
Chapter 2: The Cherry-Tinted City Under the Clear Moon

The boundaries of a Dark Core's area of effect were shockingly unclear.

For instance, the Mulnite Empire's Dark Core covered its whole territory + the entire Dark Core Zone. But it also covered part of the neighboring Lapelico Kingdom and Haku-Goku Commonwealth. Basically, the effects of the Dark Cores didn't cancel out each other, so some overlap between the zones across each nation's borders was unavoidable.

However, there was no putting hope in these overlapping zones this time.

Nations usually placed their capitals in the heart of their territory.

The Mulnite Empire's Imperial Capital was vampire territory. The Lapelico Kingdom's Royal Capital was beast-folk territory. The Haku-Goku Commonwealth's Federal District was Sapphire territory. The Aruka Republic's

Metropolis was Warblade territory. The Enchanted Lands' Jingshi was Immortal territory.

And the Heavenly Paradise's Eastern Capital, the ancient eastern municipality also called the City of Flowers, was naturally a city for Peace Spirits, by Peace Spirits.

Why do we need to go over this now, you ask?

"…Hey, Vill."

"What's the matter?"

"I fell asleep in my own bed. So why am I waking up on a futon on a tatami floor? Don't you find this weird? Am I dreaming?"

"This is no dream. I moved you all the way to the Heavenly Paradise's Eastern Capital while you were asleep."

"I knew it!!"

"Rest assured that I didn't bring your bed this time."

"That's not the problem!! GOD!!"

It was October 16. Three days after the party.

If you asked me to explain what had happened as quickly as possible, I'd answer, "I woke up in another world." I mean, this floor, those doors, those decorations…it all seemed from a different realm entirely. I couldn't process it.

"How many times do I have to tell you not to move me around while I'm asleep?! You know what they call this? Kidnapping! I'm reporting you to the police!"

"I would easily run away."

"And now you're getting charged with evading arrest, too! You're going to prison!"

Vill seemed unfazed, however. She knew I wasn't actually going to call the police. I have no choice. I'll have to bolster my defenses. I'll get an electric steel fence to put around my bed… No, wait. That could hurt me, too. And how am I supposed to sleep like that?

"Forget about that and enjoy the Heavenly Paradise. It's your first long-term stay outside the country, isn't it?"

"Agh! Y-you're right! What now?! We're in danger here! Mulnite's Dark Core can't revive us! We're gonna die for real!!"

"I'll protect you. Anyway, we have to get you changed. Take off your clothes, please."

"Don't just start taking them off on your own!"

I put some distance between us. But it was too late. I was already wearing a yukata (I think that was its name?). What are these weird pajamas? Did that sicko maid put this on me?

Oh well. First, I had to fully comprehend the situation I was in.

I calmed myself down and glared at Vill.

"…There's too many things I wanna say, but there's no use in saying them, so fine. Please just explain what's going on to me. Is this really the Heavenly Paradise?"

"It is. More precisely, we're in a room of the Amatsu Manor in the center of the Eastern Capital."

"The Amatsu Manor? What's that?"

"Lady Karla Amatsu's home. We will stay here for the week. Here you are."

She handed me a change of clothes.

The deviant was still staring at me, but there was no point in worrying about it at this point. I took off the yukata at light speed, just as quickly as I put on my usual military uniform.

"Why did you bring me here in the first place? I didn't hear anything about this."

"Because the Heavenly Ball is starting soon. You did hear about this."


Right, that festival to determine the next leader of the Heavenly Paradise. I was supposed to participate, too, on Karla's team. I then felt it was unfair of me to complain about it all to Vill. I had technically accepted to help her of my own accord.

"…So what are we supposed to do, exactly? I still have no idea what this thing is supposed to be about."

"She'll tell you all about it."

"She? Who are you…?"

I followed Vill's line of sight and…I felt like my heart was about to explode.

There was another futon right beside the one I was sleeping on. On it was a girl I immediately recognized.

Supreme Commander and Imperial Saber Karla Amatsu was mumbling in her sleep.

…Huh? Why? Isn't this supposed to be my guest room?

"Lady Karla Amatsu. She seemed to be still asleep, so I brought her here."

"Please, Vill, I'm begging you to stop abducting people!!"

"Please wake up, Lady Amatsu. It's morning already."

"Fweeeh? Koharuuu? Hold on…just five more minutesss…"

"Vill, stop pinching her cheeks! She's gonna kill you! …Ah!"

Karla suddenly opened her eyes.

Our gazes met. She still seemed out of it for a while, like she was dreaming, but everything clicked as she stared at me, and she jumped off the futon.

"T-T-T-Terakomari?! What are you doing in my room?!"

"This is Lady Komari's room. She told me to kidnap you, so I did."

"Quit your lying!"

"Kidnap?! Are you trying to kill me?! Are you going to turn me into soup for breakfast?!"

"Of course not! No, wait, I apologize! Don't run away! I just wanna be friends!"

I desperately tried to make her understand as she escaped into the closet.

Karla immediately recovered her cool. She struck that graceful pose of hers and cleared her throat.

