

 Tigra's surroundings blurred.

 She wouldn't be able to describe the action any other way. She didn't notice any of the trees. She didn't notice the leaves falling or crunching under her feet as they practically stomped onto the ground, the pressure from the action falling to the wayside.

 The air that she would usually feel as it would have ruffled her fur at this speed had practically been pushed to the side as the lightning and speed made her very aerodynamic.

 She moved as fast as she could for the next 30 seconds, her lungs desperately trying to get air through her body to keep up with how hard she was pushing her body.

 Once those 30 seconds were up though, Cheetah deactivated, lowering her speed down from Mach 16 to Mach 10.

Dash gained 29896*

*11,958 mph / 120 [30 seconds] * 300 [exp per mile]

Dash leveled up! LV 175 → 177


 Tigra tripped from the sudden decrease in speed. She rolled on the ground before springing back onto her feet and actually stopped moving.


750*0.29=218 physical damage taken!


HP low!

HP: 330/3750


 Tigra huffed as she released everything and sat on the ground, breathing hard.

 She had her eyes closed with her palms over her eyes as her jaw clenched.

 The animals in the area chittered and chirped.

 Until Tigra leaned forward.


 She practically roared, causing the nearby birds to fly away at the sudden loudness.

 "I KNEW that Raiju would be bad to use! WHY did I use it when fighting a dozen water opponents when it has a 3x weakness! "

 She breathed out deeply as she tried to calm down.

 "Because of that, I can't actually handle suddenly losing speed anymore. If I did not have my Physical Resistance at level 61, I could have actually died from tripping. While I technically have 9 extra lives, including Phoenix, I'd rather not have to use one for tripping."

 Tigra sighed again as she watched her Regenerations kick in fully now that enough time had passed from combat.

 "MP will take 3 minutes, Stamina will take 2, and HP will take 4.5 minutes." She calculated before frowning.

 "Screw it, Heal."

 Tigra watched as her HP Regen jumped from 740 HP/m to 1951 HP/m at the cost of 5 MP/m.

 "That doesn't change MP but reduces HP time to about 2 minutes."

 She stood up and began to walk once more.

 "Walking doesn't use enough SP to be shown and doesn't actually reduce Stamina before it would have regenerated. Lord, my walking speed isn't slow either. Especially since I can walk roughly 50 mph."

 She glanced around and found that her surroundings were passing her quickly as she pulled up her tablet and looked at the ping that Scorpia had sent her a few minutes ago.

 "Catra had activated it around 30 to 40 minutes ago about 150 miles away from Brightmoon. Glimmer must have teleported them pretty far considering that she and Scorpia were working close together and, if her magic is similar to mine, then it would have taken A LOT of magic to do that."

 Looking at where it is now, they had traveled about 25 miles.

 "Must have some kind of transportation as I can't imagine them moving 50 MPH, not including having to bring Catra with them. Going on their trajectory, they should reach Brightmoon in 2 and a half hours."


Quest Updated!

Rescue the Chosen

Catra has been captured by Princess Glimmer and is making their way to Brightmoon. You've determined the expected arrival time.

Objective: Rescue Catra before time runs out.

Reward: Saving Catra, 2000 EXP

Failure: Catra is a prisoner of Brightmoon, may be executed

Time limit: [02:27:49]


 She continued looking to get a gist of how far away they are from her position.

 "About 90 minutes away from Thaymor. Roughly 75 miles away from them. If they reach there, they could reach reinforcements and make this much harder."

 Doing mental math, she grinned for the first time.

 "About 1600 miles away from me. I still have Raiju for another 58 minutes. That, with Haste, Dash, Fire Charge, and Lightning Armor set to my HP regeneration, would boost my speed to about 1400 MPH. So once Raiju wears off, I would have likely gained a few levels in Dash and be close enough to cover the remaining distance fairly quickly."

 Tigra's head started to suddenly feel pained before shaking her head.

 "Doesn't matter if that means using three spells for nearly an hour. I'll deal with the pain after."

 With that, Tigra noticed that her MP and HP were full again before stopping Heal.

 She breathed in before being covered in orange light, yellow lightning, and having fire shooting out of her feet as she began flying across the ground.

