"We're all ready." Back in the college lab the plan was ready to go forward. Mac had finished whatever he was working on and packed up, even though didn't have anything to carry but an odd metallic backpack and a few gadgets hidden on his person. The others all carry backpacks with rations and some unknown items Machiavelli said would be useful.
"So what do we do now?" Nick asks?
"Wait for my signal." Machiavelli says checking his futuristic looking watch.
"Which is?" He follows up with another question.
"This," Machiavelli clicks a button on his watch and a low detonation sound followed by hissing gas goes off on the other side of the door. Leaving the room, they see the guards on duty and the team sent to relieve them all asleep on the floor. "Well done, the knockout gas was a success." He says nodding to Elizabeth. "Let's move. That's a weak sedative, so they'll be up soon. Lead the way Nurse Elizabeth."
She produces a map of the entire campus marked with information like what each room was used for, guard stations and shifts, camera locations, etc. They had discussed a route that offered the least resistance beforehand. Elizabeth guides them down the path with no hitches whatsoever, pause here to avoid passing guards, take this hall where the camera is broken, cut through this classroom to avoid others. "Just around this corner and we'll be home fr-" She sees several soldiers standing guard at the exit and steps backwards. "There are guards, there weren't supposed to be guards here right now!" She says in a panicked whisper.
"Hey! Stop! Who's over there!" One of the guards notices her.
"Shit what do we do?" Elizabeth asks looking for something of use.
"Nick, time to prove your worth," Machiavelli says with his evil smile.
"Huh- wait!" Before he realizes what was going on Machiavelli pushes Nicolas out into the open. "Umm hi guys…"
"What the fuck are you doing?!" Elizabeth punches Machiavelli in the back of the head for pushing Nick into harm, and Griselda was cursing at him in Spanish and slapping him. Both of which he tunes out while waiting for his moment.
"Who are you what are you doing back here?! Who is with you?" It doesn't take much for them to draw their guns. "Are you sick? Get back to your designated area now!"
"Well, you see…" Nick isn't sure what to say.
"Die pigs!" Machiavelli yells while also throwing a black ball over Nick's head at the same time. As tense and overworked as they were, the soldiers believed Nick said it and open fire. He braces himself for the end, but not a single bullet touches him. The ball floating above his head had attracts them all like a magnet. Before anyone could realize what happened Machiavelli rounds the corner with swift and silent steps, everyone loses track of him thinking he vanished as they barely see his afterimage fade away.
When Nick looks up he sees Machiavelli standing by the door cleaning blood from his hands with a handkerchief. For a second, he could've sworn he saw a claw, but when Machiavelli looks his hand over it's normal. Maybe he imagined it? The soldiers all lay dead, each of them had their skulls pierced like a bullet went through them. They weren't going to get up for a second go.
"I'm getting slow…he would've got them all in a single move." Machiavelli grumbles to himself. The magnet above Nicholas drops all of the bullets and returns to Machiavelli's hand disappearing into his ring. He looks back and gestures towards the exit. "Shall we go?"
Elizabeth and Griselda round the corner and walk past the bodies mortified, they look over the two young men who were unharmed. "What happened? "Griselda asks."
"Mass suicide?" Machiavelli lies before Nick could say what he saw. Neither Griselda nor Elizabeth could really believe that but there was no obvious evidence to suggest otherwise. So, they don't question it too much. Elizabeth opens the door using a stolen janitor's key and they step into a cool dark night. The screams of the dying and gunshots ring out in the distance. "Nice, I didn't have to set off any of the bombs you planted."
"Wait, what bombs? You never said anything about bombs!" Elizabeth exclaims just becoming aware of how dangerous some of the tasks he had her do were.
Mac brushes off her concern, "Nevermind that. It was a last resort, but everything went well. There's a garage nearby with a ride ready for us. Stay close to me and stay quiet."
Nicholas was upset about being used as bait, but after what he wasn't sure he saw, he didn't want to test it. He just followed along quietly. Machiavelli uses his sat phone's GPS to lead the group down a short series of alleyways when they notice a mob of walkers crowding around an apartment building's back door. "What's going on over there?" Nick asks unable to ignore the commotion.
"Nothing we need to worry about…just ignore that and stay silent. We're almost there." Machiavelli advises without paying any attention that direction. He went out of his way to make sure that he had as few dangerous encounters as possible, it'd be stupid to go diving into trouble.
"Wait do you hear that?" Elizabeth stops Machiavelli. "There's a baby crying. Up there in that apartment's second story window."
"Well they can't reach up there so it should be fine." Machiavelli said trying to keep moving. "I'm sure the child's parents will return soon."
"I wouldn't count on that," Nick chimes in seeing another undead locked outside on the balcony. "We've gotta do something before it gets inside."
"What can you do? Machiavelli asks. "Just a few days ago you couldn't guarantee your own life."
"I don't know, but we have to do something. It's a baby. We can't leave a baby to die!" Nick was starting to get worked up.
"Yeah he's right. What kind of monster could just look away?!" Elizabeth says.
'I can't look away'. That's what his goody two shoes brother would always says before he goes and does something stupid and heroic. As much as it pains Machiavelli to admit, Julius influences him for better or worse. "Ughghhh! Fine everyone just shut up, and stay here…" Machiavelli grumbles walking towards the apartment.
"What are you going to do?" Elizabeth moves to stop him.
"Grabbing the baby…what else?"
"Let me help you." Nick volunteers.