"I was having a nightmare and it seems I was confused when I woke up. Make no mistake: I wasn't scared of you, Ms. Gandesblood. Why would I be? I'm the strongest of all."


"I'll go change out of my nightwear. We can talk later," Karla said before leaving the room.

I felt really bad.

"Huh." Vill put a hand to her chin. "So she doesn't take it off while sleeping."


"That bell she has on her wrist. It's a Divine Instrument. I couldn't take it off no matter how hard I pulled. Curious."

What's she going on about?

Regardless, I needed to prepare to give Karla my deepest apologies.

Karla came back after a while. She was wearing a kimono, like usual.

"Breakfast is ready. Let's talk over there," she said, so we moved over to the reception room (I guess?) to eat.

There were three plates ready. Vill and I sat next to each other, and Karla sat down across from us.

"Wait, that ninja girl isn't eating with us?"

"Koharu? Tradition dictates that our ninja can't share a table with us. It's especially forbidden here in the main house… My grandmother will give us a terrible scolding if she sees us like that."

What a ridiculous rule. But okay.

We were having traditional Heavenly Paradise food. White rice and miso soup with seaweed, along with grilled fish and ohitashi salad and other pickled vegetables. "Thank you for the food," we said before grabbing the chopsticks

and digging in.

It was warm and tasty.

…No, don't let the flavor trick you! Don't forget you're in a foreign place outside the Dark Core's area of effect! You can't just enjoy the food all carefree! And why do I feel like I'm getting used to being kidnapped? Stupid me.

"Now then. First, I must thank you again for accepting my request to collaborate with me on the Heavenly Ball. I can rest assured knowing you will fight by my side," Karla said as she straightened her posture.

Too bad the grain of rice on her cheek was ruining the mood. Why did this refined lady always miss all the important details? Though that didn't change how amazing she was… And it did make her a bit more relatable.

"Could you please elaborate on what the Heavenly Ball entails, Lady Amatsu? I made Lady Komari participate since it seemed funny, but to tell you the truth, I know nothing about it."

"'Because it seemed funny?' Could you please elaborate, Vill?"

"Right… To put it shortly, the Heavenly Ball is an election."

Neither of them listened to me.

"An election? It's not war?" Vill asked.

"The battle is only one of the events involved. Throughout the duration of the Heavenly Ball—over the course of a week, that is—the candidates must hold speeches and debates to make an appeal to the citizens. Then on the last day, we battle to the death… The results will be factored into the final vote."

"I see. So the battle isn't that important."

"No, it is. The Heavenly Paradise may be peaceful compared to other nations, but it still holds deeply rooted beliefs in military power. In prior Heavenly Balls, the victor of the last day's battle often went on to become the Goddess."

"But you'll be fine, right, Karla? You're the strongest," I said.


Huh? Why aren't you saying anything?

"…This is the schedule I received from the management committee. Please take a look."

She handed me a piece of Eastern-style paper.

Sure enough, it said something about debates and speeches. And on the last day was a heading that read Mortal Combat. The wording alone made it clear what the whole point of this festival was.

But frankly, the combat wouldn't be so mortal with Karla on my side. She would surely blow away the enemy with a super-duper beam or something as soon as the battle began.

"Hmm? Wait, uh…is this battle to the death supposed to take place here in the Eastern Capital?"

"No. Because we have participants from foreign nations, I've been told the last battle will be held in the Dark Core Zone."

"Yeah. Makes sense."

"I'm counting on you, Ms. Gandesblood. Though I could take them on just on my own, of course."

"And I'm counting on you, Karla. Although I could just bend my pinky finger and defeat them all immediately, of course."



We laughed.

"I have a bad feeling about this," Vill murmured.

Please don't scare me like that. You actually have the power to see the future, so that's not a nice thing to hear.

"But…what should I do outside of the fight? Give campaign speeches?" I asked.

"You only need to give me a hand here and there, nothing huge. So long as you use your full power in combat, and I survive…"

"Hmm? I couldn't hear that last part."

"Oh, it's nothing. Anyways, you'll have to stay in the Heavenly Paradise this week. And don't think I've forgotten about that publishing deal. All I ask is that you please, please…please don't go back to the Mulnite Empire halfway through!"

"I-I'm not doing that! We made a deal."

Getting published was my greatest wish. As long as I didn't get into serious peril, I had no intention of going back on my word. But just as my chest was filling with excitement…

"Oh my, if it isn't that Gandesblood girl. So you came."

…the mood turned uneasy.

I turned around. An old lady was standing by the open door.

Who is that? I wondered as she walked inside and looked down on us. Her gaze had this blade-like quality.

"I'm surprised you agreed to go along with the Goddess's plans. Take care of Karla, won't you?"

"S-sure… Um… Karla, who is this?" I whispered to her. She whispered back.

"My grandmother. She's the head of the main branch of the Amatsu family."

"I see. Then I gotta say hi."

"I've heard about her. She was the Goddess ten years ago, correct?" Vill asked.

"Yes, she's the former Goddess."

"Crap, then she's super important."

"I've also heard she was an Imperial Saber before that. Apparently, she could chop heads off with just a tilt of her blade," Vill said.

