
Chapter 208: Angelina jolie's Fetish

In late April, after Louise had led the remaining crew members to Atlanta, the filming of "Wanted" commenced at the Gray Film and Television Base.

Martin's first scene required him to engage in a brutal fight.

Within the studio, arranged to resemble a writing room, various departments were bustling with preparations for the shoot.

The actor sharing the scene with Martin was a hefty man with a large face and a protruding belly.

He greeted Martin with an ingratiating smile, saying, "Hello, Martin, I'm Chris Pratt, and I'm a huge fan of yours."

These words were all too familiar; when a young Hollywood actor meets a star, they often declare themselves as fans. The prop master, holding a keyboard, smiled and nodded, "Hello."

However, upon closer examination, the portly man seemed strangely familiar. It dawned on the prop master that he was none other than a young, heavier version of Star Lord himself.

The prop master advised Martin, "Be cautious when handling this keyboard. Many keys are quite loose and can easily fly out upon impact."

Martin acknowledged and replied, "No problem, I've got it under control."

As the prop master walked away, Chris Pratt, with his cherubic smile, leaned closer to Martin and said, "Don't worry; you can go all out with the keyboard. I've got a thick face and body, I can take it."

Martin, seeing shades of his own shamelessness in Pratt's approach, casually responded, "Let's shoot it normally, then."

Pratt nodded knowingly. He understood that if he could convincingly be pummeled by the film's protagonist, Martin, his character would make quite an impact on the audience.

Upon hearing the assistant director's call for the actors to take their places, Pratt quickly excused himself, saying, "I'll get ready now. Feel free to call me anytime if you need me."

Director Leterrier exchanged a thumbs-up with Martin, signaling their readiness to proceed.

With the cards played by the script supervisor, filming commenced.

Martin left his desk, picked up the keyboard, and strode toward the door.

Pratt, situated near the exit, stood up and blocked Martin's path, delivering his lines as per the script.

Martin swung the keyboard and struck it.

Pratt recoiled in coordination, with keys flying in all directions.

Martin continued relentlessly, repeatedly smashing the keyboard.

Finally, he discarded the keyboard, raised his middle finger in a defiant gesture towards the portly boss behind him, and left, punctuating his exit with an American greeting starting with 'F.'

"Excellent, this take was a success!" The first scene had gone smoothly. Leterrier was in high spirits as he announced, "Let's move on."

Pratt climbed back to his feet, enthusiastically shaking his round belly. Some numeric keys had even fallen out from underneath his shirt.

The following scenes were all set in the scriptorium.

Pratt was even more obsequious to Martin than Blake Lively in her prime. It seemed like he was on the verge of taking off his pants and asking Martin if he fancied a glimpse of his plump derriere.

In the rest area, Mene, who had recently shaved his head, confided in Bruce, "I get really stressed when he does this."

Bruce wrapped an arm around his shoulder reassuringly. "Think about it, when did we meet? What has Martin done for you, and what have you done for Martin? There's nothing that can match up to this kind of fool."

Mene's confidence had grown significantly. "You're right; we're a team!"

On the first day of filming, Martin was in excellent form, and the crew broke for a brief rest at around ten o'clock.

Martin arrived at the rest area, picked up his phone from Bruce, and noticed a text message from Louise and Kelly inviting him to join them for lunch.

Approaching him was an extra who played the role of a female clerk, a striking figure with blonde hair.

Bruce, concerned that Martin might have forgotten, offered a reminder, "Your old partner from 'Zombie Stripper.'"

Catherine hesitated for a moment but eventually stepped forward and greeted Martin, "Hi, Martin, it's been a while."

Martin remembered her; after all, they had worked together on the films "City Folks" and "Zombie Stripper."

He was taken aback, "Catherine, what brings you here?"

He recalled that she had followed a senior executive from Lionsgate Pictures.

"I... I was naive, foolish, and easily manipulated," Catherine said, looking at Martin, who now shone brightly as the center of the whole crew. She couldn't hide her mixed emotions, "Lionsgate's people manipulated our relationship and deceived me into thinking there was a project when, in reality, there was nothing."

Catherine appeared annoyed with herself, stating, "I trust people too easily. It's all my fault for letting myself be manipulated into forming a connection with you and Benjamin."

Martin chose not to dwell on this trivial matter and waved it off. "The past is in the past."

Catherine couldn't help but feel relieved and continued, "I've also apologized to Benjamin. Ben recommended me to Marietta Agency and gave me the opportunity to star in this project. Martin..." Bruce discreetly retrieved his phone and dialed a number with a single tap.

"Do your part, and that's enough." Martin understood her unspoken request.

Catherine hesitated for a moment and then implored, "For the sake of our history, please give me a chance."

Martin's phone began to ring, and he glanced at it before saying, "I'm sorry; this is an emergency call."

Catherine could only watch as Martin walked away.

As she saw him move further and further away, she felt a strong sense of disappointment and helplessness.

The actors at the starting line ran so swiftly that their backs disappeared from view.

As Martin strolled along the road, he concluded a call with Bruce. Exiting the studio, he sought refuge in the shade to catch his breath.