 "Just hold on Catra."



*30 minutes ago*


 Catra groaned as she flopped her head backwards as her body was being held up by rock tendrils.

 "We took a hostage!" Arrow exclaimed. "We're supposed to be the good guys! Good guys don't take hostages! Maybe we should let her go?"

 "Let her go?!" Sparkles exclaimed this time. "Did she let us go? No! She let the Horde torture us!"

 'Not really. Didn't Adora mention how Tigra had gotten them out? I even gave them She-Ra's sword.' Catra rolled her eyes.

 "Uh, yeah, because she's a bad guy." Arrow tried to make sense.

 "The rocks aren't too tight are they?" A guy wearing a green cloak asked.

 "Would it matter?" Catra had to ask.

 "We want you as a prisoner." They shrugged. "Doesn't mean that I want you to lose an appendage because one section was just a bit too tight."

 Catra stayed quiet for a moment, actually debating on talking about how the tendril was nearly squishing her tail.

 "Come on. We're enemies, but that doesn't mean that I want to make this situation seem like torture."

 Quiet from the duo for a moment.

 "You are squishing my tail." She muttered.

 Surprisingly, she did feel the tendrils loosen up enough for her tail to correct itself and wrap around her waist.

 Only after it fully wrapped around did she feel the tendrils tighten back up, only just not as tight but enough that she couldn't really move.

 "There." She could practically hear the smile in their voice. "I know from the few times that has happened to Bolt that he always complained about messing with the tail."

 "Why are you acting like we're friends?"

 "Are we on a battlefield?"

 She raised an eyebrow.

 "I assume your answer is no. If so, why would I continue to treat you badly? You're no threat to us while you are like this."

 "...I don't believe that is the real reason why you're acting like this."

 "Fine. At the end of the day, you are a soldier. I am practically a soldier for hire. Both of us are simply fighting because we are either ordered to or we signed up for monetary gain. Neither of us started this war, but one of us could potentially end it. I'd rather not destroy any potential relations with future allies if I don't need to."

 "Allies? You're worse than Arrow."

 They shrugged again.

 "Enough!" Sparkles yelled, gathering their attention again. "If your people want you back, they'll just have to give us Entrapta back."

 Catra held back her smirk as Sparkles had given her a point to do her work.

 "Entrapta? Who's that?"

 Sparkles got right in her face.

 "We know you have her! Where is she?! What are you doing to her!?"

 "Glimmer." Arrow tried to calm her down.

 "Ohhh. Entrapta. You mean the purple hair, genius Princess that you left behind? Don't worry your sparkly little heads. We're taking good care of her."

 Sparkles growled before stepping back.

 "On your feet, Horde scum."

 Catra looked down at her stone wrappings before looking at Green.

 Green didn't move, but Catra could read a few signs that they found the sudden situation a little humorous.

 "Whoops. I can't walk with 40 pounds of stone tied around me. Unless you want to take them off?"

 "Nice try. I'll just teleport the three of us to Brightmoon."

 "Uh, Glimmer, can I talk to you real quick?"

 Arrow dragged her away slightly as they spoke in hushed whispers.

 "Are they trying to keep the fact that she'll run out of magic doing so a secret?" Catra asked them.

 "Oh? How would you guess that she'll run out of magic? We don't run out of magic that easily."

 "Really? Tigra goes on about how her spells drain her magic intensely, even if she has a large amount of magic."

 "Really? She must be exaggerating if she runs out of magic that quickly." They dismissed.

 That irritated Catra.

 "And despite that, she still defeated your precious Bolt, right?"

 Green froze before they hummed.

 "She could be overcharging her spells." He admitted. "Doing so would make them more powerful, but would drastically increase the power needed to use them. It would explain how she managed to surpass Lu-"

 Green suddenly coughed.

 "Excuse me. That would explain how she surpassed Bolt in such a short amount of time. But the amount of people who can safely do that is rare."

 "Oh? Why would that be rare? Wouldn't you simply increase the amount of power in a spell to make the intent stronger?"

 They seemed to study them suddenly, light green eyes suddenly peering through the shadows created by their hood.