"You're well-informed… She used to be called Hell's Windmill. She'll beat you up—and I'm not kidding or saying this figuratively—if you show her the slightest disrespect. She's done that to me since I was a kid. Be careful," Karla warned.

"Are you serious?! Then I gotta make sure to show some respect…"

"We should try to get on her good side. Please, Lady Amatsu, tell us what she likes. Maybe we could just compliment her tea. Seniors are always glad to hear that sort of thing," Vill said.

"You sure you're not making fun of her?" I asked.

"I am not. I've gotten a fair share of allowance from my grandfather just by praising him for whatever reason," Vill insisted.

"So you are making fun of her. C'mon, be more respectful of your family."

"I am. Besides, I spend all my allowance on you, so I'm not wasting it. The funds for your swimsuit and dress came from my grandpa."

"Don't do that!! I'll return them!!"

What an unexpectedly terrible flow of cash. Vill, unbothered, turned to look at Karla and said:

"In any case, Lady Amatsu, what does your grandmother like?"

"Let's see…she also likes traditional poetry and tea ceremonies, but lately she's really been getting into collecting antiques. There's pottery and porcelain she's bought all over this house. For example…" Karla pointed at a section of the room. "That vase from famous artist Hoshigakiemon, from the Sengoku period. It cost ten billion yen."

"Wow." I stared at the vase in question.

Just then, I got a terribly bad feeling, but I wanted to believe it was all my imagination.

"What are you all whispering about?"

"Nothing, Grandmother!"

Karla straightened up with a jolt. Her grandmother scoffed.

"Are you actually ready for the Heavenly Ball? You'll know true pain if you lose to that Reigetsu punk. I won't let you set foot in this house ever again."

"I-I can win! I have Ms. Gandesblood on my side."

"Huh? What's that supposed to mean?"

Karla's grandmother shot her a scowl, and she flinched.

"Uh, I mean, I'm not alone, so, like, Karin won't get ahead of me so easily…"

"Don't you leave everything up to others!!"

Karla's shoulders trembled—as did mine, and even Vill's. Her grandmother was that imposing. It happened so fast I could barely process it.

"You will be our leader. You must bear the weight of the entire nation on your back. You have to get that in that head of yours and start acting like it."

"I… I'm so…" Then Karla glanced at me for some reason. Her pitiful eyes turned resolute, and she stared her grandmother in the eye and said, "I am not sorry! This Heavenly Ball is a team battle, and Ms. Gandesblood is my partner! What could ever be wrong about counting on your comra—"

I couldn't believe what I saw next.

A naginata flew across the room and plunged into the guardrail behind Karla's back.

Everyone was at a loss for words. Vill even spilled her miso soup on the tatami floor.

"What?" Karla whispered with a short breath and turned around. She soon processed what had happened and immediately turned back again, pale in the face, to look at her grandmother. "Wh-what were you thinking?! That could've killed me!"

"And you would've come back to life anyways! Enough of your cheeky speeches! Better spend your time preparing for the Heavenly Ball!"


Karla's grandmother was incensed. I had to say something, so I stood up.

"M-ma'am! There was no need to do that! Karla is—"

"Hah? Want a fist in your face?"

I sat back down.

Karla bit her lip, her eyes welling up. Of course. Even I wanted to cry.

"G-G-Grandmother! Did you enjoy destroying your own house with that naginata?!"

"Of course I didn't." She sighed. At least she seemed to have cooled off. "Karla, you must be aware of your power. You have to be the one to become the next Goddess. Please, just grow up already. Give up your dreams and accept reality."

"Oh, I'm being quite realistic! I will realistically become a pâtissier!"

"That won't cut it for me. You were born an Amatsu, a warrior… You can't escape the curse of the Heavenly Paradise. Just shut your mouth and work for the good of your country."

Now that was awful. I looked at Karla and saw she was trembling, clenching her fists to hold her feelings in…but then she teared up and glared at her grandmother.

"Ugh! Grandmother, you're such a STUPID MORON!!"

She left the room, her tears gleaming in the air as she ran away, still yelling.

Her cries grew fainter and fainter. I didn't know what to do; it had all happened so abruptly. Vill and I were left alone with Karla's grandmother. It was so awkward that none of us even thought about cleaning up the miso soup mess.

"…I'm sorry about all of this." She bowed her head.

I stood up, flustered.

"N-no worries. Though…I don't mean to intrude in family matters…but wouldn't it be fair to at least hear Karla out? Also, I don't think it's nice to throw polearms at her."

"I understand I am too old-fashioned, but it's just that she just won't listen. I thought I should frighten her to make her take it seriously."

"I understand there are some circumstances behind all this. She talked about becoming a pâtissier…?" Vill asked, producing a cloth out of thin air to start wiping the tatami.

I'm not an expert, but I don't think that's how you clean those things. That's gonna leave a stain, isn't it?

Karla's grandmother sighed and sat down in place.

"…She's too self-centered. She says she wants to quit being a commander to become a confectioner. You can ask her the details later."

"Now that you mention it…"

"I don't think everyone has the job they have because they want to."

The thing Karla said when I first met her came to mind.

