
Chapter 5: The Shut-In Vampire Princess Stands on the Battlefield

"Please take care of Mulnite. Keep the world close to your chest."

I'd heard the words before.

My mom used to smile at me and tell me I'd pull the world forward. As a kid, I had no idea what that could possibly mean.

She rarely played with me. She was a Crimson Lord, and next in line for the throne. Most of my memories of my mother were of her running off to the battlefield, neglecting her home for work.

And still, I loved her.

On the rare occasion she came home, she would indulge me, playing with me until she fell asleep from the fatigue.

My mom gave me so much during that short period we were together. She taught me to empathize with people, to think about their feelings. She taught me to be strong, to never give up. I think I wanted to become just like her—someone everyone respected, someone they called a hero.

I still remembered her last words. She'd called me over and told me she had a very important fight the next day.

"If anything happens to me, I want you to take care of Mulnite."

I was confused. Why was she talking like she wouldn't be coming back?

Yet she smiled valiantly and softly patted my head.

"Don't worry. I'll be back soon."


"You're such a worrywart, Komari. Here, you can have this."

It was a pendant that glowed blood-red. "What is it?" I asked, and she only smiled suggestively.

"It's very important. Keep this around your neck, and it'll be just like having the world on your chest."


Then she left.

That was my last memory of my mom.

The pendant had been glowing on my chest ever since.

Lonne Cornelius was on the outskirts of the Imperial Capital.

Her experiment was complete. The weapon of mass destruction she had been working on for a year, the Ruin & Despair Cannon, had been as powerful as her calculations predicted. It had effortlessly destroyed the Mulnite Imperial Palace's barrier, then decimated the Imperial Capital in six more blasts.

Her calculations showed that the city could be leveled in thirteen extra shots, but that was a bit too unrealistic to actually put into practice. Now that the Peace Spirits and Warblades had infiltrated the fight, people would die for real if she went too far.

"All right, time to go back to the hideout."

Cornelius's lab coat fluttered as she turned around. She looked up at the full moon in the sky.

She couldn't stay there for long with Terakomari Gandesblood on the scene. Tryphon had some sort of plan in the works, but she doubted the Blood Curse would be that simple to subdue. Regardless, her own safety was the priority here. She turned to look at her subordinates.

"Our work here is done! Get the Ruin & Despair Cannon outta here!"

"Yes, ma'am!" exclaimed the Inverse Moon elite.

She'd gotten good results from her experiments today. It was time to go back, implement some improvements, and do some maintenance.


Suddenly, the moonlight darkened.

Cornelius turned around nonchalantly, and her vision went orange.

A beat later, an explosion of apocalyptic magnitude went off. The wind howled. Cobblestones were blown upward. The air turned scorching hot.

Cornelius shrieked and fell on her back.

The Ruin & Despair Cannon was exploding before her eyes.

"Wh-what the helllll?!"

Scratch that—it had already been blasted to smithereens.

Her subordinates were all blown away in the blast.

She couldn't believe it. She hadn't felt even the slightest of mana reactions. None of her calculations had predicted something like this happening. So why?

"Finally found you. So it's you who's been destroying the city, hmm?"

A vampire stepped in front of the flaming remnants of the cannon.

Her eyes glowed scarlet, and she had the glare of a killer.

Then Cornelius understood. It was her. She was responsible for this.

"H-how are you going to pay for my cannon?! That's one of my masterpi— Gweh!"

The woman grabbed her by the neck. Tightly, like a vise. She lifted her up in the air. Cornelius flapped her limbs in resistance, to no avail. She was in the tech division, not the fight division.

"You. Do you know what you've done?" the vampire muttered in a choked voice.

Cornelius then realized who she was dealing with. Those sleepy eyes. That golden bedhead. The Full Moon emblem on her uniform.

"P-Petrose Calamaria…?!"

"In the flesh. And you've done it now, terrorist. It sure was a pain catching you, what with you warping around everywhere with the Holy Knights' teleporters. So tell me—how are you gonna make it up to me? I'm all tuckered out thanks to you. And the Imperial Capital is a total mess."

The scarlet glow in Petrose's eyes made every hair on Cornelius's body stand on end. Her powers were outlined in Inverse Moon's Implosion Exegesis.

Petrose had the power to cause explosions in any place she'd ever been to, at any time.

This vampire could blow up Cornelius down to her molecules without breaking a sweat.

"Are you ready? I'm going to combust every single bone in your body, one by one."

"W-wait! A-a-are you sure you want to kill me?! I'm in the top brass of Inverse Moon! I'm a Luna!"