 "You're training in magic. And here I thought Shadow Weaver wouldn't take anyone on as a student."

 "That ragged lady? Don't think I'm that desperate." She spat out, unknowingly catching the other two's attention. "In no way would I ever be desperate enough to go to Weaver for magical training."

 "Why?" Sparkles suddenly asked. "When discussing Tigra, that idea was brought up for Tigra, only Adora vehemently denied that as well. Why would the idea really be that bad?"

 "Sparkles, if Adora won't tell you, what makes you think I will?"

 "Did she ever torture you guys like she started to with us?"

 Catra's fur bristled.

 "Sparkles, drop it."

 Sparkles opened her mouth but was cut off by Green coughing.

 "Princess Glimmer, it would be best that we start moving. When the Horde finds out about Catra being taken, reinforcements will be called."

 Catra grimaced slightly, knowing exactly who Scorpia would call for help.

 While she would be glad to not be trapped, she knows she'll be causing that person worry until she's safe.

 Sparkles frowned before huffing.

 "Alright. Seeing as Catra will likely refuse to cooperate, can you move her?"

 Catra felt something connect with her bindings before finding herself slightly in the air.

 "I can, but I won't be able to respond quickly to threats, as I'll be focused on keeping this one from escaping or using magic."

 "Catra can use magic as well now!? So the three main Horde soldiers suddenly all know magic!?"

 "Tigra knew magic first." Catra pointed out. "Since we were kids."

 "And Adora?" Arrow asked. "Could she-"

 "All she knows is that She-Ra stuff." Catra shook her head at that.

 "And you?"

 "Wouldn't you like to know, Arrow Boy?"

 With nothing else to say, the four of them took off on a walk to Brightmoon.

 Time passed somewhat quickly for Catra, who had managed to push her emergency locator when she had adjusted her tail.

 After what felt like maybe 30 minutes, she spoke up.

 "So, how much longer am I going to be floating in these rocks? What if I have to use the bathroom?"

 Arrow seemed alarmed while Sparkles seemed baffled.

 "We could have Glimmer watch you and, if something were to happen to Glimmer, well…I think her safety would be more important than your privacy." Green hesitantly told.

 "Really?" Sparkles sounded annoyed.

 "Hey, you're not the one stuck in solid stone." Catra rolled her eyes.

 She opened her mouth, likely to make a snarky comment at her this time, only for Green's tablet to ring.

 "One second." He answered. "This is Gaea and you're on speaker with-"

 "Gaea!" A female voice groaned through.

 "Posei? Are you okay? You sound winded."

 "That's what getting knocked face first into the ground at Mach 6 will do to you." She groaned. "In fact, speaking of that, are you with those that captured Second in Command Catra?"

 The four of them looked at the tablet in slight confusion.

 "Yes, but how do you know about that?"

 "Because her disappearance has been noticed and reinforcements have been called."

 "Alright, we're about an hour, maybe an hour and a half away from Thaymor where we planned to rest for a little bit."

 "Well, plans changed. The reinforcement is one singular woman."

 "Tigra." Arrow whispered, as if it couldn't be anyone else.

 'Well, I guess it wouldn't be anyone else.' Catra conceded.

 "Tigra took me, Mermista, and a dozen royal guards down in a second before vanishing. At top speed, Bolt could reach you in two hours. Get moving and don't stop."

 Gaea looked at the three of them, based on their head movement, before speaking again.

 "Understood. Once we reach Thaymor, Princess Glimmer should be able to teleport the three of us back to-"

 "Brightmoon." Posei cut them off. "Tigra will know that as well. If you plan on keeping her, make sure Brightmoon is prepared for a fight. Tigra escaped while being held down by Weight from ten royal guards and breaking through the Swirling Vortex with ease."

 Gaea winced.

 "She's not playing around, is she?"

 "She'll be out for blood if anything has happened to your captive."

 "Alright, we'll get moving and get back to Brightmoon. Gaea out."

 The silence in the clearing dragged on before the sound of the ground shifting into a mound appeared.

 Gaea walked onto it with Catra's bindings following.

 "Get on. Speed is our newest friend. Tigra may burn through her magic to reach us. If she does, we may have a chance at this. Conserve your energy and magic."