I took it she didn't want to be commander or Goddess. She must have only stated she would fight for the latter because she feared her grandmother. I was beginning to get the picture.

Now then, what should I do? Support Karla in following her dreams? Follow the original plan and help her win the election? As I was thinking about this, I noticed her grandmother was staring at me with a solemn expression.

"Gandesblood. I have a request."

"Wh-what is it?"

"Help Karla win." I gulped; she was serious. "She might be a good-for-nothing, but she's got what it takes to be a ruler. She wouldn't lose to the greatest Goddess in history. The Reigetsu girl can't lead our nation. It has to be Karla."

"What am I to say…?"

"Karla has a pure heart, but she's very unreliable. I want you to help her out. I'll give you anything you want in exchange."

"Then forgive me for ruining your tatami in exchange for making Lady Amatsu the Goddess."

"Vill, shut up."

"Deal. I'm counting on you."

"No! Don't take any of what this maid says seriously! No deal! First, I have to speak with Karla. I don't want to go against her wishes."

"Her wishes are important, but world peace takes priority. The globe will be plunged into chaos if she doesn't become the Goddess. Give her support in the fight, please. Take care of her, if only just for a little while."


The look in her eyes was so earnest that I couldn't turn her down. It might sound weird, but sincere pleas worked better on me than threats.

So I gave in.

"…Fine. But I'm still going to speak with her first."

She smiled. "Good. Oh, and if you refuse me after speaking with Karla, I'll tell the whole world your secret."

"Huh? Whatcha say?"

"I'll tell the whole world you're actually a weakling."


I froze.

Then: "AAAH!!" A scream approached.

Someone came in running. The ninja, Koharu, holding Karla in her arms, for whatever reason.

"Koharu! Put me down!"

"We've got trouble, ma'am!"

"Yes, I'm in trouble! What am I, a bag of rice?!"

"Down you go, then."

"Gweh!" Karla fell face-first onto the floor.

Koharu ignored her master and kneeled before her grandmother.

"I have a report to make. Karin Reigetsu has already begun giving speeches on the streets."

"I see. Let her do as she pleases."

"But that's not all. She's disparaging the Amatsu clan. I haven't heard the details, but apparently she's saying the Heavenly Paradise will fall if they leave power in your family's hands."


The old woman's expression turned grave. She quickly walked over to Karla, still lying on the floor, and pulled her up by the head.

"Karla! Go put her in her place right this moment! Do not allow Reigetsu to make light of us! Make her pay!"

"No! Karin's face is so scary! Wait! Let me go! Don't carry me again, Koharu! I'm not a doll!"

"Perhaps a puppet instead of a doll. Let's go."

"If you know I'm a puppet, then what do you expect me to do?! I'm gonna get KILLED!!"

"You heard her, Lady Komari. Let's tag along."

"We're going?! But wait, we haven't finished talking about that threat! Does Karla's grandmother know about my true power?! Hey! Listen!"

I, too, was helplessly dragged out from there.

The City of Flowers truly looked like something from another world to me.

The huge main road was paved, but the buildings on either side of it were made of wood in an Eastern architectural style.

Across the road from the Amatsu residence was a big castle. I had seen pictures of it in the papers. I believe it was called the Osui Palace, the abode of the Goddess. I could see that famous cherry tree they said was over eight hundred years old even from all the way out here. Despite the season, it was still blooming a gorgeous pink.

Vill pulled me by the hand as we ran through the lively streets.

Strips of paper hanging from the trees on the roadside. Crowds of people going to and fro, all of them in kimonos. Lines of stalls packed tightly. There were so many things you never saw in Mulnite. The stall selling cotton candy particularly caught my eye; I had to go get some later on.

"Over there. There's Karin Reigetsu holding a loudspeaker." Koharu pointed at her.

Standing in the center of a crowd in the plaza was a samurai girl. Foxgirl Fuyao Meteorite was right beside her, throwing confetti to make Karin stand out even more.

"—. —. —I will lead the Heavenly Paradise to greatness! Do not leave the future up to Karla Amatsu. People like her, who take peace for granted, will only bring our nation to its doom!"

The speech gradually became clearer.

She seemed to be putting Karla down. I thought election campaigns were supposed to be about selling yourself. Speaking ill of your opponent wasn't very nice.

"Uh, Karla. Are you gonna let her do as she pleases?"

"N-no, I won't! Hey! Karin! Stop talking behind people's backs! Don't do to others what you don't want done to you!"

"Oh my! Look, everyone. Karla Amatsu has arrived."

Everyone turned to look at us.

Karin threw away the loudspeaker and approached us with utter composure. Absolute confidence was plastered across her face. Like she was totally looking down on Karla.

"You're finally here. Took you a while."

"What are you doing?! Saying I'll bring the nation to its doom? That's slander!"

"That's just politics for you. I will stop at nothing to win."

"Someone that petty can't possibly become the Goddess! I'll stop you!"

"Hah!" Karin sneered. "Like you're one to talk."

"Hmm? What do you mean?"

"The fact that everyone puts you on a pedestal despite how weak you are is getting to your head. Must be nice."

Karla froze for a moment.

