
Personal Space

Shadows shot towards Ling Han, who ignored it all. but when his shadow moved, turning into a spike to hit him, Ling Han's eyebrow raised. why? because the spike is connected to him by passing his incomplete magic. 

"Annoying," I said softly while dodging the spikes, before moving, dodging more spikes. while pulling out a rock which I threw towards a black emo-like guy. The guy blocked, but that ended up in him being tagged, and being teleported away, and given a 10-second cool-down before he could come out and play.

"you have some strength." behind me, Laxus flashed while reaching out to try and touch me, but he couldn't touch me. stunned, he tried to touch me with his full power, only for me to touch his stomach.

"I see you're back," I said while looking at Belta, she was jumping towards me, her wolf-like tail in plan view for everyone to see.

"Belta will get you this time," Belta yelled as she tried to touch me, but I didn't bother to dodge. instead, she tried to me, but couldn't reach me, she stretched her hand out, which I used to flick her forehead, causing Beita to stump her feet unwillingly.

"Haha," I laughed slightly, before looking off towards Erza... who were they finding me? was it luck or what? but after focusing slightly, I realized she was cheating. she the telepathy to speak with someone from outside,

'I need to get more information... so keep facing him. this whole guild, they give me the same feeling as Zeref.' a female voice sounded, to which Erza and Laxus said their agreement. Erza stood before me, her sword narrowed.

Erza shot forward, her sword shooting towards me. but again, she couldn't cut through my wall of infinity. I let out a yawn of boredom while looking at Erza who was trying her best to hit me, it was a bit funny. but one couldn't just simply cut through space.

"wow, you're so fast. how would I be able to touch you without losing an arm?" I said with a laugh, which disappeared as I stepped to the side, dodging Erza's sword. Erza smirked as she looked at me, although she couldn't see my face, she could tell I was shocked.

"You have powerful magic... but I can simply cut through it." She said while painting her katana at me. 

"what? That makes zero sense. just seconds ago you didn't even know my magic, and now you're finding a way to bypass it?" I asked with a weird look, making Erza smirk, before she shot towards me, her two swords flashing towards me. I stepped back, dodging the swords, but Erza was quick, quick enough to cut the edge of my jacket.

I froze while looking at the cut jacket, before looking back at Erza, before I disappeared, appearing somewhere else in the forest, a deep frown on my face, before a slow smile grew on my face.

"... she is talented." Ji Ning said softly while looking at the screen showing Erza who was currently studying her sword. Huang Xiaolong and the others also nodded in agreement. Erza adapted quickly, broke down Ling Han Magic, and went on to cut through it using her swordsmanship.

Ji Ning's hands grew restless, he wanted to test his sword with that woman. but for now, everyone turned their attention to Ling Han, who appeared before Erza.

"How did you find me?" Erza asked with a shocked look, to which I just shrugged while doing some stretches.

"Well, I don't have a little ghost girl telling me what to do. instead, I just am that good with my understanding of space. I know where I was at even after being teleported elsewhere." I said softly while cracking my neck, before cracking my fingers.

"Now... let's dance, impress me enough and I shall allow you to join my guild," I said with a smile, making Erza frown deeply.

"I have no interest in joining your guild," Erza said coldly, to which I completely ignored, making Erza's frown deepen

"Smart, acting like you don't want to join my guild just in case you fail to impress me. to think so fast on your feet... are you trying to impress me so much that you win my heart?" I said with a nod of approval, annoying Erza

but at that moment, lightning fell from the sky as Laxus fell. of course, they were not foolish enough to show they were cheating, above us was a sword. I stepped to the side, dodging Laxus, and with a black hand, sent Laxus flying without bothering to even acknowledge his existence.

"Erza Scarlet, it's rare for anyone to interest me. so come, don't disappoint." I said with a smile, Erza eyes were chilling cold at this moment. that backhand might as well be a backhand to the whole guild. annoyed and enraged, Erza shot forward, while I stepped forward

and so a dance began. her sword danced around, cutting through my infinity, while my legs moved around, skillfully dodging all of her attacks.

'those glasses are pure black. They are the blackest black I have ever seen.' Erza said her eyes narrowing after getting a good look at my sunglasses, something which shocked the rest of the guild which was listening.

'he is completely different... he was toying around now. but now he is trying. he is using you to improve himself. do you see any differences in his magic?' the innocent childish voice sounded, to which Erza's heart skipped.