 Arrow and Sparkles walked up next to him before the mound of dirt started to move, shooting forward.

 About 75 minutes of near silence dragged on with Sparkles and Arrow talking with each other about what to do if they get in trouble for wandering off without telling anyone.

 That was, until they reached a small clearing and Arrow spotted something.

 "Uh guys, what's that?"

 All four of them looked in the direction he pointed in before seeing something red and yellow.

 It looked to be about 2 miles out, but it was clearing that distance quickly.

 Gaea seemed to realize something first as he jumped forward before Catra swears she felt something.

 It felt like he was connecting to the ground before five thick walls appeared in front of him.

 "Brace for impact!" He yelled back.

 Not a second later, did all five walls practically explode and Gaea was thrown backwards and Catra felt her bindings loosen slightly.

 'Likely lost concentration on my capture.'

 The ground turned to dust and hung in the air until it was blown to the side.

 A figure with black hair and orange fur was surrounded by flames. Their face was hidden by dark shadows with the only feature being noticeable were almost fire-like eyes, yet anyone looking at them could only see rage.

 "Tigra." Arrow whispered, pulling up his bow and prepared to fire.

 His voice had been soft, as if he was afraid that speaking too loudly could set her off.

 Catra didn't blame him. She's seen Tigra mad when others would pick on anyone in her squadron, mostly with Kyle. She's seen Tigra furious when someone would doubt her ability and when shown would say that it was only because their squadron had been favored by Shadow Weaver.

 Heck, the most recent one had been them leaving Adora hanging on the large iceberg-like structure after the stupid prom.

 But this?

 She hasn't seen Tigra look so full of wrath. As if Tigra may not recognize anyone here and just fight anyone.



You reached Level 200 in Dash!

Would you like to prestige? [135,482 EXP left over]

[ Y /N]


Dash has undergone prestige once more!

EXP required to level up has been increased a further 1.75x while the effect has increased by a further 2x.


Teaching Dash has increased from 2x to 3x for those without prestige in Dash.


DEX increases by 3 every 10 levels now!


Leftover EXP transferred over.

[Dash LV (2)30 (2372/9180) - Increases your DEX by 50+120%


For reaching all the way to LV 230, DEX increased by 15 and CON by 22.


 Tigra looked across the figures as Flame Armor stayed activated. She had activated this armor when she got close for one reason.

 Morgan obviously had grown used to either fighting or fighting with Bolt in his Lightning Armor but she has yet to see anyone else use Fire Armor and as such, used it.

 Fire also does the most damage while boosting her HP to incredible heights. Her HP was just over 21,000 at this moment.

 Her eyes landed on a figure in a green cloak before the flames converged on her hand and three Fireballs shot forward, colliding with the figure and causing a small explosion.

1455 fire damage inflicted!

Fireball gained 5820 EXP!

Fireball leveled up! LV 22→23


 She noticed one of the figures start moving towards another.


 She was moving towards Catra.

 Bow tackled Glimmer to the ground, just as a Fire Spear soared over them, going through three trees before getting stuck and exploding lightly as flames.

 Tigra lunged forward before something slammed into her head, causing her to spin and land on the ground on all fours.

2400 Earth damage taken!


New skill discovered!


[Earth Resistance LV 4 (0/1600) - Reduces damage taken from Earth-based attacks by 4%. Iron Body increases it to 28%]


 Tigra shook her head before narrowing in on Green.

 He now stood up with his cloak no longer up, having been blown off from her earlier attack.

 He had short, dark green hair. Light green eyes while wearing what looked like a commander's outfit with green shoulder, white uniform, and a small green like cape wrapped around his midsection.

 "Now, it wouldn't be in the best interest for anyone for you to remove the Princess of Brightmoon." He began as rocks began to cover his arms before forming dark rock-like gauntlets. "If you continue this though, I'll have to rock you up a bit."

 Tigra narrowed her eyes as her fists erupted in flames this time.

 She dashed forward before throwing a punch.

 That he blocked by clasping his hand over her fists.

 She put up her guard with her other hand and deflected a punch for her head. Tigra jumped into the air lightly before bringing one of her knees upwards, finding his jaw and knocking his head upwards.