"Who cares? I certainly don't. Killing everyone's the quickest. Saves me from more work."

"How can you be so barbaric…? Where's the beauty in that…?"

"Beauty is the word you use for the moment when everything in creation crumbles. And what's more beautiful than an explosion, which paints the world with flavor? Now c'mon—let me get that delicious blood of.yours bursting."


This woman's crazier than anyone in Inverse Moon.

Cornelius ground her teeth and gulped down her fear. As a member of Inverse Moon, she couldn't back down now. She came up with a plan to save herself at the speed of light.

"Let's begin. How about we start with your coccyx?" An atrocious grin came to Petrose's face.

"Y-you're gonna regret killing me!"

"Still blabbering, are you? Give up already."

"The Empress! I'll tell you where the Empress is! You'll never find her if you blow me up!"


A cold wind blew.

Hesitation bloomed in Petrose's heart.

Fuyao Meteorite was delighted.

Terakomari Gandesblood had returned to the Imperial Capital. The moment the vampire's voice echoed in the night sky of the Mulnite Empire, Fuyao's golden ears perked right up, pointing to heaven.

This was no time for a stroll. She threw away the inari sushi she'd stolen from a street vendor and leaped across the ruins of the houses, rushing toward her bitter enemy.

It was time for revenge.

Time to make Komari pay for what she'd done to the Heavenly Paradise. She needed to break through the Blood Curse in order to stand at the top of the world.

Bloodlust surged inside her.

Fuyao jumped onto the roof of a crumbling building, then heard a gunshot.

By the time she heard it, the bullet had already grazed her cheek and flown off into the distance. She wiped the blood and turned around.

"You're that fox who made a whole mess back during the Heavenly Ball! What great luck I have! Let's play an overture to the beat of your screams."

An ivory girl was floating in midair. A Sapphire wearing thick winter clothing and armed with a gun. One of the Six Arctic Masters of the Polar Union—Prohellya Butchersky.

Behind her were lines of uniformed Sapphires, all glaring at Fuyao. What an unpleasant development. She didn't have the time to waste on these losers.

Fuyao gently placed a hand on the hilt of her katana.

"…What do you want? This is the vampire's country," she spat.

"Wah-ha-ha-ha-ha! You're funny. Aren't you a beast-folk? What are you doing here? Surely not plotting something stupid like an invasion, right? Haven't you learned your lesson after your defeat at the Heavenly Paradise? Just grab some fried snacks and get on your way home already."


Her consciousness was driven from the core of her heart.

An alternate self took control of her body.

"It's racist to tell a fox-folk to eat fried food! But if you want a fight, you've got one. Seems like you're itching to be buried in the Imperial Capital anyway."

"Come at me!"

Prohellya shot at Fuyao immediately.

So began the clash between Sapphires and the beast-folk.


Tryphon Cross could feel the cogs getting out of order.

Terakomari Gandesblood should have been incapacitated back in the Holy City, but Millicent Bluenight had thrown his ploy off course.

His backup plan to capture Komari once she teleported back into the Imperial Capital had already failed. Sending the full forces of Inverse Moon against her should have worked. The Blood Curse caused great damage, and Komari was naive, so Tryphon had assumed she wouldn't want to activate it while there were so many civilians around. But then Nelia Cunningham and Karla Amatsu threw a wrench into everything.

Now he couldn't even get in touch with the other Lunae.

According to his reports, Cornelius had been captured by Petrose Calamaria.

He had nothing confirmed yet for Fuyao Meteorite, but it appeared she was fighting Prohellya Butchersky, who had come all the way from the Polar Union.

"Is this all a coincidence? No, this was inevitable. Everything is happening as it's supposed to happen."

Terakomari Gandesblood hadn't planned any of this. She just had that many people who wanted to help her.

Then the palace ceiling creaked.

Tryphon looked up calmly and realized that dense mana was gushing in from above.

"She's here. To think she would destroy the palace."

Tryphon took some needles out of his pocket.

The ceiling caved in with deafening roar.

Along with the rubble descended a vampire with golden hair and scarlet eyes who was enveloped in intense, bright-red mana—Crimson Lord Terakomari Gandesblood.

"Die, terrorist."

Tryphon dodged her swift kick by a hair.

The moment her feet touched the ground, a disastrous mana explosion went off. The floor erupted in a crimson blast. Tryphon covered his face with his arms and braced himself. The volume of mana was abnormal—this was the true power of the Blood Curse.

"Impressive. But my Core Implosion will…?!"

