
The truth she knows

I look away immediately. I just couldn't face George. My heart was palpitating and my palms were sweaty. When he and his gang walked past my locker, I turned to speak to Sophia.

'I will have you locked up in Jail one day.' With pinched eyes, she threatens me slowly.

With a sigh, I replied. 'Will it be anime prison?'

- - - - -

On the assembly ground.

Cheese approached the podium with a smile on her pale face. 'Good morning, students.'

'Morning, mam.' We all chorused.

'It will be a pleasure for me to introduce to you our new vice principal, Montgomery Kane.' Cheese stepped aside for a less bulky man in an ash suit step up. His hair was thin as if you could count it. There was something about this man. He had a grim and a brooding appearance. Students here will hate him. Good luck to whoever his kid is.

'Jesus, he's American?!' A bloke whose teeth has never seen a tooth paste laughed.

His partner whose teeth were cleaner than anyone I've ever seen laughed back. I wonder why his friend hasn't changed. I mean, look at their giggles - one's disgusting while the other is not.

'Rumour has it that the VP's son goes to this school.' Sophia told me.

'His son?' I turned to Sophia.

'Yeah. I heard about it from the Henderson twins and trust me, they are never wrong. I wonder how they do it.'

I squint my eyes and scan the crowd of students till I found who I was looking for. Two identical girls leaning onto a tall lean guy. Rumour has it that their father is some hotshot in government house. That's why they're untouchable.

'Good morning, students.' Montgomery began with a loud american accent. 'Like the principal said, My name is Montgomery but you all can call me Mr Kane.'

'Okay, daddy.' A girl from the crowd called.

Everyone burst into laughter even Mr Kane.

'Don't call me that again.' he said now with a stern face. 'I promise to assist both the principal and you all anyway I can.'

'Okay, sir.' we all chorused.

- - - - -

Assembly was over.

We are in our squared classroom of 24 students including myself. A room where crime happens when no one is looking. Oh yeah. I'm talking about hands that creep underneath your skirts and even inside your trousers if you're not careful. Even the scribbling of sick nicknames on lockers. A certain ritual given mostly to I-know-it-all students. Especially, nope not me, Berlusconi. I almost bit my tongue pronouncing her last name. That's Marie. She's Italian. Everyone in class so much hate her that one day, the boys put spy cam in the girl's locker room when she was alone and recorded her in the shower. Another time during sports, they put their hands in her clothes. These shenanigans occurred and weirdly, she never reported any of them. The bullying here in Kings and Queens can be appalling. You either fight it or you let it as any other norm in school. As for me? I'm safe at all times because I've got my ace in the hole - Sophia, the class prefect. She is literally untouchable in class. No one dares to defy her. Not even me at times. That's how powerful she is. While she's the saint of our class, there's a black sheep in the flock always challenging her authority. A person none other than Ronald "Wild Card" Robertson, who's always pissed at her for calling him "Wild Child." He does all kinds of all evil and don't get me started.

'We've got to submit our assignment to Mrs March, everyone. You know the drill.' Sophia stood in front of the class to collect our weekend's homework.

There's a few shuffles, a few sighs and groans. Everyone struggles to turn in their papers as usual. Eventually, they all turn it in except for Wild Card.

'What's the problem, Wild Child?' Sophia is frustrated. This isn't the first time he had done this.

'For the thousandth time, it is Wild Card. Don't call me that other name.' Wild Card is pissed.

Sophia smiles. 'Look, guys. Wild Child here can count up to a thousand. Shocker.'

Laughter erupt in the classroom.

'You!' Wild Card clenched and unclenched his fist.

Sophia pulled her finger under her eye and stuck her tongue at Wild Child. Suddenly, I felt bad for him. No one deserved to be humiliated like that. But I'm glad it wasn't me.

'No one's failing this class coz of your sorry arse.' Sophia tells Wild Card.

'You work your magic for me, baby?' Stevens at the backseat whistled at Sophia and she replied him with a wink.

Sophia and I go are about to go out the door when we bump into someone. Daddy, sorry, Mr Kane. And for some unknown reason, he was with King George. Was he in some kind of trouble? Oh no.

'Hey, you must be the class prefect of 3A' Mr Kane inquired from Sophia.

'I am.' Sophia nods.

My eyes we're glued to the floor. Couldn't get myself to look at Georgie.

'Are you okay?' I heard him ask.

I lifted my head immediately. Our eyes met and that was it. Sparks were flying in the air and there's this scent of chocolate and wet rocks. I just knew he was my one true mate.

'Are you okay?' he asked again.

'I am. Thanks for asking.' I replied shyly. Stupid ol me.

'This is my son. He'll be transferring to your class.' Mr Kane said.

'What?!' It came as a yell. From me. Shit. It wasn't my inside voice. Quickly, I apologized. George was switching classes? Now? That's a horrible time! I won't get to see him everyday like I wanted. Not when I'm moving on Wednesday.

