
Chapter 3

'This taste of Chevalynthean Spicy Flavor chicken, gravy, and gargantuan onion rings in my tongue never gets old to my palate. I can do better but that's for the other time.' At one of the resting spots where one of the grassroots legislative contact stations located after we took a brunch at Ríkikrókur, I listened."Whitemist Peaks Archipelago training dungeon booking all green, Hubby." reported Mira, who now stores her device back to her ring after showing us the status through the official app of The Central Statutorial Commission of Training Dungeon Affairs.In the world of Primora, the concept of training dungeons was traced to the Founders of the Covenantal Realm and The Covenantal Realm. The training dungeons, the lēorndyncgas, itself were basically dungeons like those from the works of fictions I read except that they're man-made and has its own world within.The künstlichweltstädte, which were basically similar to the training dungeons but they're "man-made artificial regions", those infrastructures, the feats of engineering and magic, were enhanceable and modular that its total area value can literally increase.For my life as Galavryn Lysendel, at the age of 5 in the past of my days in spending my so-called "ehrenschwertmagier squire days", my first lēorndyncgas, "The Blackwood Archipelagos Dungeon", was a bit "nothing" to someone such as myself who experienced battles in past life since it was almost different than in Blue Star in a number of ways.The one we'll be going at, Whitemist Peaks Archipelago, were one of the many training dungeons to choose from Orlači-Hernandez Greater Isles in The United Covenant. This training dungeon offered many what it could have been of exploration, training, and experience in that training dungeon's world that included creatures created inside the lēorndyncgas itself. Having weather just like the real life counterpart outside the dungeon, the controlling entity of it, The Whitemist Peaks Archipelago Lēorndyncgas Control Authority, one of the many controlling entities per each training dungeon which for this case since we're at Orlači-Hernandez Greater Isles, the training dungeons of Orlači-Hernandez Greater Isles, 'reports and collects data' to The Central Statutorial Commission of Training Dungeon Affairs – The Orlači-Hernandez Greater Isles as far as The Covenantalian Governance Model System goes for the procedures of "making the training dungeons better with improvements than the last time".As thanks and a small reward for her, I smiled at one of my lovely girls who I fondly remembered by her past life, Trinity Wycliffe, and kissed her on the lips that had this black-haired reincarnator pull me closer to her and feeling Mira's oppai-sama pressed against my chest.Kissing and flirting with beautiful girls who were my past life consorts and lovers from my past life, they're the best.Breaking off after from our shared moment of affection, I get a look of her fond smile appear on her face, as I fondly said to this black-haired consort of mine, "My dear, Karin, moments like these brings us back of those days. I would love to replay that memories again including the day of our wedding day.""Indeed, it was, Hubby." agreed Mira with her lovely smile as we're all talking through our link through Bonds of Destiny. "Sparring together, cuddling together, range day, hunting, various activities with us. I still recall those moments of you and others pulling tricks towards the 'youngsters', that exposed the hypocrisies and the side beneath their acts portrayed by their PR or in-screen."

When Mira said it, I couldn't take it anymore.