Before he could process what was going on, there was already a fist in front of his face.

Dodging the punch would be impossible. Tryphon immediately went on the defensive and braced himself for the impact, but it was all for naught. Terakomari's fist crushed the bones in his arms and sent him flying.


The air left his lungs as he crashed into the wall.

Much to his surprise, that didn't kill him. But he hadn't felt pain like this in years.

Tryphon wiped the blood from his mouth and stared straight ahead.

The scarlet mana had changed the palace entirely, as though they were in another world. And in the middle of the glow, the crimson girl stood proudly. The sight of her bathing in the moonlight, exuding bloodlust from every pore, embodied the very image of the slaughter champion her fellow vampires clamored for.

It was no use facing her head on.

"Amazing. The world could easily be yours with such power. Why do you content yourself with being a commander of the Mulnite Empire? If you wished for it—"

"We don't need your advice. No one cares what you have to say."

A maid with scarlet eyes stood at Terakomari's side. Villhaze. Her Core Implosion was active, too.

"I see. Pandora's Poison. You know what will happen next, don't you?"

"Yes, of course." Villhaze put on a faint smile. "Your defeat."

"Indeed," Terakomari said.

Intense mana. Countless magic circles appeared behind her.

Then a barrage of spells rained down without warning. Each and every one of them contained enough energy to kill a person.

Tryphon's spirit was paralyzed in the face of their overwhelming hostility. His body propelled him away from Komari's attack purely on instinct.

The spells that didn't hit him pierced the walls and disappeared into the darkness. The luxurious palace was turned into a beehive.

Tryphon activated his Core Implosion, Treason's Spirit Gate. He could teleport anything he touched. A power of rejection, born from his belief that people could never understand one another.

In his hand were the needles he always used as weapons. He could easily teleport them to Komari's brain and be done with it. The Blood Curse couldn't save her from being destroyed from the inside.

"Lady Komari, to the right."

But it turned out that hitting her would be no simple task.

Terakomari moved to the right at the speed of light. Tryphon's needle was transported into midair a second later, immediately clattering uselessly to the floor.

Villhaze was using Pandora's Poison to predict where his needles would land. Tryphon continued to narrowly dodge the mana projectiles coming for him, all while activating Treason's Spirit Gate time and time again.

"Another on your right." "Coming from ahead." "From above." "Right." "Go down." "Now left." None of them hit.

Villhaze predicted the location of every last needle, and Terakomari moved swiftly in midair without rest. The motion, coupled with the scarlet mana trail she gave off, resembled a heavenly dance. But there was no time to be impressed.

Pandora's Poison was foiling his plans. He'd send a needle right in front of a pillar, but somehow, it would end up six feet away.

Villhaze was no regular maid.

Tryphon needed to kill her first, then. He gritted his teeth and put a hand in his pocket but then it dawned on him: he was out of needles.

"…You're such a bother, you know?"

His ice-cold heart burned in desperate anger.

This moment of fury cost him his life.



A torrent of mana raged at him.

Tryphon immediately tried to turn and dodge out of the way, but he couldn't. Something was grabbing his ankle.

"Wh-what magic is this?!"

A flock of hands composed of coagulated blood was growing from the floor.

Fear took hold of him. He had to shake them off. He concentrated all of his mana to cast a barrier spell.

But Komari's scarlet mana broke through his Barrier Wall.


Not even his hard Sapphire body was able to stand the rush of her power.

He was blown backward. Tryphon skidded across the floor and puked blood, already half-unconscious. He tried getting up, but then he came to a dreadful realization: His left arm was nowhere to be found. The limb tapered off around its halfway point.

The terrible smell of charred flesh clued him in to the fact a spell had just burned his arm away. This was the last coherent thought he was able to form. Pain like he had never experienced before crept up his spine.

"G-guh…" He swallowed the scream trying to escape his throat.

The agony. It was too much. Inverse Moon couldn't rely on the Dark Core, so he couldn't heal. Had everyone who'd died up until now gone through this? Yes… This…

This would let him grow.

Fuyao had said it herself. "Pain makes you flourish."

"Guh… Heh. Heh-heh-heh. It hurts. Oh, this torment… I see…"

"Give up, Tryphon."

The scarlet monster was upon him in the blink of an eye.

Just looking at the massive amount of mana she was pumping out made him dizzy. No wonder Fuyao hadn't been able to lift a finger against her. How could anyone hope to match her in raw power?

"This is the end of the line, Tryphon Cross."

