

Knocking on the Door the Boys waited for a Minute before Mrs Jackson opened the door. They Both Said in unison of course "Good Evening Mum" looking at each other with a grin on their faces.

Mrs Jackson just looked at them, smiled and told them to come in.  "Sam will be out in a minute" John and Bill just nodded "It's fine," Mrs Jackson asked " The Clothes you organized for him look really nice Thank you"

John just replied "It was my pleasure I am just glad they fit"  Sam walked out after that and looked at the Boys "Thanks for these they fit perfectly"

John and Bill replied " It's all Good, we should get going," Sam nodding and all three walked out. Sam was shocked by the car that was parked outside "Is this Yours too" They just nodded " Yeah" and opened it up and got in. 

On the way to the Elysian Sam looked a little Nervous, so Bill asked " Why do you look worried, is everything alright" Sam replied " Yes I am alright, just a little nervous that's all, what if the Boss doesn't want to give me a Job." John and Bill just Smiled " You don't have to worry about that, we are sure they will."

When the got there the Front Doors were open but as it was still early there wasn't too may people around. Getting out of the vehicle John and Bill looked at Sam "Ready" He just nodded and they all walked towards the Door. The security Guards Stepped aside as usual " Evening Boss" John and Bill greeted them and walked in.

Geoff came over to greet them as well. John and Bill talked to him for a minute before saying " The is Sam Jackson he will be starting as Bar Tender tonight, can you show him around and let him get a feel of the Place, we will be around if you need anything" Geoff just "Not a Problem"

John and Bill turned to look at Sam "This is the Manager Geoff he will look after you, we will be around if there is any problems alright, Good Luck" It was then that Sam realized that John and Bill Owned the Place and that is why he didn't get into trouble this Morning.

Sam just Nodded " I Promise I won't let you down" he turned and followed Geoff.  The Night went well and Sam did excellent he fit in well with everyone  which is all John and Bill hoped for.

At the End of the Night John and Bill got Geoff to make sure Sam had his shifts organized and gave him an ID Tag, till security got to know him. They all said Good Night and Left to take Sam Home. When they Got there they told Him "You did a great Job Tonight thank you, we will see you tomorrow we promised to buy a car"

Sam got out and said Good Night before heading up to the Apartment and the Boys drove away. When Sam got upstairs his Parent were still up waiting for him to come home to find out how it went.Mr Jackson asked" How was it, was the Boss understanding about what happened" Sam just smiled "I am fairly sure they were understanding this Morning when the told the police to let me go"

Mrs Jackson looked him before asking "What are you saying" Sam Replied " John and Bill own the Elysian"

Sam Continued " According to some of the other worker's, there was an incident awhile back and the place was hijacked by a bunch of thugs and the then Owner and Bills life was in danger. John apparently appeared out of nowhere and saved them,rumour has it he felt that Bill was in trouble and came."

  Sam continuing " Any way, The Owner was getting older and wanted to spend with his children, and since Bill liked working there and it made him happy John Bought it right there on the spot"

The Jackson's Just sat there in silence for a minute until Mr Jackson said " Wow, they do seem happy together which is all that is important" Sam just remembered " They said they would be here in the Morning so we could go buy a car that they Promised"

With that they all went to bed. On the other side of town John and Bill had just gotten home and were exhausted so they went upstairs took off their Clothes and climbed in to Bed. They made Love before falling asleep in each others arms.

When they woke up the following Morning they started to rub  one another while their tongues were down each other throats until they both exploded but they did not stop their they pounded into each other working all the tension out until they exploded again and collapsed back on the Bed.

The Laid there for a little while until it was time to get up and start the day. 


