
Hide and Seek : Redemption Finale

Music recommendation : Hold us by Macklemore ft Ryan Lewis.

(Levi's POV)

I was surrounded. We were completely surrounded by 20 students or more. Wow, I must be really popular if I have $1 million dollars on my head.

'Take care of 'em.' I tell Gracie and advance forward.

She was ready for a proper fight. I know 'coz I taught her well.

Navigating my way to the game room was shitty. Am I allowed to curse? Because that's how I feel right now. I get there and it's emptied. Not a single soul was there. That asshole moved her. The police siren must've spooked him. The only place that'll accomodate him and his goons is the fourth floor.


(Author's POV)

Jacob heaved a sigh of relief. It was just Rose and the rest of Alan Queens.

'Jesus Christ! You almost gave me a heart attack!' Matty cupped his face.

Scottie fell to his knees and kissed the floor.

Jacob, on the other hand, smiled to himself. They were on the last floor. Safe. For now.


'Please, let me get out there. Those kids are hurt. If they die….' Amie didn't finish her sentence before Ratcliff cut her off.

'- - - Goddamit! No one will die!' He rose from his seat, stuffing his hands in his pockets.

'I just watched a kid stab another like he was puncturing a tyre. Lin is going to bleed out and die. And Charlotte…' Amie assumed the worst. 'Heavens forbid it if Charlotte isn't gone already.'


The telephone rang, startling both of them. Ratcliff hesistates before picking up.

'Yes?' He nearly whispered.

Amie couldn't make out the receiver's voice. It was indistinctive. After answering a few "Yes, Sir" and "No, Sir", the conversation came to an end.

'So?' Amie was wide-eyed, demanding for a response.

'We're shutting it down.' He said and grabbed his coat.

The fire alarm rang and an announcement followed after. 'All students and staff should evacuate the building. There's a fire underway.' The announcement was repeated countless times. Clamours of help fill the air as students and staff alike fled the building.


Levi failed to understand what he was seeing. Lying on the floor was immobile Lin in a pool of what looks like blood and Charlotte, who was not better off.

'We heard the announcement. We're safe.' Gracie had to gasp for breath. She had been running. Adolph too.

'Isn't that…' Adolph could no longer speak further. He watched Levi approach the girls slowly, his face wrinkling in puzzlement, then he looked questioningly at him.

'Why are they not moving?' asked Levi. His eyes emotionless.

Adolph rushed to Lin and Gracie, Charlotte.

'We need help. ASAP.'



'The surgery was successful. She's alright.' John announced.

'Oh Thank God.' Everyone let out gasps of relief as though they had been holding their breath for long.

Levi held no reaction whatsoever. Adolph tired to help him up but he was shoved off.

Walking outside, Levi released a sharp exhale, biting his lower lip as tears streamed down his face.

4 days later,

North Shore hospital,

9 : 15 am.

(Charlotte's POV)

Light beamed through a hole design in the curtain. A nurse walked in and pulled them apart, letting more light in. I watched from my bed the sun blazing up on the clear blue sky. What a beautiful morning and yet 4 nights before was horrid. I tried my best not to remember it but the thoughts keep coming in floods and I cup my hands over my ears, curling in a fetus position.

'You alright, kid?' I hear the nurse ask.

'Yeah.' I mutter to myself but I wasn't sure the lady heard me.

Shortly, I heard the door close. She was gone.

I remove my hands from my ears and exhale.

'It's going to be fine, Charlotte. Be cool.' I tell myself.

The next minute, the door burst open. Someone was trying to break it and that someone was none other than Johnny.

'Gosh! Mum wouldn't shut up in the car about you getting broken bones.' Johnny puffed his cheeks.

Seeing his face made me laugh.

Johnny went on. 'Oh you think this is funny? Girl, I was in the middle of a date and mum dragged me out of it coz of you. I don't see casts on your arms.'

I couldn't take it in anymore. The laughter flew out of my lips and I failed to control. It didn't long till Johnny joined in. And it became a laughing frenzy.


The school board, as expected, lied to mum, dad, and as far as I know, every other parent about what happened in school. They called it "An accidental fire outbreak in the lunchroom." Every student got their stories checked out. It was the same damn thing. No one found it suspicious that many kids were admitted into the hospital and none suffered from a fire wound. Of course. This school is the top 2 in the entire state. What did I expect?

Mother wouldn't let me leave my bed for any reason. My only salvation was bathroom break but bummer, she has to follow me. I became the person I was 5 years ago. Where the parents dote on me. Watching me as though I were an egg. It was sickening. Now, I understand how Lin felt when everyone did everything for her. Lin. I remember her being stabbed. I hoped she was okay. Mum didn't allow any visitors so it was just her and dad. Johnny stayed with Uncle Calhoun for the weekend. It really sucked being holed up in a room.

'I want to see Lin.' I tell mum.

She couldn't refuse me this time. I've been trapped in this room for days.

Mum shook her head. 'Poor Lin. I can't believe she got hurt.'

Oh, I forgot to tell you guys. Everyone thinks Lin got caught in the fire and firemen rescued her shortly after everyone evacuated the school building. I'm sure the hospital director was ceorced not to release any statement of what actually happened. Typical..

I watched nurses and doctors attend to patients as mum wheeled me to Lin's ward. We arrived our destination and a sudden realisation hits me. Lin was the one who betrayed me. She gave me away to Lenin. She let him do those things to me. Why should I care?

'Queen, what's wrong?' Mummy asked.

'Nothing. Let's just go back.' I say.

Mum is about to take me back to my room when the door opens and guess who stepped out. Levi.