"Wh-what are you saying? That's not…"

"I'm jealous, even. No, actually, this isn't envy I'm feeling. It's fury. You have no achievements to speak of, and yet the Goddess trusts you so much… It's revolting. You lack the warrior's resolve needed to bear this country on your shoulders. The Heavenly Paradise will fall the day a scatterbrain like you gets the title of Goddess."


"And I won't let that happen. I am going to beat you in this Heavenly Ball. No matter what it takes."

Karin Reigetsu looked serious. She really hated Karla. And she truly cared for the Heavenly Paradise.

I was starting to get a handle on her true colors. She had the same vibes as that blue terrorist.

"So you're not going to do anything about it, Karla Amatsu? I'm serious about killing you."

"W-wait a second, I…"

"For your future! For everyone's future! Please vote for Karin Reigetsu! She'll make the Heavenly Paradise the greatest nation in the world!" Fuyao the foxgirl exclaimed.

That's when I realized. It wasn't confetti she was throwing. It was money.

Karla's jaw dropped as she noticed this, then stared at Karin.

"Wh-what are you thinking?! Buying votes is illegal!"

"Oh no, it's not!" Fuyao approached us, a full smile on her face.

She held a piece of paper. I couldn't read the fine print, but it said Permit.

"We got a formal sanction from our Goddess! Karin Reigetsu's team has official permission to buy votes!"

"How is that possible?! What is she thinking?!"

"She must believe I'm the better choice to succeed her. But either way, with or without her support, I'm not stopping at anything to defeat you!!"

Then came a blinding flash, followed by a strong gust of wind.

I never had any hope of processing what happened in time. The moment I realized it, Karin was already sheathing her sword. Karla, too, was already sitting on the floor.


A red strand was running down Karla's cheek. It took until the blood dropped all the way to the ground for me to process it. Karin had cut her cheek.

"Wh-what are you…?"

"You're dead, Karin."

The ninja girl ran toward her in anger, sharp kunai in hand. Just as she raised the weapon at an imperceptible speed toward Karin's neck, a loud metallic sound echoed. The kunai fell from her hand.

Koharu froze in shock as the back of a blade hit her chest instead.

"Huh? Bwugh!"

"I will not let any insolence against Lady Karin slide!"

Fuyao had gotten between them. Koharu was blown back by the sheer force of impact, and Vill barely managed to catch her in the air.

I couldn't get my jaw up from the ground.

The real insolence here was obviously that Karin had attacked out of nowhere.

"You couldn't even block that? I really can't afford to leave the country in the Amatsus' hands."

"Wh-why did you do that all of a sudden?! Apologize to Koharu, now!"

"Please, Lady Karla! That ninja struck Lady Karin first. And I have to agree with her—how weak. Not only Kidoshu, but you as well. No one has ever seen your true power—they only fear it. But you couldn't lift a finger against Lady Karin just now. Looks like the fox is out of the bag!" declared Fuyao.

"No… I just…"

Everyone looked at Karla with puzzled expressions.

"Why didn't Lady Karla defend herself?" "Does she actually not have the power to do so?" "Can this weak girl really be the next Goddess?" "She won't even say anything back to her."

I found it strange, however. There was something fake about this malice.

"She bought the crowd," Vill whispered as she tended to Koharu. "They'll blow it out of proportion and spread rumors about Lady Amatsu being powerless before Karin Reigetsu. She's making them do that."

I turned to stare at Karin in surprise.

She was looking down on Karla, a wicked smile on her face.

"I look forward to the day of our duel. I will take your head. Let's go, Fuyao."

"Aye-aye, Lady Karin!"

The struggle for power was grim in any country. The purpose of such a battle was to put someone else down. The Heavenly Paradise was no exception—it wasn't incomprehensible why Karin would try to knock Karla off more than was needed.

Still, I didn't like that samurai girl's MO.

"Hmm? Why, if it isn't Lady Gandesblood."

Karin was already right in my face by the time I noticed. She bowed with a friendly smile, the complete opposite of what she had shown Karla.

"Must be hard on you, too. Having to protect this useless puppet. Wouldn't you like to join my team instead? I would gladly recei—"

"Sorry, but no thanks."

Karin's shoulders jolted up.


"I think Karla is more deserving of the title of Goddess."

"…" Karin took a step back, as though afraid of something.

I didn't really understand what I was saying…I'd only verbalized what I truly felt deep down.

"Ha-ha-ha." She laughed as though to gloss over it. "I didn't think you would be so blind, Lady Gandesblood. We will see who truly deserves to be the Goddess once the results of the Heavenly Ball are in. Support Karla all you like in the meanwhile. Farewell."


"Could this get any worse?! What's she mean, 'I'll take your head'?! Oh, I know! Everyone in this country is insane! Psychopaths obsessed with severed heads, all of them!"

"Calm down, Lady Karla," Koharu urged.

"How am I supposed to calm down?! You got hurt, too! I'm gonna get killed for all eternity if that lunatic keeps doing as she pleases! Next time I see her…"

"May I remind you Terakomari is here?"

"Next time I see her, I'm gonna blow her brains out with my Effulgent Magic!" she asserted violently while looking at me.