Beside Komari stood her blue-haired maid—Villhaze. She took a kunai out of her pocket and looked down on him with a frigid smirk.

"Shall I send you over to the Dark Core Zone? Your arm will heal then."

"…Oh my. I'll take you up on the offer."

"No." Terakomari took a step forward. She shot him a glance full of pity. "You did terrible things to everyone."

He could barely hold back his laughter. This girl was naive to the very end.

Terakomari Gandesblood was always acting on someone else's behalf. And because of that, she had forgotten about being manipulated in the Cathedral. What a guileless vampire.

"So I will put an end to…"

"I see. May I say one last thing, then?"

Tryphon tottered up, holding back the pain.

Terakomari stopped. Just as he expected—she showed empathy even to her enemies. Just put on a sad face and plead, and she would let down her guard.

Villhaze furrowed her brow.

"What is it? Leave begging for your life for after you're dead."

"No, I was just thinking I should tell you my objective. You wouldn't be satisfied killing your foe without knowing why he did all this, would you?"

"…" No objection.

Tryphon put his right hand into his pocket and spoke.

"First of all, Inverse Moon's goal is to destroy the Dark Core. However, I am of a different mind about it than my fellow Lunae. I would rather make use of the Dark Core, not destroy it. It is a special-grade Divine Instrument the likes of which have never been seen before. In the right hands, it could give its wielder unlimited power. I want to use that power to bring harmony to the world."

Advocating for world peace all while killing people in the process. Tryphon's ideals were so contradictory that they robbed people of their capacity to think.

A puzzled look came to Vill and Terakomari's faces.

"I seek a society in which everyone is equal under the Dark Core. You feel it too, don't you? That this world is far too unjust. People who live in peace have their lives abruptly snatched away. There are the strong and the weak. The rich and the poor. The talented and the untalented. The beautiful and the ugly. Nightmares are born from these unequal distinctions. I want the Dark Core's power to homogenize the world. All people must be handled equally. Then there will be no need for anyone to suffer futile strife."

Tryphon spoke with utter sincerity. The Polar Union had aimed to bring revolution to their country, but he wished for one on a grander scale—a global insurrection. That was his ultimate goal.

"I'll start by ruling the Mulnite Empire. After this nation goes down, perhaps I'll go after Aruka next. Eventually, I will take over the Six Nations and the Dark Core Zone, and my utopia will become reality. Don't you see the appeal of the world I'm after? You wouldn't have to keep working as a commander in it. You'd be free from such trite problems…"

"Enough. I cannot accept your ideals." Villhaze glared at him.

It's about time. Tryphon put on a wry smile while moving his middle finger inside his pocket. His little chat had given him time to gather enough mana for a spell.

"Why? Don't you think such a world would be better?"

"Ridiculous. If Lady Komari won't do it, I'll poison you to death."

"I see… Though I think you'll find that the tables are turned."

"Huh? …Wha?"



Vill fell helplessly to her knees. I looked down at my side in wonder.

She was pale in the face and had brought a hand over her mouth.

Then a gush of bright-red blood escaped from her lips.

"Wha…? Wh-why…? Lady Komari…"

My maid was drowning in a puddle of blood. Scarlet mana. She convulsed repulsively. Palpable hostility emanated from my body. My maid looked up to me for help.

What was happening? What was I doing?

"I planted it on her back at the Holy City. Not so much poison, per se, but rather, a small bomb. I saved it right until the very end." Tryphon smiled.

Then it came back to me. I was there to defeat this guy.

But why? He was already down an arm and hurting. Had I been fighting him just now?

"Stop your Core Implosion, or I will activate another bomb."


"Did you hear me? Your dear maid will be blown to smithereens. Are you going to let that happen? You'll lose her for real this time."


Tryphon's words gouged into my heart.

Lose Vill? I could never let that happen.

She was writhing on the floor. There was a blood stain on her belly. Had he really planted bombs inside her? If I lost her. If I really lost her forever…

I… I…

Would I go back to being all alone, shut up in that dark room?

My heart was leaping out of my chest.

My mana subsided.

Almighty power left both my body and spirit.

My hazy consciousness began to clear.


It felt as though I was waking up.

I immediately shifted my gaze to my maid, who was collapsed at my feet. A shriek escaped my throat.

"Vill?! What happened to you?!"

"L-Lady Komari…"

Tears streaming down my face, I grabbed her.

She burst into a coughing fit. Blood left her mouth and splattered over the

floor of the Audience Room. Dizzying despair coursed through my body as I

listened to her labored breathing.