- - - - -

Lunch was another hurdle I escaped safely. The way students fill the halls are still a wonder to me. It is always too damn crowded in here. Getting lunch today was a miracle. I got help from the track athlete, Pete. That kid is Usain Bolt.

Sitting alone in my little corner, someone decides to join me for lunch. Not Sophia, she's in some groupie thing with Berlusconi. It's Georgie. All pearl skinned and looking all baby smooth. Even with an eye defect, he makes wearing glasses look sexy. I bet he's the only student in the school that looks this perfect in his uniform. Like a manga character, he has ash blonde hair, amazing ocean-blue eyes. I finally understand why Billie Eilish sang "Ocean eyes" This guy has Diamond eyes. I'm glad he got these looks from his mother. I'm positive I haven't seen her but they're definently not from daddy. Sorry, Mr Kane. Why do I keep saying that?

'May I sit?' he asked with a smile.

He had a smile to die for. So why the heck not. 'Knock yourself out.'

'What?' His cute face turned confused.

I apologised immediately. 'Jesus, I'm so sorry. It came out wrong. I thought it'd sound way more sexier if I said it but it came out lame. I'm sorry. Have a seat.'


He laughs and sits. Not opposite but beside me. O my God. He's sitting next to me. Butterflies are rioting at the pit of my stomach and now I'm humming "Die for you" by The Weeknd.

'Is it going to be weird because my father's the V.P?' he asked while picking his spaghetti with a fork.

'Nope. Not at all.' I reply immediately.

'Okay.' He nods and smiles.

My heart does a flip and I sit up like I'm nervous.

'You don't want to ask me anything?' He smiles. He must've noticed how giddy I've been in the last few seconds. Oh curse this my introverted life.

I scratch my neck. I never do that in public. Not like its a bad thing but this guy makes me nervous. Now, I can't concentrate on lunch. I'm full with butterflies rioting at the pit of my stomach.

'...Your father's American and you're...you?' I really don't understand the question myself but he answered it anyway.

'No, I'm not adopted. I'm my father's son.' he said. Emphasis on "son"

'Oh.' That's all I say. My eyes fell on the apple on my tray and I reach for it only to flinch back at the move of a hand.

It's King George. 'Hold still. There's something in your hair.'

'Oh okay.' I breathed out.

He comes way too close and begins to pick at my hair. This is a like a Korean movie scene. And here's the kissing part. Charlotte, you're moving too fast with this. But it could happen. My dad says I'm attractive so what could possibly go wrong? I can smell it. A kiss is coming. I pucker my lips and close my eyes.

'What are you doing?' asked George.

In the background, I heard the sound of a crashing mirror but I knew it was all in my mind. The crash of a broken dream. Magically, he reveals a white thread God knows how it got stuck to my black coils of danger. Yeah, my hair is like the top of my problems but that's a chapter for another day.

I mutter thanks to him. Now, I really didn't feel like eating.

He went on. 'Father lived overseas while mom and I lived here. I'm an only child.'

I nod and just listen. But how come he's switching all of a sudden and to science. Why'd he leave his friends?

'Lunch break is almost over. Let's eat up.' he said.

'Sure.' I replied slowly and watch him eat. Most girls in the hall stared at him. Half of them probably wish I would choke on my food and die.

I took my fork in hand and tried to coil the spaghetti with it when I felt warmth on my right hand. Jesus, is Georgie trying to hold my hand? I knew it ! Our story's gonna be like those movies where the bad guy claims the innocent girl. Oh, I am so loving this. I smile to myself and looked down. To my dismay, they were my gloves.

'You dropped it.' Georgie said. Taking to his feet, he smiled. 'It was nice talking to ya, Queen Charlotte.'

Watching him walk away almost made me squeal. He called me "Queen Charlotte" Oh my God. My angels are finally doing what I told them to do.

- - - - -

Lunch was over and we were heading to the classroom. Together.

'Sorry for disturbing you. It's just that I know no one in science and you were the first friendly face I could think of.' George smiled.

Red found it's way to my cheeks. 'Thanks.' I still sit next to Sophia. If there was an extra chair next to George, I will find my way to it.

She nudges my shoulder and winks. 'Got a date?'

'You could call it that.' I replied.

'I knew it's what all that blushing was for.' Sophia pull away.

'He called my face a friendly face.' I smile proudly.

'Jesus Christ.' Sophia palmed her face.

'That's the son of God.' Ronald called from the backseat and everyone laughs.

Sophia sighs. 'Can you not be anymore lame? I already have a brother that's worse.'

'What's wrong? It's not like George said I was ugly.' I scoff. What's wrong with that?

Sophia pulled me closer. 'I think he pities you for saying that. Everybody does.'

'Why? Because I'm sick?' I asked.

'You know what? Just forget about it.' Sophia turns to her seat. 'You won't be my responsibility anymore once you move.'

I was taken aback. Was that a good thing? I turn to look at George who's laughing with half the class. Yeah and he said he knew no one here. Maybe, I'm just dumb. I guess Sophia was right. I would be a lesser burden to her once I leave.