7342*0.2=1468 damage inflicted!

H2H gained 1468 EXP!


 As his vision looked upwards, she slammed her other hand into his chest, causing the flames around her fist to explode outward into him, causing him to let go and slide backwards a few feet.


18356*0.2=3671 damage inflicted!

H2H gained 3671 EXP!


 Immediately after, she felt something hit the back of her head, nearly causing her to look down but she looked to the side.

1200*0.7275=873 Light damage taken!

Light Resistance gained 1200 EXP!

Light Resistance leveled up! LV 3→4


 Glimmer stood there with orbs of light surrounding her fists.

 Tigra's ears twitched before she bent backwards, allowing an arrow to fly over her and shoot a net that surrounded a tree.

 Tigra's eyes narrowed.

 "What? No comment about being bored?" Glimmer tried to taunt.

 Tigra snapped her fingers before 8 arrows of fire appeared before all of them flew forward.

 Glimmer obviously teleported out of the way, leaving the arrows to puncture the trees behind her enough that 2 trees fell over and crashed into the ground.

 Glimmer reappeared next Bow and, for the first time since she's shown up, looked at her with apprehension as her fist glowed once more.

 The ground shifted under Tigra before she jumped to the side, just as a rock jutted out of the ground and would have slammed into her gut if she hadn't moved.

 "You must not have heard me," Green began, standing back up with some blood on him and his chest had been burned enough to reveal almost unhurt skin from her earlier attack.

 "Don't kill Glimmer."

 Three spikes of earth shot forward.

 Tigra pulled back her fists and entered a stance to keep her balance.

 Then struck.

 Her first blow destroyed the first spike. She sidestepped the second. She grabbed the third before chucking it right back at him.

 He held up his own hand and the spike collided with his gauntlet, breaking the spike into pieces.

 'Remember your objective.' She reminded herself.

 It wasn't to deal with Glimmer, Bow, or even whoever Green is.

 It was to rescue Catra first, anything else last.

 But first, she needed to do something about Green in order to get him to release Catra.

 She could likely break her binds herself, but if he sent more magic to the binds, it would require her to use more strength to break them, thus potentially hurting Catra.

 Tigra closed her eyes for a moment before trying something and hoping for the best.

 Tigra no longer burned with fire.

 She was surrounded by electricity, changing from Fire Armor to Lightning Armor.

 Green started to change his stance, as if expecting her to suddenly charge at him and start a fierce battle.

 "Release my commander." Her first words since she arrived. "Or else."

 "Or else what? It's 3 against 1 and we have Catra captured."

 "Trust me on this," The lightning intensified. "You will create a problem that only hastens your Rebellion's destruction if you touch a hair on her."

 Sparkles tested her.

 She put a hand on Catra.

 Tigra snarled before she suddenly moved and reappeared in the same spot, having gotten her target.


 Tigra held Bow with her claws at his throat, her claws no longer surrounded by electricity but with clear viewing of her sharp, black claws.

 She saw Green start to move.

 "I so much as think you're shifting the ground Green, I will tear out his throat." She warned them.

 Green stopped moving before raising his hands up like a surrender.

 "What's to prevent us from simply letting you take Bow and us taking Catra?" Green asked.

 "Gaea! I'm not-"

 "Princess Glimmer, please." Gaea cut off.

 "Nothing." She casually said. "But I will burn down whatever kingdom you decide to take her to."

 "Even if-"

 "If I must melt the Kingdom of Snow to a black puddle instead of white, boil Salineas, burn Plumeria, or even darken Brightmoon, So. Be. It."

 The two of them looked at each other.

 Tigra saw the restraints on Catra get tighter.

 Tigra was given two choices at that moment.

 The answer was obvious to her though.

 'Sorry Adora.'


 Bow fell to the ground holding his wrist with a cry before Tigra snapped her finger.

 8 fire arrows were aimed at Bow's body.

 "Release her now."

 "Here I thought-"

 Another snap had a flame arrow impact the ground a few inches away from Bow's head.