Why? How did this happen?

"The Blood Curse is gone. This really is the most effective way."

I turned around.

Tryphon was cackling like the devil.

It was him. This was his fault. He hurt people like it was nothing and felt no remorse for it. This monster of a man was at fault for leaving the Mulnite Empire in ruins.

"Villhaze is your weakness. I've proved that your Core Implosion dwindles when you get scared of losing her."

"S-screw you! Why are you doing thi— Guh!"

My vision went blank after he kicked me in the head. Before I knew it, I was on the floor next to Vill. My head rang loudly. Blood flowed from my mouth.

But I couldn't falter. I fought through the pain and stood up.

Tryphon was standing right in front of me.

"Unlike Kakumei Amatsu, I don't care for battle. Graciously admit your defeat, and I will refrain from any further violence. What do you say?"

"I say you're crazy! I'm not… I won't…!!"

"Shall I activate the second bomb, then?"

"S-stop it!" I screamed immediately.

I couldn't stand to see Vill suffer any more.

Plus…there was no guarantee these explosives weren't Divine Instruments.

Actually, that didn't even matter. Vill had her Core Implosion active. If something happened to her, it couldn't be undone.

"Then what are you going to do, Terakomari Gandesblood?"

"Stop… Don't kill Vill…"

"Heh." Tryphon chuckled. "You were able to get back on your feet thanks to the support of the people you love. But if you had to choose between them and the Mulnite Empire, which would it be? Make it clear."

My head was leaden. Why are you making me choose?

I decided to fight for my loved ones—for the sake of Vill and everyone else.

But I also promised the people of the Imperial Capital that I would save the Mulnite Empire.

I had to think of a way to break through this.

Vill was wincing, curled up in a ball right beside me. She must've been hurting everywhere. How could she not be, with all the blood she was losing?

Right. Blood. I'd lapsed into that dreamlike state after drinking Vill's blood. During that time, I'd beaten Tryphon to a pulp and wrecked the Mulnite Imperial Palace. If I could just get another sip of her blood…


He stomped on my hand as I reached out for her. Tremendous pain surged through my body.

"Please." Tryphon sighed. "Do you still not comprehend the position you're in? You've already lost."

"Vill…! Vill…!!"

"It's no use. I suppose she's lost her mind."

My dear maid was expiring right before my eyes. And I could only shed tears.

Ultimately, not even my Core Implosion could defeat the terrorist. I couldn't keep my promise to everyone in the city. I was just a useless vampire who could accomplish nothing at the very end.

"Oh. Welcome," Tryphon said.

I wasn't paying attention to what he was saying. I had to think of a way to save Vill. A way to get out of here with her. A way to apologize for being unable to save the Imperial Capital.

But then I heard her voice.

"Tryphon! You want to crown me in this mess of a palace? Don't be ridiculous."

Someone approached with soft steps from behind us.

I looked up. I was shaking. Prickling malice ate into my soul. Darkness shrouded the Mulnite Empire once again.

Tryphon bowed respectfully.

"I apologize. The battle proved fiercer than I anticipated."

"And this whole thing is way below my expectations. Woah, what's with that wound?! Where did your arm go?! You can't fix that without the Dark Core!"

"I was thinking of using it to heal."

"I'll allow it!"

Her cheerful voice made for quite the contrast.

I felt my heart almost give out from sheer fear. Dread in my chest, I turned around.

There stood a girl. A vampire with golden hair, shining like the sun, tied up in pigtails. About my own age. She had a merriness about her, as if her joy knew no bounds. Atop her head sat a strange brimless hat emblazoned with an upside-down moon symbol.

"Wha… Spica…?"

I couldn't believe my eyes. What was she doing here?

And why was her every word and gesture so different from the girl I knew?

"It's been a while, hasn't it, Terakomari?"

Something was off about her glowing smile.

She spun her bright-red lollipop around in her hand and introduced herself, much to my dismay.

"Or should I say, nice to meet you? I'm Spica La Gemini—the boss of Inverse Moon! They also call me the Wicked God Slayer!"

This couldn't be real. Was I being shown an illusion?

"Wh-why…? Aren't you the Pope of the Holy Church?"

"That was only a facade. I am Julius VI, but she's not the real me. When the previous Pope quit, Amatsu and Tryphon did everything in their power get me the position! But I've grown tired of that stuffy religion. Everyone's shouting 'God save us!' all the time, when there obviously isn't one. Snacking is a better use of your time than praying, and a more relaxing pursuit at that. Don't you think?"

