
CHAPTER 24 : The Aftermath. And a valuable lesson.

 The Aftermath. And a valuable lesson

Recap a little. The result of the fight between baki and system came out by system winning with thin margin. And also baki not having enough experience in using those techniques. After the win the system managed to copy baki some abilities not all. And many restricted to him, cause these moves can easily distrupt the power balance, Now we focus the after math of the both fights.

Story starts here :

The dust clears with baki on the ground with a huge gash on his chest like its made form a knife, And system leg bending the wrong way and arms which were used to parry the attack bending the wrong ways. Following baki steps system also falls on the ground.

The crowd seem to freeze, like waiting for one of them to rise again. Like most of the time which has happened in this fight. After 30 secs seeing no one rising again, The crowd did not cheer looking around the arena the damage these 2 caused while fighting will make anyone not witnessing the fight.

Will think that the area was used for explosive testing. Broken walls huge holes in the ground, Suddenly like someone fired a gun shot tokigawa screams "GET THEM TO THE INFIRMARY, CONTACT DOCTOR SHINOGI, TELL HIM TO COME FAST". This shout waked them all up.

Many people with medical equipment rushed in the arena checking both fighters pulse and assessing the damage, Trying to stop bleeding form baki chest, Form far the wound looks deep, But closer its even worse As baki bone can be seen, This is the result of these 2 fighters fight out come. As this is visible but doctor experience can tell there is more,

Moving over to system who was using the big body. Checking for the damage, finding 4 cracked ribs. Internal bleeding, Arms bones brutally broken form 2 different places. Doctors are surprised to see the man in such condition alive. As doctor can clearly see A fist mark in the chest of the system.

Carefully escorting them both to the medical room, Now we see the reaction of the baki verse characters with Katsumi with shocked and sweating reaction saying " Was that counted as a loss for baki, snice system fell after him". Katsumi words shook em all for a while.

Shibusawa says " This fight was most unexpected to see, I still cannot believe that last attack".

Doppo also adds " I tried to replace baki with myself in the fight, and I can feel I cannot fight as long as baki fought".

Retsu who was silence for a while then speaks "The fight is well in the favour of Daniel who fell after baki, But now am concerned for both their health, That last attack seeing the damage it caused to surrounding, I wonder how much damage it caused inside".

Looking at the arena where the last attack clashed a huge hole is in the ground with surrounding area badly damaged, with most walls almost crumbling.

Seeing the fight Yuijiro Had no expression. Now he only wanted one thing a challenge. The one which baki faced, To push him to the limits, But sadly there is no one to push him, This is feeling of the emptiness. The man who onced wanted to reach the top with strength, now has no one to Challenge him. Leaving the arena in solitude, If someone were to see the man back now. They would have felt the Loneliness of the man.

We now cut to the medical room, The doctors are running around like crazy, The reason begin they all cannot think of a way to help them. Cause they are like real life doctors can't do shit, Trying to bandage baki wound with some stitches, As the neddle was about to pierce the skin, Its stopped by a large hand of none other then our favourite doctor.

Kureha shinogi. The man is like japan God doctor, His feats are unknown But he can bring a death doppo to live just by playing with his heart, without cutting the skin. As we all know a lot of kids will doubt it, But only kids doubt anime logic Real men know the reason behind the techniques.

The doctor says "I hope you can leave the patient to me, I know his body well enough and that I assure you he does not need stitches".

The doctor who's hand was grabbed stopped what he was doing and says screams angrily "who are you how did you get here, can't you see his condition he will die with the stitches". The doc was about to say more.

But is quickly shutted by tokigawa who says " Shut up and let him do what he wants to do, He is the greatest doctor kureha shinogi. Just follow his orders".

Looking at the condition of baki he truns to tokigawa asking the million dollars question "What happned to baki, Did he fight The orge again".

Shinogi looks at tokiwaga hoping to get the answers, But his words shocked shinogi which were " No he did not fought yuijuro, But fought an challenger which defeated baki hanma in a fight in the arena".

This words struck the ears of shinogi like thunder looking at tokigawa trying to find any thing which will prove that tokigawa lied, Looking at the man sleeping,

The same man who defeated any one with out losing was defeated by a challenger. Asking where is the challenger shinogi is lead to next room. Seeing many doctors. With strange expression. The experience of shinogi told him. The doctors were looks were like looking at some thing interesting.