'yes... his magic is improving. every time I cut through his magic, it gets harder and harder to cut through... forgive me Mavis, but if I don't give this my full attention then I might lose.' Erza said to which Mavis, the woman on the understand nodded in understanding.

the two fought grew and grew, even while they fought, they paid close attention to their surrounding, avoiding hitting any of the copies. in the end, although Erza's skills were improving, Ling Han's improvement far surpassed her. In a matter of minutes, after the match began, Erza found herself unable to touch Ling Han.

"you are interesting. your talent in the sword is only second to someone else. Join my guild... let me see, the Fairy Tail is all about adventure right. with the dream of seeing if fairies have tails or something like that. I can show you more than simple fairies." I said with a smile while looking at the sword which was stopped before me, unable to pierce further,

Erza's free hand suddenly moved, and my eyebrow raised, as a halberd flashed forward. my sunglasses flew into their, as they were cut in half. meanwhile, I stood there, a blind cloth already in my hands which I was using to cover my eyes while dodging the halberd which cut through all magic.

"I will get you to join my guild... time stop," I said causing time to freeze. although it was in a short range, the shadow which was piercing towards me from behind, and the other people taking part in this trial all froze.

"Oh? The cloth allows your mind to remain active. thats some high passive magic resistance you have." I said with a smile while wrapping my soldiers around Erza's shoulder.

"I would like to fight you with this halberd. after all, it would help me improve my magic. it's not easy creating magic you know... but the amount of magic energy this thing uses isn't worth it just yet. come face me when you get over the trauma in your heart. you rely too much on your gear, limiting your full power. cut down all your fears and worry, it makes me wonder if I should push you to make this growth by sealing away all your armor. leaving you with basic everyday clothing." I said softly, causing Erza's pupils to shrink.

"Don't worry, I'm not so cruel or so bored. well, it was nice meeting you. I hope your heart recovers or whatever." I said calmly while canceling out my time skip as this part of the game was over. To no one shock, I had the highest points, I came in first place, giving me 10 points.

Fairy Tail team B came in 4th place, with a score of 4. Unlike Erza who had 0 points. in second place was Mermaid Heel, which got 8 points. and in third place was Lamia Scale, with 6 points.

Ling Han stood in the center of the forest, bathing in the crowd sheers, while waving back at them, which the crowd greatly loved. but we moved on quickly, as it was time for the battle part of the grand magic.

every guild would be going up, and to my shock, I was chosen. it was a match between me and a fairy Tail wizard from team A, Lucy. something that confused me as to why they could pick such a match. but it was going to be an easy win for me.

walking to one side of the arena, I lazily sat down while looking at Lucy who stepped out with her chest held high. she was a beautiful blonde-haired woman. she looked at me seriously and saw how off guard I was against her, she planned to use that against me. there was a reason they picked her to fight me, it was because of her unique magic.

She was a celestial mage. magic which uses summoning magic, capable of making contracts with celestial spirits to fight for her. The king wanted nothing more than to see the limits of my magic power, so of course he put a celestial mage against me.

"Summons the Golden Bull, Taurus," Lucy called out while holding out a key which she turned. and with that turn, a gate was open, allowing the Golden Bull Tatures to enter this world. As soon as Taurus appeared, he instantly began lusting over Lucy.

"... thats not a golden bull. it's a bull that looks like a woman. no wonder he tries to sleep with you... poor thing. he can't get any back home." I said softly, cows were females that had the common white and black. meanwhile, bulls were males that had a solid color, normally grown or something like that... so, the fact Taurus took on a cow appearance.

"MOO," Instantly Taurtus was enraged, this was a soft spot for him. out of rage, and with Lucy's order, he shot forward with his battle axe in hand. the Axe shot forward, cutting through my magic of infinity and cutting me in half, everyone froze, seeing how the ace was perfectly cupped through my body. hitting the floor.

"..." Everyone was quiet, shock filled the air without anyone having a word to say. but they were quickly caught by the fact Ling Han seemed not to notice,

"sigh, I see you're a dumb bull. you didn't cut through me, I vibrated my atoms and phased through the axe." I said in boredom, with a wave of my hand, the shadows moved, wrapping the bull.

"thats dragon slayer magic!" Lucy said in shock at this sight, to which I just yawned, while sitting up.

"yeah, I can copy magic I see... say I can see through the cloth... little blonde. I'm sorry. I'm just not interested in people who use other powers. I know you're capable enough to summon this guy with your power, his power reflects yours... but I don't care. so can you just give up? most attacks I have at the moment might kill you." I said softly, to which Lucy's eyes grew were the spirit to battle.

"don't look down on a member of Fairy Tail," She said seriously while the Bull moved... I forgot its name. did it start with a B? Whatever, it cut the shadows, and shot towards me, its axe slammed towards me, but I moved, dodging the Axe.