I didn't understand the slightest thing about the situation, save for the fact that the girl before me couldn't possibly be my ally.

She—Spica La Gemini—was behind the misfortune being spread throughout the world.

"Tryphon, was it okay for me to blow my cover as Pope? I guess I am becoming Empress of Mulnite. But can you really crown me now?"

"Of course. We'll gather our men and hold a ceremony straight away."

"All right. Then I guess I should put this on."

"Huh? What's that…?"

Spica spun a crown around her finger.

It took me a moment to realize that it was the same one the Empress always wore.

She showed Tryphon the shiny object and smiled innocently.

"This is Mulnite's Dark Core."

I felt like I'd been shot through the heart.

The Dark Core? The foundation of the Mulnite Empire?

"I snatched it off the Empress's head. I knew she would have it on her. I wonder if the leaders of all the other nations do the same. On that note, I think I have some ideas about the form each Dark Core takes. That bell Karla Amatsu wears on her wrist has to be one."

"Your Highness, is that true? That's Mulnite's…?" Tryphon asked.

"You doubt me?"

"No. I would never." Tryphon bowed deeply.

The Wicked God Slayer hummed as she walked farther into the Audience Room. "There we go," she said as she sat down on the throne and crossed her legs.

Then she placed the Empress's crown on top of her hat.

"What a nice view! Look at those piles of rubble."

"I apologize. Should I get them cleaned up?"

"Let Amatsu take care of it. I heard he's been getting in your way, right?"

"He won't weasel his way out of this one. That man is no loyal member of Inverse Moon. I reckon he deserves harsher punishment than cleaning up this mess."

"I agree! How about having him eat red bean paste until he dies? That'd be fun!"

"Well, that's not exactly…" Tryphon walked up to the throne.

The two were chatting merrily, but none of it reached my ears. I wept while crawling to Vill. I had no idea how powerful Tryphon's bombs were, but she was already on death's door.


She didn't answer my call.

I tried shaking her shoulder but stopped. Her face was devoid of color.

It was only a matter of time before she died. This couldn't happen. I couldn't let my maid die, even if I had to turn the world on its head to prevent it.

Then the crumpled-up letter fell out of my pocket. I saw my mother's note.

"Please take care of Mulnite. Keep the world close to your chest."


My chest ached. What was I supposed to do with this?

I couldn't become my mother. I couldn't be as great as the golden vampire who'd accomplished so much on her own around the world.

The fate of the Mulnite Empire was a burden too heavy for me to carry. It was too much for a sad excuse of a vampire like me.

"Say, Komari, do you love her?"

Spica's quiet whisper pierced my eardrums.

She was staring at me.

I glared back at her, grinding my teeth.

"O-of course I do, she's my dear…"

"Then give up on the Empire. Tryphon doesn't like killing. We could've gone way easier on you if you didn't get in our way. I'll be as sugary-sweet to you as this lollipop!"


"Hmm, actually, that wouldn't be fair! You've already hurt my comrades! I can't keep just let you get away with chopping off my underling's arm! Okay, how about this? You kowtow and ask for forgiveness, and I'll grant it. Rub your forehead on the floor and say 'I'm sorry!'"


Spica cackled, reclining against the throne. Where do you get off being so arrogant? That's not your seat. It's the sicko Empress's.

Bitter tears poured from my eyes.

Was there any limit to how awful these two were? I'd seen a few evil people over the course of this year, but none of them were as terrible as this.

But there was no value in keeping my pride. I couldn't let them keep harming my friends.

I had no power. At the end of the day, there was nothing I could do to save them. But…if lowering my head was all I had to do to earn their forgiveness…

"So? If you're not gonna do it, then Tryphon's doing away with you and your maid."


No choice.

I forced my pain-racked body off the ground.

I'm no commander. This is what suits me best. Groveling, begging for forgiveness, then shutting myself in. The only thing that's changed is that now I need to do it before Spica instead of Millicent. Then history will repeat itself. I'll lose motivation and spend the rest of my days hugging my knees in that dark room.

Just as I was lowering my head in abject despair, I heard her voice:

"Lady Komari…"

She placed a hand on my shoulder.

I looked up in shock.

Vill was on her feet and by my side.

Blood dribbled from her mouth as she spoke.

"You…already found your answer to that question. You chose to live, not as a shut-in, but as a commander. You can't go back on that now… It would be disrespectful to everyone, don't you think?"

"V-Vill…! Are you okay…?"

"Honestly, the pain is killing me… But I can't let myself kick the bucket now."

