
A hidden secret

After our lunch break, we have recess. A 15 minutes period of non academic activities. Everyone is given the liberty to hang out in the school game room or wherever they choose. Last time, I wasn't opportuned to hang out because I passed out in the hallway. Of which a certain human is responsible.

During this free time, Mr Gale instructs me, Grace, Levi and Jacob to chaperone Josie, Adolph, Lenin and Lin respectively. Apparently, Rose decided to reschedule the tour. I don't blame her. It's the fourth week of school. She needs to catch up. In all honesty, I'm glad I didn't get Lin. She whined nonstop about not getting a class introduction. To placate her worries, Jacob let her switch places with Levi. Now, he (Jacob) was to chaperone Lenin. I can never get used to that name. Reminds me of communism and the Bolshevik revolution of 1917. Sorry, I'm heading into history. Did I forget to mention that I'm a history buff?

On our way, Josie engage me in a conversation.

'I find it weird that you're a new student like me and yet you were given chaperone duty.' she began.

'I find it weird too but what can I do? It was Mr Gale's decision.' I reply shortly.

'You don't want to chaperone?' Josie is sad. Oh Fuck.

'Oh no.' I look for words to cheer her up. 'I really do. I'm glad we're a team. Honestly, it's nice to speak to someone without getting upset. I'm still adjusting to the American accent but it hurts my ear drums whenever I hear them speak.'

Josie laughs. 'I know, right? How can someone speak like that?'

'They sound like birds when they speak. Chirp chirp.' I made a joke and she laughs. Sophie rarely laugh at my jokes especially the bird joke about American accents. She's not a bad person. Sophie can be too brazen and over all, she's lovely. Now, its not about Sophie. I met a sister and she is laughing at my bird joke. I'm happy we met.

* * * *

(Levi's POV)

My heart is beating against my ribcage. Where the hell is Charlotte? Class is about to start. I'm about to text her when she and Jacob walk into the class with those weirdos following behind them. Where the hell was she and why the fuck are Jacob and those losers with her? I'll find out later. For now, I've got her. The usual goofy grin is on my face and I'm ready to tease the heck out of English but she does something that surprised me. Charlotte had the balls to trades seat with Grace. Like what the hell?!

'You're stuck with me now, boyfriend material.' Grace snickers and turns to log in her details into Charlotte's touch screen.

Why did Charlotte do that? Is she avoiding me because of her phone? Playing hard to get? I can play that game too.

Among the new students, I recognize one of em. Lenin. What's he doing here? I thought he left. Everyone else makes an introduction but he ignores it and makes way to the back, sitting behind me. The asshole would probably want a greeting and it went as I predicted. The dude tapped my shoulder and extended a hand. For old time sake, I shook it. Lenin knows no one wants him here and he knows I'm among the students that don't want him here.

Mr Gale decides to punish me by giving me chaperone duty. I'll be stuck with Lenin. Why the actual fuck does Lenin need a look around the school? He was once a student here. I guess Mr Gale is still on the leash of the school president. This was frustrating. Luckily, God really saw how desperate I was to get away from Lenin and decided to help me by using Lin. Now, I'm stuck with her and Jacob's stuck with Lenin. Before heading off with Lin, I wish him good luck because he'll need it.

- - - - -

(Author's POV)

Jacob's movement was rigid as though he was being forced. That was because Lenin watched him like a hawk as he explained the places he took him to.

'This is the school library. There are two in this block of which we students have access to. As you can see, It's lined with floor-to-ceiling bookshelves laden with a vast collection of books on a wide range of subjects. There are also comfortable seating arrangements, private study areas, and cozy reading corners. If you want to indulge in their academic pursuits, here's the right place for ya.'

Lenin gives a nod, saying nothing.

Jacob exhaled silently. 'Follow me.'

They went to the large gymnasium downstairs.

Lenin looked around the place. He must have noticed the changes made around the arena, Jacob thought.

'It's different from before. Your shitty principals did a good job here.' Lenin gave a remark of which he laughed to.

Jacob ignored him and began his explanation. 'Alan institute has the best sports and fitness facilities . As you can see, the gym is well-maintained and fully-equipped. There are swimming pools in the left wing, tennis courts upstairs and fields outside for various sports activities. Students have access to trained coaches, personal trainers, and modern equipment to enhance their physical well-being and excel in their respective sports. If you wanna join any team, feel free to contact Mr Gale.'

Lenin narrowed his eyes at Jacob. Taking long strides to him, he quirked an eyebrow. 'Mind how you look at me, kid. I can rip that face off anytime I want.'

Jacob swallowed his saliva. Playing hero would be suicidal. Lenin was dangerous.

He waved it off with a nervous laugh. 'I share a face with my brother. Would you rip his face off if he looks at you?'

Lenin walks past him. 'Hell nah. Levi and I are buddies for life. I can't say the same about you.'

* * * * *

(Charlotte's POV)

Josie and I are in the cafeteria. I've only been here once but I'll try my best to explain what I see.

'The school cafeteria is a gourmet delight. It offers a wide variety of nutritious and delicious meals prepared by professional chefs.' I wink at her. 'I can say its plausible because I've tasted the meal myself.'

Josie smiles. 'Yeah. The food here doesn't suck. It tastes amazing.'

I smile back. 'I'm glad you concur with my views.' I take her along. 'Moving on, the dining area is tastefully decorated and comfortable space is provided for students to relax to socialize during their meal breaks. I'm sure you had a splendid time eating here, didn't you?'

'I did.' Josie replied.

I concluded my tour. 'In summary, Alan Institute is a school that fosters creativity and overall personal development of her students.'

'You're really good at this. You should be a certified chaperone.' Josie gives me a thumbs up. 'It suits you too well.'

I blush at her words. 'You flatter me too much.'

'I'm dead serious, girl. You could make tonnes of money if you chaperone tourists coming for the school's nationals.' Josie takes a seat in one of the lounge chairs and I join her.

I almost declined when I remembered I'm still indebted to Johnny. I can't believe I forgot about that little rat.

'It's an amazing deal. I like it.' I smile.

Josie squeals. 'Yay.'

I too am excited and scared at the same time. I'm not the type to talk to a crowd of people not to talk of taking them on a tour.

A question interrupts my thoughts. 'What's your favourite place in school?'

I turn to Josie. 'What?'

She repeated herself. 'What's your favourite place in school?'

I shrug. 'I haven't figured that out yet. I'm still adjusting to the new environment.'

'Oh.' Josie nods. "Well, my favourite place will probably be the dance studio, theatre and gym.'

'Gym.' I recall her early on saying she did some kind of sport. Aha ! Competitive dance. My inquisitiveness got the best of me and I asked without thinking. 'Why competitive dance?'

Josie is taken aback by the question but she fixed her composure and smiled so slight that the corner of her lips were nearly lifted. 'It's fun.'

Wait. Did the question upset her?

'I'm sorry.' I apologise.

She took to her feet. 'Don't apologise. I love dancing and I'm glad this school encourages it.'

I stand up too. 'Yeah.'

- - - - -

'That's the end of the tour.' Jacob looks at his wrist watch. 'Recess is almost over. Should we head back?'

'Tell me about the Hide and Seek played on Monday.' Lenin said without warning.

Jacob was caught off guard as Lenin approached. 'What?'

There was a cold glint in his eyes as he smiled. 'How can I become a wolf again?'

N/B : Vote for this book if you want more chapters. Let's start with a goal of reaching 100 powerstones. If we get 100 powerstones this week, there'll be a mass release, guys. Do well to support your favourite author