"I'm not joking, give up. the last I checked, killing is against the rules. I'm fighting you with my hands behind my back. you're slow, physically weak, no martial arts training, by the looks of things you have some skills with a whip, but most of your combat is based on you and your celestial spirits. so let's call this a draw. last time I will ask before I attack with my weakest move." I said with a gentle smile, which caused Lucy to grit her teeth at how much I was looking down upon her.

"Ling Han, if you kill you. I'm killing you out of the guild," Lue Qing said calmly, making me speechless.

"I'm your husband," I said while looking up at Lue Qing who was wearing a blindfold, and calmly looking at the match with the other guild members. everyone was shocked to hear I was married, and all looked toward Lue Qing.

"I'm sorry dear. but as the guild master, I have to put the love I have for you aside. don't worry, you can do some test or something to get back into the guild." She said sweetly, leaving me speechless, along with everyone else. but this only enraged Lucy, who pulled and got ready to use her trump card,

"Summons the Twins, Gemini." Two twins were summoned, and they floated in the air looking all cute. they were blue cute alien-looking humanoids, which went on to come together to transform into Taurtus. and with a bull in hand, they shot towards me.

In annoyance, I caught the Axe with ease. but the transformed twins, which were now Taurus moved, touching my hand which was touching the Axe. confused with this, I watched as they fell back, with a smile, Lucy at the twins transformed into me, leaving me speechless as a perfect copy of myself appeared before me.

we both stepped forward, closely looking at each other before nodding slightly. before we moved our hands around, and I was amazed.

"almost a perfect copy, you're shocked?" copy Ling Han asked with a smile, causing my face to freeze.

"he doesn't like that we invaded his mind and went through... Lucy give up, he is going to kill..." Before the twins could say anymore, an unstable blue orb appeared in my hands, sucking everything towards it. space was locked, so the twins had nowhere else to run.

"I can't control this magic... unstable. I'm still creating it. so you will die. I was willing to toy with you... but know your place." I said coldly while looking at Lucy, who was paralyzed in fear by my killing intent. I threw the orb towards her, and with the twins in the way, they were hit first.

they were wee sucked into the orb, they tried their best to use my magic powers or anything, but they quickly realized I couldn't even do anything without my six eyes. the amount of energy control I needed to use my magic was crazy. their body, and soul were sucked into the orb and before everyone's eyes, they watched as their transformations were canceled out, and they turned into their true form, just to be destroyed both soul and body. their cries were loud, but they came and left.

Lucy was horrified as she felt her connection with the twins no more, she watched as the orb neared her, and she began to feel the pull which grew larger and larger the closer it got. but as she was soon pulled towards it, she was caught and thrown away by Taurus who smiled warmly at her before he too was crushed body and soul.

Lucy's tears fell as she saw the orb still shooting toward her, but before it could hit her, the orb was destroyed by a sword and some unknown magic. Erza who was about to move looked towards Ji Ning, the sword slash shocking her greatly.

"If you bring those two twins back, we are fighting," I said calmly, to which Han Bei held her palm out, revealing the soul of the twins, and the bull. 

"Don't worry, I will erase the memory of what they had." She said with a gentle smile, she had destroyed the orb, saving bits of the twins and bull souls. with some of her unique magic, she healed them.

"if they go pocking in my head again, I will send you back and go on to destroy the whole celestial realm," I said calmly while turning and walking off. I was no longer the big down, this primalverse was too perverted. it was far more dangerous than the cultivation verse. just look at those twins, capable of coping with me almost perfectly just by touching me, and even think the same thing I think in real-time, and even go through my memory. was that broken or what?

I didn't want people to know we were not of this primalverse just yet, it would spoil the fun. sure I was not worried for my safety, but my wife was here. my brother-in-law, sister-in-law, and the list went on. so I was being safe... and it would be annoying to face someone like Anos right now. the guy could destroy anything and everything, but surely not us since we were not of this Primalverse... right? then were beings like Sinbad, Rimuru, and the list went on.

but above all, who would like people going through your mind? personal space was a concept Ling Han enjoyed,

'he is dangerous. whatever he knows is important... the twins were not able to use his magical power even after they tried. why was that? what are their connection to those who cured me and Zeref? on top of that... she seems to be pure goodness, Ling Han is pure... arrogant. he is so sure in his strength he normally takes nothing seriously. but the moment someone touched his mind, it seemed like it was the first time any of them saw him show such seriousness...' Mavis, a blonde-haired loli thought while looking at Ling Han, and back towards Han Bei.