Vill strained to remain tottering on her feet as she took a kunai out of her pocket and pointed it at the throne. Then she looked at me and smiled.

"It's too soon to give up, Lady Komari."

"…It's no use. They'll kill you if you keep fighting… You're hurting already… Give it a rest…"

"If that's your answer, then I'll fight on my own."


Just then, it felt as though lightning coursed through my veins.

Vill was serious. She genuinely wasn't even considering backing down.

"I'll confess. I've loved all the time I've spent with you. I can't let it come to an end here. So I'll drive these terrorists away, no matter what it takes."


"Did you not enjoy those wild days you spent with me?"

No, I didn't dislike them. Vill and the Seventh Unit and Sakuna and Nelia and Karla had all pushed me to grow as a person. These past six months had been incredibly fulfilling.

"It looks like you've already found your answer." Vill smiled. Then she grabbed my hand gently and said, "I can see the future. Our victory is certain."


A light shone upon the path I had to follow.

Her words resonated deeply within me. I could feel the weight being lifted from my shoulders.

If Vill said so…I could believe her. We would be fine.

Certainty budded within me.

This maid was always propping me up. Even here at the eleventh hour, I was a total good-for-nothing without her. I was no commander when she wasn't by my side.

"All right. I'll do my best."

"Yes. Let's."

I had nothing to fear now. With Vill right there with me, I could defeat any enemy.

That was when Tryphon noticed us.

"You still haven't given up? Activate Core Implosion, and I'll set off the bombs inside Villhaze. Do you want her blood on your hands?"

A mischievous smile crept across Vill's lips.

"I don't see that future. You only planted one bomb inside me."

"Why you…! Then I'll destroy the Dark Core. Don't take even one more step," Tryphon threatened.

"Don't worry, Lady Komari. That's not the Dark Core," Vill told me.

"Your Highness?! Is she right?!" Tryphon asked Spica.

"No use pretending anymore. Yeah, I said that to push her into despair," Spica admitted.

Tryphon shot us an explosive glare.

Then he kicked off the floor and dashed right for us. I froze on pure instinct. Just as I thought I was dead, BANG! I heard a deafening gunshot.


A magic bullet tore through Tryphon's shoulder. His body twisted around in midair as he was blown back. Even Spica gasped in surprise at this. I turned around in awe, and there I saw…

"Wah-ha-ha-ha! That was close! Are you unharmed, Terakomari? Nope, I can see you're not! Sorry for being so late!"

…Prohellya Butchersky. The Sapphire's silver hair fluttered in the night wind.

What is she doing here? The question passed out of my mind the next moment, when she threw what she had been dragging alongside her.

A wounded body fell to the floor with a thud.

That got Spica panicking.

"Fuyao?! Why…?!"

"This bellicose fox was looking for a fight, so I hunted her down. Sadly, most of my lovely subordinates were knocked out in the interim.



Fuyao Meteorite. The foxgirl who'd tried plunging the Heavenly Paradise into chaos now lay butchered and unconscious at our feet. What? Prohellya took her down? Before I had the chance to get my bearings, the silver girl's stormy voice echoed once again.

"Terakomari! Look up! Stay sharp!"


Then a shrill voice echoed from the night sky.

"Can you hear us, Commander Terakomari Gandesblood?!"

Melka appeared on a screen in the sky. She clutched her microphone tightly and spoke effusively.

"Everyone in the Imperial Capital is cheering you on! And not just them… The armies of Aruka and the Heavenly Paradise have beaten the terrorists and the Holy Knights to a pulp and are now heading toward the Mulnite Imperial Palace! They've also reunited with the Empire's Seventh Unit, along with Commander Millicent Bluenight, Commander Sakuna Memoir, and Commander Petrose Calamaria, plus their respective Units! It's a lot of people, I tell ya! They're gonna crush the whole place!"

"Eek! Let's get out of here before they trample us!"

"Don't run, Thio! It's our duty as reporters to broadcast battles until their end, even if it costs us our lives!! Anyway, Commander Gandesblood! Show the terrorists the full extent of our hero's power! Rout them from the Mulnite Empire! It is none other than Terakomari Gandesblood who will lay the foundations of the new era!"

I stared at the broadcast of the city, dumbstruck.

Loads of people showed up in Melka's feed.

Vampires, Peace Spirits, Warblades, Sapphires—people from all across the world were coming to the palace. The lackeys of Inverse Moon and the Holy Knights were nowhere to be found.

And all around the city, people were shouting my name: "Komarin! Komarin! Komarin!"