Karla looked away and cleared her throat right after that.

We were in the outskirts of the Eastern Capital, at a sweets café called the Fuuzen.

We'd gone there both to plan our next move and to just take a breath after parting ways with Karin. Plus, I'd been shoved outside without having eaten a proper breakfast, so I was starving.

I was munching on youkan. Yup. Eating confections for breakfast. Truly depraved.

"What should we do now, Lady Amatsu?" Vill asked while looking around the café.

"Isn't it obvious?" Karla answered fervently. "We must stand against Karin. First up is tomorrow's debate. I need only state how I'm the perfect choice for Goddess to gain the people's trust and…"

"You're lying."

I popped another youkan in my mouth. It was delicious. Very yummy, but…I knew that flavor from somewhere. I felt like I had tasted it somewhere else recently.

"What do you mean I'm lying?"

"Your grandmother told us that you want to quit being an Imperial Saber and become a confectioner. Are you truly interested in winning this Heavenly Ball?"

Then it hit me. This youkan was just the one I'd had at that party. Karla got up just as that realization flashed in my mind.

"Th-that's not true! I want to make the Heavenly Paradise a better…"

"So you're saying your grandmother lied to us?"

"W-well, she is quite old already. Perhaps she got the wrong impression. I've never once said I wanted to become a pâtissier."

"So she says, but to be honest, she's the one running the Fuuzen," Koharu said.

"Why are you telling them?!"

I raised my head. Huh? Karla's running this place?

The ninja girl sighed and looked at Karla.

"Lady Karla, I know you were thinking about telling them."

"Th-that's not…"

"Then why bring them here?"


Karla scrunched up her face for a while, but then she sat back down in resignation. She glanced at me, her cheeks red, and with the smallest voice ever, said:

"…It's true. I want to be a pâtissier."

"Y-you do? So this café really is yours?" I said.

"Yes, I opened it recently. Though we're doing business illegally."

"You are?!"

"Heh-heh," she chuckled weakly.

I decided not to pry further.

In any case, I wasn't expecting Karla to have such a secret. That effort she put toward making her dream come true was something I could learn from. Maybe not the illegal part of it, though.

"A long time ago…my grandmother taught me how to make ohagi, and my brother was delighted with it. I then started making more kinds of sweets, until I started dreaming about doing it professionally."

"You have a brother?"

"He's actually my cousin," she muttered. "Anyways, I've wanted to be a pâtissier ever since I was little, but family tradition prevents it, as you might've gathered if you heard from my grandmother."

"Yeah, pretty much…"

"We Amatsus are a warrior family. We've produced many Imperial Sabers and Goddesses throughout history."

So like the Gandesbloods, basically.

The people in Karla's life had pushed her title onto her without paying one iota of attention to her wishes. I couldn't help but feel sympathy for her. And she had it even worse than I did, going far beyond just the title of commander—now her scary granny was forcing her to duke it out for the position of ruler.

I was intimately familiar with how not being allowed to do what you wanted felt. Now I really wanted to support Karla.

"Still, you're inspiring. You've got your own café!"

"Although I might be forced to close it down now that Grandmother has found out about it."

"No need for her to act—the law will take care of that," Koharu said.

"You go get that permit later on! Though, I can't keep it running as long as I'm still a commander. I'm in the red since I only open on weekends."

"By the way, Lady Karla made that youkan herself."

"Wow," I said, throwing back another block of gelatin. The sweetness spread through my mouth. So good. "It's got a very gentle flavor. Might be the chef's nature coming through."

"Huh…?" Karla opened her eyes wide.

Thinking about it, not even I understood what had just come out of my mouth, but hey, that's just how it felt.

"Sorry, I mean it's very good."

"Th-thank you… So you like sweets, Ms. Gandesblood?"

"'Course I do. Both eating them and making them."

"Wait, you can bake?" Her eyes were sparkling.

I desperately shook my head.

"Just a little bit. I can make cookies and pudding, but nothing as good as you. These taste like a pro's. And speaking of which, did you also make those snacks for the party the other day? They tasted similar."

"Y-yes, I did! I made them in secret. I'm surprised you noticed."

"I remember them well since they were so good. It's a shame you don't get to make more because of your job as commander. You've got what it takes."

Karla suddenly stood up.

I raised my head in shock and found tears in her eyes. She was shivering. Had I said something bad? Then she ran into the back of the store at top speed, flipping her chair in the process. She immediately came back carrying a box.

"Th-the youkan are nothing! I have lots more."

"Lady Karla, those are the store's…"

"And she's our guest! We have to show her some hospitality! Please, Ms. Gandesblood. This is my masterwork. If you would…"

"Really? Thanks… Wow! They look great!"

"It's my heptacolor dango. Koharu said it was bad, but I'm sure you'll get it. I used the best ingredients to make this ultimate piece. Please, have a taste. Here, say ahh."

"Ahh… Gweh?!"


My chair tipped back all of a sudden. I turned around in shock and found Vill behind me, puffing her cheeks. What's wrong with you? You could've made me fall.

"You shouldn't get closer than necessary to a foreign commander."

"What's wrong with it? We're comrades."