"Mwahahaha! Karin, they are what they were, an unmentioned cindered nameless NPCs. What constructive dialogue or chatter from that those particular personalities from the 'youngsters' when they were hypocrite individuals like those group of Samarian senators whom I laid a trap at Eisenreich Archipelago when me, Tara, Friedrich, and the notables were part of those invited figures and resource persons from the Aldrian side to give our insights once again in the public?t's a waste of time before we were born.They, the trash including the xenophobic pinheads, only use it to escape vital issues of their state and cultivate their exposure mileage for their so-called elections and popularity awareness than their duty of serving their people and the masses, and improving their country.The best answer to dispose them permanently is to go with one of my tricks or Tara's."Eisenreich Archipelago, that archipelago from our past life country, Aldria, was one of the famous locations and international venues for diplomacy especially being the location of the international courts since Aldria was the birthplace of judiciary in Mundo or Blue Star.The past life episode I was referring to the one with those trash senators from our time was a Trojan Horse I pulled that had them earned a "bad ending trophy" in the 'planned' Constitutional Reform Hearing of Samar at Eisenreich Archipelago, courtesy by my schemes with Tara.Like Mira, Vivienne, one of my certified reincarnated waifus from the so-called "Reincarnator Girls" faction of my harem, the blonde too also smiled from the remembrance, as we're all still talking through the link of our so-called 'private chatroom' also known as Bonds of Destiny. "Of course. Darling, in the end everything went well for the side of Samar and the Samarian Reformists with the Samarian constitution changed and sent at the Museum of Transgressions.While I understood my role as one of the princesses that were part of The Wyynser Royal Dynasty when I was Willow Wyynser, those Samarian politicians just like those so-called self-proclaimed democratic nations, only thought of ways to increase their pockets and assets when there's creatures such as Abryathas, vargrs, crustadons, and many more creatures in Blue Star. Thinking about our past, makes me glad and proud of our Aldrian heritage."Smiling confidently from the memory of the past, I nodded in agreement at the blonde who was formerly an Aldrian princess. "I concur, Vivienne. There's a reason in our past life as Aldrians we don't go with the youngsters' way of their so-called 'democracy' when in their country's political system, all they could get as a citizen, a voter, were some elected unfit imbeciles in the government and make money like they were unqualified career politicians they were like that Mahardekan President who couldn't handle deep through questions from those Aldrian journalists or those hypocrite group of PAC-endorsed imbeciles from the democratic nations who rose power from their so-called democratic elections rubbish those youngsters espoused in their sovereign state and mainstream media.One nation from our past life world such as The Vinagrado Nation got themselves 'democratically elected' sitting duck president, that unworthy drug addict imbecile, a buffoon who won through popularity-based politics.Remember the crimes and manipulations done by The World Edenianist Congress and The Edenianists before our era as a lesson and a warning.Aldrians such as us, through the teachings of our past life country's second king, one of your ancestors when you were Willow Wyynser in your past life, Gerhardt the Pillar, views meritocracy, meritocratic mechanisms, and covering up to the grassroots level, the way to go in governance with personality-based politics, leadership, and the PACs and lobbying eternally banned for pragmatic and good reasons. It's that reason why similar to our past life country's Kaiserliches Staatsmanagement, The Covenantalian Model Governance Model System in our current life also continuously evolves and maintain sharpness."As I said my piece in our so-called 'private group chat', those days of who I was as Ethan Wycliffe and the books I read, I remembered it all including those so-called 'democratically elected politicians' who sold their dignity and failure of duty through PAC 'donor' money, all of it, the 'unmentionable' files, kept in the vaults of The Royal Aldrian Custodian Organization of Historical Records, and The Azure Clover Historical Archives.While I carry the honor and prestige of my Aldrian past life background, there's nothing noteworthy from the so-called non-member states outside the Order of the Azure Clover except amusing things and amnesia from those non-member states for forgetting why the Silver Dragon Orchid Empire and The Order of Azure Clover does not subscribe to that blather ideal that brought up The World Edenianist Congress and The Edenianists the first place in the governments and