for basic living so as to learn a skill they can do despite low capability.

The 10th was high low potential with good physical health but was only 2 years old.

The 11th and last born was their parents pride and joy with mid high potential and great physical fitness even at the young age of 1, and showing signs of heightened intelligence known for those with above average potential.

He represents exactly why they had 11 kids despite hating children and living purely on government aide.

Honestly her parents had slightly above average luck with her and her siblings being mostly those that can at least reach D-grade, as those high low grade and up have the potential to reach that grade.

She had signed up to transfer to a military training facility when she turned twelve, as long as she met the basic fitness and knowledge she could go for free in exchange for serving in the city defense force for 5 years. Which would look great when looking for a guild after retiring from it, and if she got to injured from active duty she would be given a guaranteed government aid until a viable job was found and a place to stay along with one meal a day if she was ever fired.

She knew it was a risky position but she wanted to help those who would be in the same situation that had claimed her brother.

This is not a dual protaganist story I just really want to show what has happened and changed by him not being their and how his "death" effected others. Most those like this don't show this in depth really but it is like only showing part of a whole scenario.

Kayle_ezelcreators' thoughts