Doctors turn and looking at shinogi and tokigawa says with happy tone like he discovered an diamond mine doctors says " Tokigawa san we don't have any words to say, But the guy has started to slowly heal. The small wounds have vanished. The bigger wounds are also healing. Currently we have the patient under strict observation. Monitoring his body functions and cells".

The words of doctor shocked them both. Tokigawa has seen the condition in which Daniel was brought in. And to hear he is already slowly healing is like a miracle.

But he is also angry at the doctors for taking the cell of the fighter with out his permission. He knows how much the fighter genes are worth.

He wanted baki and yuijiro genes for a long time to study, But was refused by baki, And warned by yuijiro. He knows Yuijiro the man might seem like a ruthless beast. But is the most serious man when it comes to his or any other fighters body.

His words were " Each Human body is different, It might look the same, But are different each hiding its own unique secret, The secret hidden inside by a begin who our mind cannot comprehend and you want to uncover that secret using my cells". Bringing his plam on the table shattering it into many little pieces. Wooden dust flys in the room.

The words of yuijiro continues "Remember tokigawa, If I find out anything about you doing gene surgery, I will personally kill you. And no one in the world can save you form me". After that Yuijiro leaves.

Ordering the doctors to destroy all the cell observation and cell research of Daniel, Doctor wanting to refuse. But shinogi reminds him how many rules of a good doctor he broke now, Forcing him to destroy the research, But not before taking a look at.

Shinogi can understand what any other doctor cannot understand, He can see in the reports in a glance. That Daniel is the perfect human begin, without the defects of a common human. His brain waves shows no sign of any bad emotions. Its like god made Daniel body himself. Making his most perfect creation.

But shinogi does not find that the creation is not of god, But human with finishing touches of Rob.

Now we move to Little Daniel. His inability body inability to copy and not begin able to handle the power of Baki and system. And combining them both in a single copy forced his body to give up on him.

James condition is also not great, Looking at the place where he was hit a clear bruise is left of the real thing, James understands the space also has healing bossting powers, Wanting to meet who created the place, But also afraid.

29 days has passed with 1 day left of staying with Little Daniel, James looks at Little daniel. As he remembers how a weak kid was sent to him with a purpose of training him, At first look he was not impressed by Little daniel.

But as the time passed he recognized his determination and will, How he always pushed him self wanting to change and begin able to protect people close to him. James is also moved by his wish to protect the people wanting to meet them all. He wants to know the people who Little daniel want to protect.

Time passed with 6 hours remaning and Little daniel still not showing any signs of awakening, James sighs in disappointment, As he feels he might not be able to say his good bye to little daniel. But suddenly hears a sound of opening the door.

With little daniel using a wooden stick to help him move, showing signs of weakness form the fight. And the "Imperfect demon style". This style is the combination of the system and baki fight. Not full fight.

Little daniel looks at james who was standing out side the door. Looking at the james he asks "How long was I out".

James replies in a bored tone " 6 hours left before we part ways" Hearing this Little daniel does not know what is he feeling, Happy to depart from james, Or sad that james will not accompany him.

James seeing Little daniel reaction can easily read his emotions. james looking at his reaction speaks in an emotion full tone.

"Moving on is the part of life, Like every eagle leaves the nest to soar in the sky, Daniel your that eagle and now its time for you go spread your wings to see how big the world is go explore the world see how many people are stronger then you, If you keep remembring the nest you will never grow. I have teached you almost everything I know, Passed most of my knowledge on to you in this month. Now go find your way daniel. Make me proud". Saying this james leaves Little daniel to think, As there is 6 hours left before they both retun.

Now we move to baki verse with system and baki both slowly recovering from their injuries. We see in the room both are kept next to each other. Both are now awake. Baki breaks the silence by saying " You might have won this time. But next time it will be me who will win, So I hope you will not lose to anyone except me".

System who was using the big body says " who knows when I will be defeated. The world is big enough, who knows their might be someone stronger them me, and you out their who knows the next fighter I meet is stronger then me and defeats me".