 While she couldn't take any chance of seeing his actual reactions, she noticed his body stilled harshly. She could only imagine that Bow's eyes were dilating from fear and staring at the hole in the ground from the arrow.

 "I'm not playing a game. Release Catra or I will send this boy's corpse back to the kingdoms in pieces. I'll probably just drop his head off in Brightmoon myself. So the first thing Sparkles will see in the morning will be him."

 She looked over at Glimmer who's fists were trembling.

 In fear and/or rage, Tigra couldn't tell but it didn't matter. If they were trembling, Glimmer likely wouldn't try anything sudden now that Bow's life is potentially about to end from what his name sake uses.

 Gaea frowned before shifting his hand.

 Catra slowly came back to the ground and was slowly being unraveled.

 Once she was down, Tigra continued.

 "Catra will walk over to me. Once we have moved five steps away, you may retrieve him. Any attempts to recapture us will result in me going after these two fully. You will be to blame for the first death of a Princess in over 2 decades."

 Catra walked over before standing beside Tigra, looking at her with an emotion Tigra couldn't discern at the moment.

 "We are going to walk 5 steps away."

 Tigra and Catra walked a few steps away before the arrows disappeared.

 No later did Glimmer teleport to him and worry over him.

 Gaea stayed where he was.

 Tigra watched him before grabbing Catra's arm, the two of them vanished in yellow lightning with a boom.


 The two of them continued moving until Tigra came to a sudden stop 3 minutes later.

Dash gained 9285 EXP!

Dash leveled up! LV 230→231


 "Woah." Catra regained her balance. "Is that how you always fe-"

 Catra found herself being hugged tightly by Tigra.

 As in, Catra felt some of her air leave her lungs from the suddenness. 

 "You…you were really worried, weren't you?"

 "Of course I was." Tigra let a large breath out. "You're the Second in Command of the Horde Army. If you're captured, I doubt you'd be kept as a prisoner."

 "You really think Adora would let them kill me? I very much doubt that she thinks we wouldn't do the same, considering we already helped her get out."

 Tigra let go and looked her in the eyes, Catra seeing a slight gleam to them with more seriousness pointed at her in a long time.

 "Adora's not the Rebellion." Tigra denied. "She is part of the Rebellion. She may be She-Ra, but there are things that she can't and won't be able to control."

 She took a breath.

 "Catra, I'm not sure you truly understand just how many people likely want both of us dead."

 "What? Who would-"

 "Brightmoon for the attempted invasion that nearly worked. That alone likely caused tens to potentially hundreds of thousands that want us dead. I've captured 4 cities in about a year, likely pissing off Salineas and Plumeria. Then there's Princess Prom."

 Tigra paused for a second to let it sink in.

 "Catra, you and I have pissed of every single kingdom except for Dryl - which is Entrapta's kingdom - and Mystacor enough to be known by them. The only reason we haven't pissed of Mystacor is because we haven't done anything to them yet."

 "I…I think I get it."

 "Do you?" Tigra nearly whispered. "There's a reason that I traveled 1600 miles in less than two hours."

 Catra's eyes were wide at that number.

 "I genuinely can not trust that any kingdom won't want to execute the Second in Command of the Horde."

 "What about you?"

 "I have you."

 "How can you trust that I'll be able to get you out of such a mess? I just got captured by Sparkles and Arrow. It was barely a fight."

 "Catra." Tigra tightened her grip just slightly, enough to get her to listen.

 "My training is to get me as strong and fast as quickly as I can. If I have been captured, it was due to a trap or against someone that I could not beat in a fight. If that happens, I trust that you can get me safe. Because you have something that few people don't truly understand: The ability to plan."


 "My plans will always be simple when it boils down to the core principles: Sending me against a force with others behind me to clean up the mess afterwards. But you? With your planning in the last few months, the Horde has taken roughly 30% of the land we have in the last 3 years under you and we've kept our positions nearly 3 times longer."

 "I trust you, because there's no one else I want to have my back. No one else I can trust to not use anything I say to their advantage."

 "How can you trust me this much?" Catra asked softly at first. "First staying with me when Adora left, following my plans when you have a better reputation among the soldiers, nearly dying in my arms with me unable to do anything! Giving me your personal spell book, then this! I know you had a mission. You'll likely get in trouble because of me! How can you still have that trust in me that you can say all that without lying!"

