
Chapter 809: Lavish Rewards

If early January's highlight was the establishment of the Australasian Empire and Arthur's coronation, then the latter part of the month was marked by Arthur's conferment of titles on all the contributors who had served the Empire prior to its formation.

Due to the large number of individuals involved, and because some were not able to make appearances for various reasons, only a small group of representatives participated in the ceremony.

Nevertheless, the event remained grand, bestowing several new Earls and dozens of Barons to the Australasian ranks.

Following the honors ceremony, the number of nobles in Australasia officially surpassed 500, reaching a total of 558.

The majority of these, and the lowest order of nobility, comprising 438 individuals, were known as honorary nobility with the title of Sir.

This abundance of Knighthoods highlights the difficulty nobles face in attempting to ascend further within the aristocratic hierarchy.