taking the reigns surreptitiously and suppressing targeted ethnic groups for racial supremacist reasons according to their 'sacred text', Orin'Delath."Your Highness, the tales from your past life world, we can't wait to hear more of the stories of your past life country's eras." commented Tina, her excitement of hearing more Blue Star history present."I agree with Tina, milord." added Sena. "It's astounding your past life world and country able to come up ways to hunt and defeat those creatures from Blue Star. I still find it unsettling for discreet organization such as The World Edenianist Congress, those hidden kingmakers, controlling a country behind the scenes, doing the lobbying, and infiltrating the sectors back in those days you mentioned, caused trouble yet no one put them to the accountability towards their nefarious deeds. "I smiled at Sena, this time, savoring her appearance. "They're a relic from the past.A threat like them from Blue Star that came from that so-called religion is nothing to The e member-states of Order of Azure Clover because those insects likes to fabricates ituations perversely towards their perverted agendas such as their crimes committed in Azaq ignored by the Edeniast puppet states when those perfidious supremacists were around.The Orin'Delath, that so-called 'religious text' of that cult was essentially a forgotten item from my era. All copies of it including in Blue Star's internet are deleted. This is the Aldrian way of permanently erasing the unmentionable items and relics.While I had an access towards to the secret copy when I was Ethan Wycliffe, I too also find that Orin'Delath very disgusting, discriminating, and hyperracist. As always never trust hypocrites using religious excuse for not facing their sacrilegious acts of their so-called 'religion'.""Milord, this makes me happy I am to be yours.""That's our Hubby and our Aldrian heritage past life background! There's a lot to be told including to the Founders for the sake of secured Covenantal Realm and The White Lily Pact! Ah, I forgot he provided insights to 'them'.""Now, now, my ladies, the fondness and praises towards my past life self, Ethan Wycliffe, might be too much including the parts of faceslapping against the pseudointellectual youngsters and corrupt trash in Mundo.I learned and experienced a lot, hence, why I'm able to help the Realm in scenarios almost similar to the events from Blue Star and Aldria. For my advice, a standard one, it's always important to keep what's valuable from Aldria, in our lives and selves for the next journey. Sena, Tina, once we get back to Eldergrove Palatium later afternoon after they arrive, as usual, I'll share them.""Thank you, Your Highness." "Thanks, Your Majesty! I love you!"Smiling inwardly from their affections thanks to our Bonds of Destiny link, our party of 5 went ahead to the direction of the reception station of our booked lēorndyncgas.In The United Covenant of Chevalynthea, the dungeon reception stations were what it was in function and purpose depicted similar to the fictional works from my past life world and my former fatherland, Aldria. The reception stations were anything if one want to train at any of the training dungeons in the country after showing the ID and the booking receipt.The reception station for Whitemist Peaks Archipelago training dungeon, it's located northeast from here.In a span of minutes, we reached our destination.The dungeon entrance itself in a form of a massive gates were guarded by the gate guards that had the insignia of Central Statutorial Commission of Training Dungeon Affairs (CSCTDA) on their uniform.I can tell they're not someone in the eyes of commoners to be trifled with if one person does not receive the backing and support of The Founders of the Covenantal Realm. It's in their job description. Their Ätherverein levels, they were concealed due to their gear just like us."Booking receipts, please." the one who said it to us was some black-haired human male who one thought he's some fresh of the mill recruit in appearance only. His facial expression when he said it, I thought it looked like some pirate from a pirate movie I watched, a pirate mob character played by an actor who said another same question at the female lead for weapon inspection after the female lead surrendered her flintlock pistol for the first part yet the character said that same question again until all of the female lead's weapons voluntarily surrendered to the door guard.Slightly bit calm beneath my helmet while holding my laugh at that guy's line from remembering the scene from the pirate movie, in response for the usual procedure, I wordlessly summoned my artifact and showed it to him the screenshot of the official app of The Central Statutorial Commission of Training Dungeon Affairs, the CSCTDA, which for this case had a QR code of our booking ticket at our picked training dungeon for our morning warmup, Whitemist Peaks Archipelago.Like