 "I'll be blunt with it then. Otherwise, I doubt I'll be able to say it." Tigra breathed before muttering under her breath, "Lonnie's so going to get it if she really joked."

 "I trust you…because I choose to. Just like how I choose to give you that book. Just like I choose to teach you magic. Just like how I choose to risk Hordak's wrath rather than leave the chance of you being captured."

 Tigra looked into Catra's golden left eye and her sapphire blue right eye.

 The next words would change her life.

 For good or bad, she'd deal with it.

 "Just like I…just like I choose you."

 Catra practically dropped her jaw.

 "I chose you a while ago. Near the end of 3rd year. That's when I knew the right words and such that described how I felt. So, that's how. That's how I can trust you, without a doubt, to save me or, in the worst case, try to."

 "You…since we were 10?"

 Tigra shrugged, her tail wrapping around her leg.

 "Maybe 8? 9? 10 was just when I learned about Chosens and what they really meant."

 "You haven't said anything?"

 "Cat, I just told you now and you haven't said anything besides wanting confirmation for how long. The funny thing? Lonnie knew about this for a while."

 "You told Lonnie before me?" She sounded surprised and maybe hurt.

 Tigra gave a chuckle.

 "Nope. She seemed to just know. She's asked me a few times if I've said anything."

 Tigra sighed though, as if a small weight was gone.

 She would ignore the heavy feeling in her gut that replaced it until she could inspect it once she was alone.

 "Let's…let's just get back to Scorpia. She sounded panicked over her-"

 Tigra felt something hit her and knocked her to the ground.

 She had been confused for the briefest second.

 Primal Instincts hadn't warned her of an attack.

 Then she felt a strong rumble going through her body as whatever tackled her tightened its grip around her.

 "4th year." Catra's suddenly said.


 "4th year is when I think I unknowingly started to Choose you. No-. Almost no one else even caught my eye. Everyone was either annoying, boring, or just not what I imagined I wanted to be with far into the future."

 Catra placed her head over her shoulder.

 "So you…"

 Catra scoffed lightly.

 "I'll take a page from what you did. I. Choose. You."

 Tigra's tail unwrapped and started to move quickly as Tigra started to smile.

 She opened her mouth before a call came from their communicator, which immediately played.

 "Tigra, did you retrieve Catra? Her emergency beacon is still going off but your signal is right next to it. I'm about 500 miles out if you can reach me quickly, I could take the two of you back."

 The two Magicats simply looked at each other before Catra huffed while Tigra groaned.

 Both knew that the moment had officially ended.


 Tigra noticed Catra's tail moving just as much as her and trying to hide a grin.

 'Plenty more moments are sure to come.'

 Tigra stood up before crouching slightly.

 "Get on. The sooner we get back, the sooner we can have time without someone wondering if we're dead."

 Catra looked at her before deciding to play along. Catra got onto her back before Tigra grabbed onto her legs and hiked her up to get a better hold.

 "Next stop: Scorpia's worried arms and then back to the Fright Zone."

 The two of them glowed orange before they vanished in lightning once more, with a message going to Tigra's communicator.

 'We've taken Tyde. After what you did, Mermista and that other woman had to retreat due to their injuries. Hope you accomplished whatever you left for. - Lonnie' 

 Another not long after.

 'Lord Hordak will require your presence when you return to the Fright Zone.'


Relationship with Catra improved!

148 [Family] → 42 [Chosen]


Mutual Chosen discovered! Trait unlocked!

[6th Sense [Catra] - You now have a sixth sense for when your Chosen(s) are in trouble. This could be physically, mentally, or situational.] 


Dash gained 150,000 EXP*

500 miles * 300 EXP

Dash leveled up! LV 231→244

DEX increased by 3 and CON increased by 4


Quests Completed!