"No, you'll only be a liability. Give me two minutes." Machiavelli says with a sharp glare. He swiftly climbs up to another ledge of the same building and seeing the door and window locked, he pulls out what looked like some kind of Swiss army knife. With a glass cutting tool he cut out a large hole in the window and disappears into the building. Inside Machiavelli had killed the several undead residents before they even noticed him. He quickly scans for useful items to add to his inventory. After he exits the apartment's front door, he picked the neighboring door's lock and crept in. Silent as a mouse he made sure there were no undead inside the apartment, and after grabbing a diaper bag he saw scooped the baby up. "Hey you little shit, you're lucky these people don't value their lives let alone mine. I was going to leave you to die, yes I was. Those dead people were going to have you for a snack, and I would've lost no sleep at all." He speaks in a soothing voice. Despite his evil words the little baby boy calms down in his arms. "Alright, now for our daring escape." Mac says looking at the horde outside. He tosses a little pod out the window into the crowd of walkers, and using his watch he remote controls it to roll away before playing 'Walk this way' really loudly. The mob slowly started to peel away and follow the rolling speaker, even the one on the balcony trips over the railing and stumbles after them. With a clear space he hops down and rejoins the others. "Congrats you have a baby now," he said putting the child in Nick's arms. As soon as he takes his first step away the baby starts crying again. "Do you really have to do that kid? I saved you isn't that enough?" Machiavelli pleads.
"Well for starters that's not how you hold a baby. Let me see him, "Elizabeth says checking him all over, before cradling him and gently swaying back and forth. "Doesn't look like he needs to be changed or has any injuries, but I can imagine he's hungry. Who knows how long he was left there?" Elizabeth said.
"Not too long. Who I assume was his mother had a bullet in her head in there. Probably left him hoping someone would find him after she was bitten…just like this." Machiavelli said feeling like he was played just now.
"Check and see if there is anything in that bag we can use." Elizabeth said ignoring his attitude.
Machiavelli hands the bag to Nick, who fishes out a bottle. He hands it to Elizabeth who tries to feed the baby, but the baby refused to eat.
"Annoying little creature." Machiavelli sighs and starts walking again. "Let's not waste more time." After a few steps the baby begins to cry louder.
"What's wrong with it? That thing is going to get us killed." Machiavelli turns around growing frustrated.
"I don't know I'm not a baby whisperer!" Elizabeth snaps back getting frustrated herself.
"You guys wanted it, make it be quiet." Machiavelli says, "aren't you a mother?"
"And that suddenly makes me an expert? My only son is around your age!"
It was Griselda who noticed the baby calming down when Machiavelli re-entered his line of sight while they argue. She simply took him and hands him back to Machiavelli and the crying stops immediately. "Felicitaciones por tu bebe (conrgratulations on your baby)." It bothered him to no end being stuck with this random baby, but he was finally quiet, so Machiavelli just went with it.
The group arrived at a locked garage door. Already having the key ready, Machiavelli opened it to reveal a black van modded with grill guards, tire spikes and reinforced windows. and the key for the van was sitting on the hood waiting for them.
"Perfect as always Heather," Machiavelli says opening the driver door. They looked inside to see it was fully loaded with snacks, a first aid kit, and weapons among other things. "And we're off! Finally!" He starts to get in when Elizabeth stops him.
"You can't drive and hold the baby." She stops him again when he was going to get in the passenger seat, "air bags." He just glared and got in the back cursing to himself.
Finally on the road, most people had already cleared out and the remaining dead were as good as roadkill before their van. Following the GPS they head for the outskirts of the city to the safehouse. When a truck full of marauders started to chase them, Mac threw a grenade out the window and blew them up. Everyone was startled but halfway expected something like that at this point. "I know it was a nice throw, right?" Mac asks to the baby who laughs during the explosion.
"I'm worried about how he's going to turn out being around you…" Elizabeth says glancing at them in the rearview mirror.
"If he's with me he'll be brilliant," Mac answers letting the baby hold his finger. She couldn't help but smile seeing he'd already started to care for the child, he wasn't as coldhearted as he acted.
About an hour later they arrive at a small farmhouse a good distance outside of the city. "Is this the place?" Nick asks.
"It's what the GPS says," Elizabeth answers.
"They're already here." Mac says noticing the other van parked out front. They park beside it and all of them get out. The front door swings open and a girl runs out to hug Nick.
"Nick! You- you look good. Have you gained weight? Your skin is glowing and your eyes look so clear, what happened? Are you pregnant?" Looking him over it was clear to Alicia how much healthier her brother has gotten.
"Haha very funny," Nick says trying to ignore her joke. "I told you I'd be alright."
Just then the others start to pour out of the house to reunite with their family members. Mac looks at the crowd and steps away to avoid having to see all the waterworks and hugging. "This is a lot…let's go check out the barn," He says to the baby as he goes makes his way to the second building. "Just enough room," he says as he pulls a passenger helicopter from his inventory. "We'll go with this..."
"Dr. Machiavelli!" Elizabeth comes into the barn. "Oh wow…" Seeing the high-end helicopter caught her off guard. You can fly this thing?"
"I can, it's actually pretty simple. What did you want?" He asks wondering why she sought him out.
"Come outside and let me introduce everyone to their benefactor."
"Nurse Eliz-"
"My friends call me Liza." She interrupts.
"That's what we are now?" Friend was somewhat of a foreign word in Machiavelli's vocabulary. He started to think that he shouldn't be making unnecessary attachments, but he had to admit she had started to grow on him a bit. "Call me Mac."
"This is the doctor? He looks younger than I was expecting. A lot younger." Madison says "Nevertheless, thank you." All present followed suit seeing how drastically their situation had improved, and there was better than this safeehouse? The praise of course went to his head.
"Oh, look at you making friends on your own!" Heather said hugging him tightly. All of the guys could only think, 'lucky bastard'.
"Hey Heather."
"Who is this little guy?"
"We found a baby."