that, one of the personnel here, one of the personnel, a female elf had a rectangular-shaped magitech device that's basically a specialized gadget for that kind of purpose. I am really sure of the 'goodies' within that device but as an individual who had an exposure of various things including governance overall, and knowledge, I had many rough ideas that may make that device better.BEEP!"Confirmation token confirmed. Enjoy your-""YOU, DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM!?"A booming voice with a snobbish tone nearby was heard from here and cut off the pleasantries.In my lifeline, I lost count from hearing such classic overused line.From corrupt imbeciles to clowns of affluent family background or with powerful connections, what a way to 'liven things' up for they were materials for my musings and tools of testing out my tricks and exercising my wits.Woflin Angevin, who I was close with and knew him as Tarakage "Tara" Wycliffe in my past life who was one of my kinsmen as Ethan Wycliffe and my childhood part of it, like myself, also had many ways to deal with these villainous stereotypes back in our day including those self-proclaimed of whatever the shit they thought in one of the areas with their lies to garner attention and cultivate their media mileage.Turning my attention towards the direction of the voice's owner, I suppressed my laughter.Jackpot.'This never get old. I still remember plenty of pseudointellectuals I humiliated in public and outside my livestream sessions when I was Ethan Wycliffe. Good fucking times.'The person who said such classic villain cliche line was a human male, non-Chevalynthean citizen naturally. I had no way to describe this trash's appearance because once trash would always remain a trash. His face and appearance just screamed he's an arrogant young master who gets everything he wanted because of his family's wealth and connections. His clothes, it appears their material was expensive but it was nothing to a person such as myself, and the existence of one of my favorite Covenantalian spells, Synthesis."Even if I do know you, a procedure is a procedure and must be followed in The United Covenant. " warned one of the personnel, a stern looking gray-haired wolfkin man, at that undesirable 'NPC' and his 'cheerleaders'. "You need to have a QR code or a screenshot of the booking of this training dungeon to enter. It's set forth by The Founders of the Covenantal Realm."As expected, the foreign ignoramus and his lackeys got angry whilst two of these foreign muppets draw out one of their weapons.It's really predictable."You really do not know him at all! The grace and presence of the young master, it's a blessing and prestige! Feel honored, for I will tell you the name of the young master here. His name is-""Hubby, this reminded me of our past life." remarked Vivi through our private link, playfully amused."It was. They need to learn their own places and know the laws of the land." I agreed as I then changed things of methods in dealing with these imbeciles making a ruckus. "Swordsmanship or marksmanship?""Your marksmanship, my lord. Let them know there's a group of disguised Grand Knights of the Inner Covenantal Cross in their foolish acts right in the Covenantalian soil.""Very well, my dears."In Chevalynthea, The Covenantal Realm, we had many ways to deal with people like those including corruption and yellow journalists. The Founders themselves were secretly transmigrators and they had experiences that in a way there's a Corruption Practices Investigation Bureau at all levels right in this country we reincarnated.As for what I would be doing next to these nameless nondescript individuals due to the marksmanship option, I would be shutting these foreigners up literally that was by using one of the methods aka shooting a magic bullet loaded in one of my Silverfrost Fangs I chantless summoned and grasped by my right hand.As both Galavryn Lysendel and Ethan Wycliffe, I was called with many names, monikers, and titles if one does not take account of my style names - The Sage of Crystalwing, The Crystalwing Fox, The Renaissance Whisperer, The Eagle Eye, The 1st Viscount of Wycliffe, The 1st Duke of Crystalwing, The Swiftrigger Whirlwind, The Crosshair, The Silver Glint, The Silver Archduke of Bergklar, many others.My custom-made revolvers, Silverfrost Fangs, they were a big upgrade from my past life revolvers, Crystalwing Talons. It had many improvements and similar features from its predecessor naturally in this world of Primora. It also had the quietness features from my Crystalwing Talons.With custom magic bullets created and freshly loaded in the chambers thanks to the encodements inside this gun's heart, I discreetly aimed my summoned Silverfrost Fang at that foreign group of 4 candidates for the list of unwanted foreigners of The Covenantal Realm.Presenting gunmancy, aka magical gunnery arts in the Covenantalian magic system, that worked the same thing as