
More or less a victim

Music recommendation : Happy by NF

[Matty's PoV]

I toss and turn on my bed, unable to sleep. Adira's face kept popping in my head. I turn on my side, drawing the mattress closer. It felt cold all of a sudden. Was it wrong to do what I did? Dominic assured me no harm would go to Adira that she was fine. I tried calling her number but it went straight to voicemail. Sleep eluded me and I threw the couch covers off me. I'm going for a run. I peeled off my pajamas, replacing them with my sweatpants and T-shirt. I crept downstairs to the living room only to be caught by Bella.

"What are you doing?" She made a hand sign, her face ran a gamut of worry and concern for me.

"I couldn't sleep. I'm going for a run." I reply with a hand sign.

She shook her head and pointed at the wall clock. It was 5 am.

"I'll be back before the sun comes up." I cross the living room to give her a hug. Then I hurried out the door.