"Okay, I'll admit it—I just can't stand seeing someone else feeding you. It makes me want to go home right now and make you the best omelet rice ever."

"Huh? So we can go home?"

"I got that wrong. It makes me want to lock you up and feed you omelet rice."

"You're sick!!"

That's a crime!

I glanced back at Karla and noticed she was having her own problems.

"Koharu! Don't get in the way! She's the only one who understands my sweets! Let go! Ah-ha-ha-ha! Don't tickle me!"

"She'll get sick if she eats too many of your snacks. I'm putting them away."

"Ah! Wait! Koharuuu!"

Koharu snatched away the box and ran to the back of the store. What a scrupulous ninja. She really didn't want to hand out their products for free. Unfortunate for me, but I had to suck it up for the good of the Fuuzen.

"Let's get back on track," Vill said with a severe tone. "I understand your circumstances, Lady Amatsu. So you don't want to participate in the Heavenly Ball, either."

"You got that right. I'd rather pull out of the race. I know I can't, though… Oh, and please keep this a secret from my grandmother and the Goddess."

"Got it. But pulling out wouldn't be easy. I don't think Karin Reigetsu would allow it, let alone your grandmother."

I thought back to that samurai girl's face. She really seemed to detest Karla from the bottom of her heart.

"Do you two not get along? Did you have an argument or something?"

"Nothing like that. Her family…the Reigetsu family is another distinguished house who opposes the Amatsus. The Goddess has historically always come from either of our families."

"And the previous Goddess was your grandmother. Is the current one a Reigetsu?"

"No, she's from the Amatsu branch family. I don't know the details, though…"

An awkward silence followed.

"Anyways," Karla said, going back on topic. "The Amatsus and the Reigetsus have clashed for hundreds of years for the control of the Heavenly Paradise. It goes without saying that children of the same generation of each house oppose each other. I don't care about Karin in the slightest, though. I would give her the title if I could."

"But she seems to be jealous of you, Lady Amatsu. Or perhaps I should say she feels inferior. After all, you are one of the Six Valkyries, and the strongest commander… It's no surprise she feels that way."

"What even is there to envy about me?"

"Jealousy is a terrible thing. That samurai girl won't accept if you try to cede the title."

"I suppose. It feels like she's lived her whole life for the purpose of crushing me. And I've heard you need your opponent's permission to withdraw from the Heavenly Ball."

"Forget about permission, she'd probably kill you in response…," I said.

Or I guess not. Karla is far more powerful than Karin Reigetsu, I thought as I glanced back and found her grabbing her ninja's shoulders and muttering, "It's all over, Koharuuu!" I had a hard time comprehending this girl.

"What will be your next move, Lady Amatsu?" Vill asked.

"Um… I'm not sure what else I can say besides that I'll do my best…"

"Of course. There's nothing to do but your best."

A question mark popped up over Karla's and Koharu's heads. I got chills. I was the only one here who knew that you'd soon feel like dying whenever she started talking.

"You have to beat people like that to a pulp or they'll never understand. You must win the Heavenly Ball, Lady Karla."

"But what about my shop?"

"You just have to quit."

"Excuse me?"

"You become the Goddess, then you quit. Then there's no problem."

"…Y-you're right!" Karla stood up, as though she'd finally seen the light.

Huh? That's okay with you? That's your plan?

"I heard the current Goddess got her position after the previous one yielded it and quit. Which means the title can be given over without the need for a Heavenly Ball."

"That's right. It says so in the Goddess Outlines—the laws pertaining to our ruler—that the title can be ceded. Though you need to select your successor…"

Karla turned and stared conspicuously at Koharu, who shook her head desperately.

"Remember the tradition about the Goddess being either an Amatsu or Reigetsu."

"Koharu, I've been hiding this from you the whole time, but the truth is, you're my little sister."

"No, thanks."

"In any case, we can think about that later. Our plan is the same as it was from the beginning. Our Komari Unit will give you full support so you can win, Lady Amatsu."

"Y-you will?! Not that I couldn't take them on by myself, but thank you!"

"Hold it right there, Vill!!" I pulled the sicko maid over to the wall.

She was making that What's the problem? face again, the cheeky bastard.

"What are you plotting now? I don't mind supporting Karla, but this doesn't sound like something you would do. You're not trying to make me her successor or something, are you?"

"I'm offended. I always act in your best interests, Lady Komari. Getting Karla to win would also make your dream come true, which is why I'm thinking of ways to make it happen."

"My dream…? You mean…"

"Your dream of becoming a novelist. Did you forget? Lady Amatsu knows about Twilight Triangle because I showed it to her. This has been my plan all along. I've only ever thought of your wishes right from the very beginning. I did it all for you!"


Who would've thought? It was all a misunderstanding. I'd been under the impression this maid only wanted to make me work this whole time, but she was far from evil—she was doing this to fulfill my dreams! I'm sorry I ever doubted you, Vill!

"I-I can't believe you care for me that much."

"I can't deny I have other motives, though. It would be great for there to be another ruler who's allied with Mulnite besides Lady Cunningham. Especially for the day you become Empress…"

"What? What did you say?"