Bruce and Mene approached from behind.

At that moment, a nearby electric car came to a halt, and a cheerful bald black man alighted from it. His bald head was somewhat conical, giving him a distinct appearance.

It was clear that this man was here for Martin.

Bruce didn't recognize him, but Mene did. "That's Tyler Perry, a renowned figure in the black film industry. His spring comedy, 'Diary of a Mad Black Woman,' had a budget of over $5 million and grossed more than $50 million at the North American box office."

Tyler Perry was making his way toward Martin, even before anyone else could approach. He extended his hand and introduced himself, "Are you Martin Davis? I'm Tyler Perry."

Martin shook his hand and responded, "Hello, I'm Martin."

"I came here for a visit today and didn't expect to run into you," Tyler Perry said courteously. "I'm a fan of your work; I really enjoyed 'Zombie Stripper.' I even visited the Hulk Mansion Strip Club, and it left quite an impression."

Martin was unsure about what he meant, but he politely replied, " 'Diary of a Mad Black Woman' is a comedy masterpiece."

Tyler Perry chuckled modestly, "It gets some laughs, mostly just showcasing some typical African American humor. But it's nowhere near your level, Martin. So, what are you up to these days? You're the biggest star in Atlanta."

Martin offered a somewhat vague response, "I've been fortunate to receive some opportunities." He then inquired, "Are you originally from Atlanta as well?"

Tyler Perry replied, "I moved to Atlanta from Louisiana when I was 12. Grew up on the South Side."

The South Side of Atlanta was predominantly African American.

Martin smiled and commented, "That's remarkable."

He had very little interaction with people from the South Side. The one notable exception was Boyette, the owner of the bar across from the strip club. Boyette had shot someone and was currently serving time in prison.

Tyler Perry seemed confident and handed Martin his business card. "Both of us are from Atlanta. We should support each other in the future and hopefully collaborate someday."

Martin exchanged business cards with him, saying, "I hope so."

Tyler Perry boarded the electric car, waved, and departed.

Martin turned to Bruce, asking, "Is he from the South Side?"

Bruce shook his head. "I've never heard of him." He took out his phone and called Robert for clarification.

After a brief conversation on the phone, Bruce ended the call and relayed the information. "He wasn't originally an actor in Atlanta. He wrote, directed, and acted in stage plays. Later, he moved to New York to further his career. He returned to Atlanta last year and filmed 'Diary of a Mad Black Woman.'"

Martin had a heightened sense of awareness when it came to the South Side. People who had been involved in questionable activities were often afraid of their past catching up to them. "Have someone keep an eye on him and check if he has any connections with Boyette," Bruce instructed Jay and Rom separately.

Martin returned to the set to continue filming. Today's scenes were all centered around him, and there were no scenes featuring the actress Fox, so Jolie decided not to attend.

After finishing work in the afternoon and removing his makeup, Martin encountered Pratt waiting at his trailer's door.

Upon spotting Martin, Pratt broke into a warm smile and asked, "Martin, do you have some free time tonight? Let's go grab a drink. My treat."

Martin shook his head, "Not tonight, I have plans."

Pratt's cheerful smile broadened as he said, "No worries, we can schedule it for another day when you're available."

Martin nodded and gave him a friendly pat on the shoulder.

Pratt was pleased that Martin hadn't turned down his offer, at least indicating that he was open to the idea.

While en route, Martin made a phone call and then headed straight to his hotel. When he reached the elevator, he coincidentally crossed paths with Jolie, who was coming down from upstairs.

Jolie approached and said, "Teacher, I have a few questions to ask."

Martin, somewhat caught off guard, replied, "Let's discuss it another time; I have plans for tonight."

Curious, Jolie refrained from pressing further.

As Martin's elevator arrived, Jolie seized the opportunity to step inside with him.

She came up with a casual excuse, "I forgot my phone."

When they reached the floor where the luxury suite was located, Jolie deliberately remained behind Martin.

As they turned into the hallway, the door to the innermost suite opened, and Kelly emerged, giving Martin a few meaningful glances and a welcoming smile.

Martin subtly raised his thumb, indicating that he was ready.

Jolie paused outside her own suite. As she swiped her card to unlock the door, she sneakily glanced in the direction of the commotion. The woman with chestnut hair, who seemed somewhat unfamiliar, stood at the door, the same suite where Louise Meyer had stayed.

Jolie entered her room, leaving the door ajar. The last thing she saw was Martin and the woman passionately kissing before entering Louise's suite together.

Jolie leaned against the wall near her door, her hand on her chest as she breathed heavily, her heart racing.

At that moment, she found Martin incredibly charming.

Ever since Martin's breakup with Anne Hathaway and his return to bachelorhood, Jolie had thought that much of his masculine allure had vanished. However, in the capacity of her teacher and mentor, his charisma had resurfaced.

Now, with two female companions—one of whom was her old friend, Louise—Jolie was captivated.

Single men didn't hold much appeal for her; she preferred to pursue married men or those already in committed relationships.