It was all quite embarrassing. But at the same time, nothing made me happier than seeing this many people care for me.

I couldn't hesitate any longer.

Vill turned to me, a smile on her face.

"Lady Komari, I can see our victory."

"Yeah. You're right about that…"

I slowly approached her.

Vill didn't resist. She knew what had to be done. Honestly, I still couldn't believe in my own powers. My consciousness went hazy the moment I sucked blood. I had no idea what went on after that. But everyone was waiting for me to use Core Implosion.

So I had to believe in them. And hey, it couldn't be so bad having faith in someone other than myself every once in a while.

I brought my face up to her pale neck and bit in.

Vill moaned. Her fresh blood moistened my dried mouth. I usually hated the taste, but for some reason, hers was sweeter than any juice.

"Learn your lesson already. The mercy stops here…," Tryphon growled.

"Wait, Tryphon! Don't move, they'll kill Fuyao," Spica shouted.


"Wah-ha-ha-ha! That's right! If you don't want this fox's brains decorating the floor, then stay as still as bear in his cave waiting for spring. Don't move a muscle until Terakomari finishes activating her Core Implosion," Prohellya taunted.

"Cheeky little…!"

"Oh, you don't like it? But isn't this the same thing you just did?"


They were arguing behind us, but I didn't care.

My mind was entirely set on sucking Vill's blood. Her sweet, delicious blood. I didn't want to ever get my tongue off her… But then I felt a prickling pain on my neck.

"Huh? Vill…?" I widened my eyes.

She was holding me tightly.

It took me a moment to realize the prick was from a bite wound. My blood flowed straight into her mouth. I froze, falling into panic.

Then she let go of me with a smile of satisfaction on her face.

"Thank you for the meal. It was delicious."


I felt searing mana welling up deep within me.

The world turned red and blue.

Core Implosion strengthened with the mental state of its user.

Just as Karla Amatsu had learned to travel across time after two years, everyone had equal capacity for improvement.

Villhaze had simply done the same. Her feelings for her mistress evolved. Upon seeing Terakomari Gandesblood's determination, she too decided to give her all the support she needed, forevermore.

A mana torrent of colossal proportions engulfed the Mulnite Imperial Palace.

Terakomari Gandesblood stood in the eye of the scarlet vortex. Her power, brought about by the blood of her loyal servant, gave her the ultimate in physical and magical capabilities—the strength to destroy anything and everything. It was the peak of the original Blood Curse, the same one that had once dyed the skies of the Imperial Capital crimson.

And inside the blue vortex was Villhaze. Her trusty kunais were glowing from the mana imbued in them. She'd activated an advanced form of her power to glimpse into the future—Pandora's Poison—through imbibing the blood of her beloved mistress.

"Lady Komari, let's drive them out of here."

"Yes. Together, we shall."

Everyone present gasped.

The air creaked. The rustling of both intense springs of mana echoed throughout the Audience Room.

Tryphon, Prohellya, and even Spica La Gemini were all overwhelmed by the extraordinary aura of their hostile energy.

The first to come back to his senses was Tryphon. The man had survived countless clashes back in the Polar Union. He could keep his head cool even in the face of a Core Implosion matching the power of thousands. That was why he had been given the title of Inverse Moon's strategist, for he could stay calm and analyze any situation, regardless of who he was up against.

Then a bunch of things happened at once.

Tryphon dashed. He was set on annihilating his enemy before they could make a move. But he couldn't use Treason's Spirit Gate thanks to Villhaze's Core Implosion. Somehow, she was messing with the world's coordinates.

Prohellya reacted next. The moment she saw Tryphon dash, needle in hand, she mercilessly forged a bullet of white mana and pulled the trigger.

A gunshot echoed. The magic bullet flew at the speed of light.

Right before it connected with Tryphon, he activated Treason's Spirit Gate without setting any coordinates. Even if he couldn't control where he teleported things, he could still use his Core Implosion to get rid of enemy attacks. The bullet disappeared from view.

And it rematerialized right before Terakomari Gandesblood. A miracle. A prank from the heavens.


Her scarlet eyes shook.

Tryphon curled his lips in joy.

"Sorryyyyyy!!" Prohellya screamed.

"…Lady Komari?!"

The bullet struck Komari square in the chest.

The sound of something breaking echoed in the room. Everyone widened their eyes in shock. The noise had come from the pendant she always kept on her, which was now fractured.

An instant later, light surged from between the cracks.

No one could do anything.

In the blink of an eye, the world was bleached out. And the three of them disappeared without a trace.