"Nothing. Anyway, I plan on placing the stepping stones that will lead us to victory. Lady Amatsu may be the strongest, but we have to make sure. We have to be careful nothing bad happens to you."

"Very wise, Vill. I can already taste the moment of my ambitions coming true."

"Give me something as a reward later, okay? Oh, and look, our assistants have just arrived."

"Huh? Assistants?"

"You never cease to amaze me, Commander!!"

I couldn't believe my ears. I thought I was hallucinating. Oh, how I wished I was hallucinating.

I fearfully turned around. There I saw a nightmare scenario. Someone had forced open the sliding door of the shop—a group of four that I regrettably recognized in an instant.

"I am in awe. First the leader of the Gerra-Aruka Republic, and now you also take the Heavenly Paradise's ruler under your wing. The Heavenly Paradise becomes a puppet nation of the Seventh Unit as soon as we win."

At the lead was a vampire with the complexion of a stripped tree. Caostel Conto. He resembled the head adviser for a criminal organization, as usual. And he was suggesting things like one, to boot. Or did I mishear him? Yeah, that must be it.

"U-um, who are you? We're closed today." Karla approached the criminals in a hurry.

Impressive. I would never talk to these guys if I were in her place.

"Don't worry. We only came here to kill Karin Reigetsu."

A man with a dog's head stood before her. Bellius Hund Cerbero.

Stop it. Don't look at Karla like that. She's scared. And now Koharu's ready for combat, too.

A gaudy-looking man wearing sunglasses stepped up.

"Hey! Stop your glaring, dog guy. You're sending her fear levels sky-high. Nobody taught you respect? Are all beasts inept? Hrk!"

Bellius punched Mellaconcey, and the pyromaniac crashed into chairs and tables until finally slamming into the wall with a loud thud.

Are you aware we're outside the Dark Core's influence?! Don't do that!

"Ayeee!" Karla screamed like a little girl, which brought me back from my frivolous worries.

Oh, this is gonna be trouble. They look like some mobsters showing up to a struggling shop to ask for loan payments.

"Who are these guys?" Koharu asked, scowling at me.

"Um. They're, uh…Vill!! You didn't say they were coming!"

"This is stepping stone number one," the maid said.

"More like we just stepped on a landmine! You're going for broke from the very beginning?!"

"You may not remember this, Lady Komari, but we're at a disadvantage. Karin Reigetsu has supporters from both the Haku-Goku Commonwealth and the Lapelico Kingdom on her side. Karla Amatsu only has the Mulnite Empire. We needed to call your underlings to close the gap."

"Now that you mention it, I do remember that, but why didn't you call more sensible people instead, then?!"

"Like who?"


Yeah, I don't have a single reasonable subordinate. Maybe I should try recruiting some. They might join if I say I'll give them all the omelet rice they want in exchange, or maybe even say they could work from home. But I can't guarantee that, and lying's not okay. Dang.

Caostel curled up the edges of his lips in a nasty smile.

"Don't be like that, Commander. You didn't tell Commander Karla Amatsu about us?"

"U-uh-huh. You know, I, um, wanted it to be a surprise."

After saying that, I realized I was more surprised about this development than anyone else.

Anyhow, I couldn't pretend I didn't know my troops any longer. A calm smile on my face, I turned to look at Karla and Koharu and said:

"These are the leaders of the Mulnite Empire's Seventh Unit. My unit, that is. They're a bit rough around the edges, but they're good people at their core. Don't worry."

"Oh my, Commander. You appear to be lacking vigor today."

"Behold, Karla! These are the elites of the Mulnite Imperial Army! They will seize victory for our team!" I repeated.

Karla's mouth stayed agape for a good while, until Koharu poked her back.

"Oh! H-how promising! Yes, with your unit and my power, we will blow away Karin Reigetsu's team as easily as the soy flour dust on a kinako mochi."

"You got that right! The title of Goddess is practically already in your hands!"



Yeah, no, I know shit's gonna go down terribly. It already kinda is, actually.

You got this whole thing planned out, don'tcha, Vill? You do know everything's going down the drain if we lose control of them, right? I'm gonna run away if it turns out to be a real war like last time with Nelia, mkay?

"Worry not, Lady Komari. The Eastern Capital is a danger zone for vampires. They're not stupid enough to go berserk knowing they could die for real."

"Right. Yeah, even ruthless assassins should value their own lives."

"Terakomari! We just have to burn that Karin Reigetsu girl to a crisp, right?" asked blond youth Yohann Helders.

He always dies. Not this time, please.

"…Pretty much. We have to defeat her in combat on the last day to make sure Karla will become Goddess."

"Nah, the early bird gets the worm. I set her house on fire just now."

""What??"" Karla and I exclaimed in unison.

What's he saying? Set her house on fire? Is he admitting to arson? Did I just hear wrong?

Just then, I heard commotion outside the café. "It's a fire!" "The Reigetsu residence is burning down!" "Call the firefighters!" "Was it Team Karla Amatsu?!" "Ruthless savages!"


"All right, I was wrong. Who would've thought Lieutenant Helders was that dumb," Vill said.

I pulled at my hair but held in my scream.

I could feel war approaching.