Rescue the Chosen

Reward: Catra is saved from the Rebellion, 2000 EXP


Battle of Tyde

Objective: Take Tyde

Hidden Objective: Hold off or disable Princess Mermista and Morgan long enough for Lonnie and Serena to capture Tyde

Rewards: 25 EXP per defeated enemy [127], 100 EXP for every surviving soldier [94], [Conqueror] updated | 5000 EXP, [Water Resistance] increased by 10 levels


Total Rewards: Catra is saved, [Conqueror] updated, 17,575 EXP, [Water Resistance: LV 8→18]


Leveled up! LV 56→57

15 attribute points and 3 skill points awarded


Horde Reputation increased!

[Horde-Kingdom: 95 [Friendly] → 5 [Family] ]

New trait awarded: Recovery - Horde.

[Recovery (Horde) - While in Horde controlled areas, your regenerations are increased by 50%]


STR increased by 15: 85→100

New Milestone gained!

[Strong - 100 STR: Increases non-magical attacks by 10% and increases the weight you can carry by 25%]


Carry weight: 187.5 lbs, 250 lbs [-75% DEX]



Age: 18

Level 57 (6655/14250)

HP: 4360 HPR: 872

MP: 2200 MPR: 828

SP: 2180 SPR: 436

STR: 100 DEX: 401

CON: 218 INT: 220

WIS: 207 CHA: 108

Skill Points: 8

Trait Points: 1

Upgrade Trait Points: 3

Speed: 55.7 MPH


[H2H LV (1)89], [Run LV 68], [Dash LV (2)44], [Blades LV 31], [Spear LV 5]

[Dodge LV 41], [Reading LV 75], [Writing LV 71], [Sneak LV 48]

[Phys. Res LV 61], [Ice Res. LV 74], [Light Res. LV 4], [Air Res. LV 2], [Water Res. LV 18], [Magic Res LV 23], [Earth Res LV 4]

[Program. LV 2], [Security LV 2], [Hacking LV 9], [Strategy LV 61]

Spells [Tigra still uses]:

Fire Step, Flame Armor, Flame Charge, Flame Fists, Fireball, Fire Dagger, Fire Arrow, Fire Sword, Fire Spear

Lightning Armor, Lightning Claws

Chill, Ice Armor

Darken, Shadow Mask, Shadow Ball, Shadow Spy

Haste, Heal


[Night Vision], [Magical], [Obsidian Claws], [Huntress], [Primal Instincts]

[You are the Weapon - Multiplies H2H bonus by 2]

[Lightning - Multiplies final DEX by 1.5]

[Smart - Multiplies final INT by 1.15]

[You are Speed - For two minutes a day, your DEX is multiplied by 3]

[Omni-Regeneration - Multiplies all Regens by 2]

[Pyromaniac - EXP for Fire Spells is doubled]

[Fireproof - You can't be hurt by fire through natural or unnatural means]

[Electric-proof - You can't be hurt by electricity through natural or unnatural means]

[Phoenix - Once a month, if your HP is reduced to zero, you return to 75% HP once with a 25% increase in stats for the next 10 minutes]

[Raiju - Multiply your movement speed by 3x for 90 minutes within a 24 hour period. Lightning attacks do 100% more damage but water damage hurts you thrice as much as normal]

[Fueling the Fire - Increases Damage for Fire attacks by 50%]

[One with Fire - Fire spells take 25% less MP than normal]

[One with Lightning - Lightning spells take 25% less MP than normal]

[The Myth is Real - You have 8 spare lives and will restore you to 50% HP, MP, and SP upon resurrecting 5 seconds later]

[True Heir - Allows you the ability to connect with the Runestone of your home kingdom, or a Runestone should there not be one]

[Over Killer - Due to your ability of overkilling, your threats are more likely to succeed as warnings towards enemies]

[6th Sense [Catra] - You now will know when your fellow Chosen(s) are in trouble]

[Recovery (Horde) - Your Regens are increased by 50% while in Horde Territory]


[Genius - All EXP for spells is doubled]

[Hare - Increases movement speed by 25%]

[Cheetah - For 30 seconds every 2 hours, your DEX is increased by 50%]

[Iron Body - Decreases damage taken by 25% after resistances]

[Patient - MPR remains active at 5% while using spells continuously]

[Confident Aura - Those around you will think you know what you are doing]

[Strong - Increases non-magical attacks by 10% and carrying capacity by 25%]
