
Can you mend my broken heart

Julia,so u want to end us here.

Ypu want to end our long lasting love.

Clyde if I marry you, it would be a grave sin.

Your family has ruined mine and I have decided to forget the past but we can't be together.

Can you ever mend my broken heart.

Julia(standing up and feeling his face) I would never fall in love again.I can't do without you,please don't leave me.

I have to, Clyde and I have a fiancee at Pennsylvania.

I can't betray her.

But you can betray me?anyways its fine.

Thanks for the love you have shown me.

Clyde! He drew me back and caressed my face.

Clyde! I love you so much but do you expect me to marry the daughter of my parents murderer.

It will soon be two weeks, Julia two weeks for me to hold you, two weeks for me to touch, feel you, cry in your arms, just two weeks.

After that I kissed him wildly. Julia it's just two weeks left.

All our love story will end in two weeks. I released from his grip and kept on kissing him.

After that I left him and wiped off my tears.

Elijah's POV

I was shocked and devastated upon seeing that I was deceived by that good for nothing boy.

I tried to look for my daughter but it seems they have hidden her inside the ground.

I decided to give up by surrendering to the police, I had to do that.

It was my only option, though I was not at fault for Ariana and Justin Yates death but I made a big mistake a very big one that can't be forgiven.

He who kills by the sword will surely die by the sword. I have to pay for my sins.

I have to save my daughter (in tears).Who knows what she is going through.Clyde am so sorry.

Dad is very sorry.

Bryan's POV

Its been close to a month now since Clyde has been missing.

Rina has decided to accept my proposal.

I notice she is just a play girl, anyways I just need Lara's properties and businesses to become more powerful I don't give a fuck or care about Rina.

She is like a pawn to me.

I had also managed to convince Clyde's dad and shown him the divorce documents.

Life has been so easy, but hard when I remember my ex wife.

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The story will soon take a new turn,so just keep concentrating in order to understand and don't forget to vote for me.

I love u all!!!!

Cupid_Dillacreators' thoughts