back in Aldria, these troublemakers would not expect from someone from this one's caliber to put them in their deserving sits.'It'll be a blink for you, fodders of foreign land. You won't even get to hear the sound of gun shot coming in...'"Y-You! You are courting death, third-rate-"With shots rapidly fired by this yours truly, we all watched these unwanted foreigners meters away paralyzed to the ground while the personnel, who had their weapons and devices ready to be drawn out for an expected combat, shrugs a bit and looks a bit surprised for a moment of unexpected interference.Their painful screams from my gunshots, they're nonexistent. Nothing, not even the state of the art Aldrian satellites from my past life world would be able to capture the sound of these bastards screaming in pain from my created bullet.But again, what happens when you have a transmigrator who has knowledge including materials science equipped with Synthesis, a Chevalynthean elementless spell that creates objects? The result would be a custom-made magic bullet with one of the most potent neurotoxins on it in a form of a magic bullet of my own design I fired, a derivative of my "to-go assassination bullet". The compound mixtures of this specific bullet, it had the 'unmentionables' that would give them an interesting effect to their own bodies since I intended these trash to have their 'little brother' dead and completely magically crippled with no chances of treatment.In general, that's my one of own methods of dealing towards the male undesirables.Smiling at the sight of these paralyzed troublemakers carried away to the station by The Royal Covenantal Gendarmerie as if nothing while my summoned revolver dispersed into nothingness faster than the speed of light, I looked at that personnel and his colleagues who inspected us a minute ago.This fellow, he now sported a grin which I thought to be a OOC from my first impression towards him. Chances were it's because the troublemakers carried by the personnel to the interrogation room right now made this morning peaceful.Thankfully, my Silverfrost Fangs were blanketed with an illusion."The weapon deployment speed, the marksmanship, the accuracy, the reaction time, ser, are you perhaps a Silberkreuzritter, a Silver Crosshair knight?" asked the male CSCTDA personnel."Maybe, maybe not. Truth be told, even if I amI'm in actually a vielseitigkeitsritter, not a silberkreuzritter." I answered cryptically, with a tone of hidden joking authoritarianism mixed with my usual playful arrogance to cover up the trace and hint in regards to one of my fake names I used."Vielseitigkeitsritter? Didn't expect get to encounter an ehrenschwertmagier from that Royal Covenantal Order of your caliber this morning." commented one of the personnel, this time, a taller female brown-haired elf with a ponytail, the gaze of her topaz eyes looking at my masked myself. "Ser, you must have been planning to up your game by picking this lēorndyncgas."Vielseitigkeitsritters, they're the ehrenschwertmagiers from one of the Royal Covenantal Ätherverein Orders, Die Königliche Bündniskommandatur der Tausend Fähigkeiten, simply known as "The Royal Covenantal Order of the Thousand Skills" in "Primora Intercontinental Tongue".Founded by one of the Founders of the Covenantal Realm, Leofric Wolfsbane, The Royal Covenantal Order of the Thousand Skills itself was a Valhalla to the persons who pursues polymathy and seeking out a treasure trove of goodies such as myself. Working closely with The Grand Royal Council of the Covenantal Ätherverein Orders, and various entities from The Covenantalian Governance Model System, the Royal Covenantal Order itself, true to its name, excelled at various aspects like in a matter that as a former Aldrian I found a sense of community and kinship for its atmosphere.With my past life combat experience and what I learned from National Sentinel Initiative Class and my upbringing from my past life as an Aldrian, I had no regrets.Towards that elf girl, that brown-haired CSCTDA personnel, I smiled behind my Crystalwing Fox mask and jokingly pumped fist. "Yes. I'm an ehrenschwertmagier too, y'know.For my own dedication towards the Realm's values, ideology and way of life, I have to be stronger and well-prepared than my previous self. Who knows there would be a situation that may require my services or prowess as an ehrenshwertmagier? Can't disappoint The Covenantal Sovereigns of the Realm, and entities from The Covenantalian Governance Model System such as The Grand Royal Council of the Covenantal Ätherverein Orders, for this vielseitigkeitsritter being not up to task.If I fail it, I will no longer wear my helmet and run around throughout the Realm using my hands only with weights and limiters applied."The brown-haired female elf laughs from my playful joke. "Understandable. Alright, I wish your party a good luck in Whitemist Peaks Archipelago ."The gates of the training dungeon in front of us opens.