
Allies and liars

[Author's POV]

'Are you really upset about Lin's behaviour or the fact that Levi is with Charlotte? Remember, you are a victim of unrequited love.' I crossed my left leg over the other.

Ada shifts uncomfortably in her seat. 'Are you sure no one else will hear about this session with you?'

'Positive. There are no cameras in here. It's just you and me.' Came my quiet reply.

Ada sucked in a small amount of breath before exhaling. 'I know it's morally and scripturally out of order falling in love with relative but…..

'You still love Levi?' I asked and I'm sure it came like a shock from the blue to Ada.

She hung her head in shame, muttering slowly. 'Yes.'

I try to placate her worries. 'It's not something's you should be ashamed of. I'm just worried that you transferred your anger for Charlotte against Lin.'

Ada sucked her teeth and looked away.

Cheering her up came to my mind and That's what I tried to do. 'What do you want to do now? You've graduated college, right?'