Baki hearing this replies " life is funny man. Couple of hours back we both were trying to tear each other and now we are having this talk".

system hearing this gives a little chuckle replying " I like how accurate you are. Baki. I have many questions for you and you have for me".

Hearing system words baki replies "Your right how about we both give ask each other".

System hearing baki words nodding then replies. " As the winner of our fight. This is my right to ask the first question".

Baki nods system then system asked his first question. "Those moves you used during the last moment, Were they your final card or are you hiding something else". After saying the question. System waits for baki to answer.

Baki replies " I got a couple of hidden I kept for my old man, He was the same guy who started our fight, and others were also meant for him".

Hearing the answer, Baki also asks a question "That last move what was it. It was powerful, did someone teached you or you self created it".

System says " Raetaekwoondoo recoiless. This move and some others were given to me. And I self learned. There are 8 moves and I used 4 during the fight".

Baki hears this and says "Are the four other powerful like the ones you used". system says in play ful tone "Secret a for you to uncover". Like this both talks about fighting style and cracking jokes. Not knowing when both fell asleep

But like all good things must come to an end, System wakes up and sees a strange man in the room. The strange man is Rob. Who came to pick system and the body up to take em back. With a snap both vanish leaving no trace behind.

System looks at Rob with anger and says " What the hell, I did not said good bye, Old man Jealous of me having a friend while you are left talking to the white walls of the room or does it count as a hall, any never mind it. But Fu** you".

Rob seeing the reaction is amused and says " The time was up, I needed you back in the current world letting you go and fight baki in the perfect body has already messed up the lookism time line a lot, I don't want any butterfly effect to catch you off guard, So I thought of sending you back, I could at least get a thank you".

System hearing the rob realizes, He was sent to lookism not baki. The wave of realization washes over him, saying sorry to Rob. And asked "What do you mean messed up the time line, and I hope you can explain me clearly".

ROB not liking the man he sent to lookism attitude says "Do you remember the plot of lookism, the second body was in coma for a month not in detention center, beating and giving the people their PTSD. This little change, calling it little is a mistake of mine, But for you this is a Big change and for me just another rouge timeline".

System wants to hear more and understand the change asks " Explain the change to me old man we got time to kill any way I rather have a talk with you then sit in a cell for the night".

Rob Hearing the system words feels amused and says " What do you have, or who are you, wanting me to explain things to you, You must have realized by now not every thing in the world is free, You help me with little things and I explain some things to you",

System realizing what he meant says " I understand but having a brief information about the things you want me to do might help you to convince me". With their talk under way

We cut to Little Daniel and James standing over the roof watching the sunset, With each passing moment sun sinking in the horizon creating a beatiful view, The view that can mesmerize anyone.

But little daniel is not in the sunset mesmerization, But he can feel with each passing moment, The time draws closer to Depart form the man who teached him many things. Little daniel Cannot think of words to thank him.

James says " The words are weapon of old time, even before spears or arrows were invented. The words were the greatest weapon of people of that time, The words can be deep as ocean or shallow then a puddle. The right time to know what to say will get you far, and wrong words will pull you down. Remember this second last lesson Daniel go out and show the world what are you made of".

James words ignited a flame inside the Little Daniel saying " Thank you for everything, I will never forget these moments here, I will not give up maths also".

With a little tears in the eyes of daniel, Putting his head down not showing the teacher his tears, As Little Daniel promise to him self this is the last time he cries.

With that He is sent back to the world where he belongs, While james is left on the roof slowly losing all the memories and the time he spent teaching Little daniel James giving a big smile says good bye, His memories are erased.

Rob and System also done with their talk with ROB saying " You have time to think about it". Sending system back to the cell.

A couple minutes later the cell door is opened by a guard saying "Your time is done you can leave now, I wish you never come back".

Escorting him to the exist. System can feel all the eyes of the people in the center on him, With looks of fear and respect.

He is sent outside Taking a Deep breath System says to himself "We Continue the legend of the Daniel park in the world, Hope people don't forgot about me". Taking a step outside heading to the home

The story ends here,

With this chapter the Cross over is finished. The character card gave system all baki combat experience. So heads up. And in furture their might be more Cross overs.

I hope you all enjoyed the chapter. Leave your thoughts and views on the comments. And tell which series crossover should we do.

Take care and have a good day. And thanks for reading the chapter.

