
Chapter 14

The cemetery was cool and calm. Only the rooks, with their incessant hubbub, created an atmosphere of anxiety. In this cemetery, mostly nobles were buried because, according to the status, it was not supposed to be buried like the poor. Therefore, graveyards and mounds were luxurious, neat and tidy. The remnants of the funeral feast were regularly burned, and fresh ashes were regularly poured on the dead.

The grave where the unfortunate husband of Princess Heonui rested was fresh and tidy and was located in the cemetery temple, where the royal tomb stood — with rich tomb decorations; they turned their heads to the west, with a cross at their feet, so that the crucifix was exactly on the forehead.

Heonui was silent. Holding Mimi, trembling like an autumn leaf, she slowly approached the temple. The servants whispered disapprovingly but did not give a loud voice.

"Come, Your Royal Highness," Mimi pointed to the gate. "He is lying right here."

Heonui began to cry and, with her hand ordering everyone to stay outside, slowly entered the temple, closing the bolt behind her, from the roar of which the fields immediately noised in horror.

The tomb space inside looked much more spacious than it might seem from the outside — its stone walls, although often washed and decorated with stones, still gave off dampness. The crypt was cold, the wind was blowing everywhere, and falling drops of water were heard, echoing as they fell on the candelabra. Heonui swallowed back her tears and approached the coffin standing in the center of the hall, right on the floor.

The thought that her beautiful, talented, inimitable Wang Tae was lying inside so pressed on her heart that she did not dare to open the lid to glance at him. Falling on the coffin and embracing it with both hands, she sobbed:

When will I smile now?

When can I look at the sun?

How can I live alone?

How could you leave me to cry?

I just tasted your love,

But you did not let me experience

How is it to be your wife

And lock the union

Of two lovers' hearts.

You threw me to the wolves

And to the swamp bog

For a kikimora to catch.

Oh, Wang Tae, how could you, my love,

leave me forever

And condemn me forever

To live a life of a phantom?

Come back, my love! Come back, my dear love!

Where can I find solace

If not by your side?

Oh, please, oh, take me with you

If you can…"

The walls shook. Heonui, looking around with tearful eyes, rose to her feet. Thunder boomed. Women's screams were heard outside.

What she saw paralyzed her.

Wang Tae appeared before her, as if alive. Not how she remembered his spectre, but how she remembered him alive. He stood before her in his wedding attire. His eyes were full of fire, there was a smile on his face, and his hands were outstretched to the Princess. He remained silent and smiled, letting the wind ruffle his beautiful hair.

"My Wang Tae!" she exclaimed, rushing to meet him, but as soon as she reached him, she fell on the icy floor of the crypt.

"Heonui dear!" she heard the voice of Mimi knocking at her from the street. "Such a downpour started! Let us leave soon, shall we!"

Heonui, swaying from the impact on the floor, tried to get up, but it was very hard. And then, as if some unknown force in an instant, raised her to her feet. Not daring to move, Heonui just stood there. The picture of what she saw stood before her eyes. She witnessed Wang Tae indeed...

Mimi kept knocking on her door.

"What did you do? Did you fall? My poor, did you fall unconscious there? Oh, why did you order us to stay out? My poor!"

Heonui got up and walked to the door, staggering and holding on to the walls.

"Get in the carriage, Mimi. I haven't seen him yet... in the coffin..." Her voice sounded so quiet, almost a whisper, but Mimi caught everything.

"Well, no way, Your Royal Highness, I won't leave you anymore, even if you are dragging me by ears out, I won't leave you! Let me help you open the coffin. I shall not embarrass you. I shall turn my back!"

Heonui, who in the depths of her soul had experienced unbearable fear from the fact that she had seen her husband alive a moment ago, was now afraid to look at him in a coffin.

"Leave me, Mimi… I do not want anything. It hurts me to see him. And really, better stay with me. Help me," stammered Heonui, opening the door locks, uttering the words with difficulty and confused in her thoughts. Mimi, barely able to enter, followed.

For a moment, all the young ladies stood listening to the downpour through the open door of the temple. Mimi mustered up her courage and finally went inside and opened the lid.

Heonui let out a heart-rending cry of disagreement and rushed to the coffin. Her Wang Tae, the love of her heart, lay lifeless, disfigured by putrefactive decay. She did not want to see him, but Mimi made her.

"I want to help," she pleaded. "You shall not recover another way, for sure so."

Heonui stroked him and did not hear the exhortation of Mimi, who was now unsuccessfully trying to pull her away from the dead man.

"Come back, my love! Come back, my dear love! Please, take me with you, if you can…" she whispered in his pale, unrecognizable ear.

"Shhh…" the leaves of the graveyard trees rustled. "Shhh..."
