
Reunion and Redemption

As the dense fog enveloped the area, obscuring the camera's view entirely, a thick shroud of uncertainty hung in the air. 

**Mihuru (worried):** "Oh no, we can't see anything! What's happening in there?"

**Miyabi (concerned):** "I hope they're both okay."

**Jhon (anxious):** "This is intense; I can't believe the fog is so thick!"

**Alice (nervous):** "Come on, Fuji, you've got this!"

**Itsuki (hopeful):** "Let's trust them; they know what they're doing."

As the minutes ticked by, the suspense grew, and everyone could only wait anxiously, hoping for some sign of what was transpiring in the thick fog.

**Michan (worried):** "I can't see anything! Please, be safe, Fuji!"

**Shihoko (Amane's mother, anxious):** "This is making my heart race. I hope they're alright."

**Shuuto (Amane's father, concerned):** "Our boys are tough, but this is nerve-wracking."

They, too, shared in the collective anxiety as they strained their eyes to see through the dense fog, yearning for any glimpse of what was happening within.

As the fog cleared and the scene became visible, shockwaves of astonishment rippled through the spectators, especially Mihuru, Alice, and Michan. They saw Izumi standing there, having blocked both punches with a display of remarkable power.

**Mihuru (shocked and worried):** "Izumi? When did he reach there?"

**Alice (concerned):** "He stopped their powerful force, but it looks like he got severely injured in the process."

**Michan (worried, eyes teary):** "Alice ne-san, he did it, but he also sacrificed himself to stop them."

Izumi's grandparents, Shuuto, Shihoko, and Jake, shared the shock and relief, grateful that Izumi had intervened to prevent his father, Amane, and his sensei, Fuji, from inflicting further harm upon each other.

Jhon and Miyabi, Fuji's parents, noticed something peculiar about Izumi's eyes. They exchanged worried glances before Jhon spoke up.

**Jhon:** "Look at his eyes..."

Everyone's gaze turned to Izumi's eyes, and they were left utterly astounded by what they saw.

**Miyabi:** "He's copied their fighting domain technique just by watching it on TV..."

The realization of Izumi's incredible feat left them all in awe.

Amane and Fuji, who were locked in combat moments ago, now turned their attention towards Izumi, their expressions a mix of shock and disbelief.

**Amane:** "I...Izumi?"

**Fuji:** "Is that..."

Before they could finish their sentences, Izumi demonstrated his newfound abilities by utilizing Fuji's aikido technique, sending both Amane and Fuji flying to opposite sides. The spectators watching on TV screens were stunned as they witnessed Izumi's eyes glowing a dark yellow, a clear sign that he had successfully copied their fighting domain technique.

**Izumi:** "Father, Sensei, I won't let you kill each other. Fuji Sensei, you've sacrificed so much. Please, don't fight alone. We're all here for you. You and my father aren't alone anymore. We're all here with you."

The maturity and courage displayed by the 15-year-old left everyone in awe.

Following Izumi's intervention and his remarkable display of copied techniques, Amane and Fuji slowly regained their composure. They exchanged glances, their expressions now filled with a mix of surprise, admiration, and pride.

**Amane:** "Izumi, you've grown into a fine young man."

**Fuji:** "Indeed, you've become quite the fighter."

Izumi smiled, a sense of accomplishment washing over him. Meanwhile, the onlookers in the room, including Mihuru, Alice, Michan, and Izumi's grandparents, felt a sense of relief and gratitude that Izumi had stepped in to prevent the potentially fatal clash between Amane and Fuji.

**Mihuru (teary-eyed and proud):** "That's my son."

**Alice (grinning):** "You really are something, Izumi."

**Michan (with a hint of worry):** "Just be careful, Izumi."

Izumi's grandparents exchanged knowing glances, their hearts warmed by the display of unity and strength within their family. Izumi had, in that moment, proven himself as a worthy heir to the legacy of both Amane and Fuji, and they were filled with hope for the future.

Then Fuji turned his gaze towards the camera, a deep sense of remorse and longing in his eyes. He addressed his family, who were watching this heartfelt moment unfold on the screen.

**Fuji:** "I'm sorry, Father, Mother, and Michan, my dear little sister. I should have shared everything with you sooner, but I chose to bear my burdens alone, believing it was for the best. If you can find it in your hearts to accept me again as your son..."

He paused, the weight of his words hanging in the air. Then, a warm and genuine smile graced his lips, softening the intensity of the moment.

**Fuji:** "I...i promise, I'll come back to all of you."

As Fuji's heartfelt words echoed through the television screen, tears welled up in his parents' eyes, Jhon and Miyabi. They exchanged a glance filled with joy and relief before embracing tightly. Michan, their younger daughter, jumped up and down with excitement, unable to contain her happiness any longer.

**Miyabi:** "Our son... he's coming back to us!"

**Jhon:** "This is the moment we've been waiting for."

Alice, who had once been a source of torment for Fuji, watched the scene unfold with a heavy heart. She had changed over the years, and the guilt she felt for her past actions was now overwhelming.

**Alice:** (teary-eyed) "I never thought I'd see this day... I can finally apologize for everything I did."

Meanwhile, the Shikimori family, who had been watching the emotional reunion from afar, shared their own sentiments.

**Itsuki:** (moved) "This is incredible. Fuji is finally going back to his family."

**Chitose:** "Izumi is amazing too. He stopped them and brought Fuji back."

Back at the Shikimori household, the emotions were running high. The power of reconciliation and the bonds of family had triumphed, and they couldn't have been happier for Fuji and his family.

Michan watched her family's emotional reunion with tears of happiness in her eyes. She couldn't contain her excitement and relief.

**Michan:** (teary-eyed) "Fuji-onii-san is back! I knew Izumi-san could do it!"

Her joy was palpable, and she couldn't have been happier that her brother was returning to their family.

Surprisingly the gangsters flooded into the scrapyard, their presence was overwhelming. They were armed to the teeth, carrying various weapons, and their faces bore expressions of ruthless determination.

**Gangster 1:** (grinning maliciously) "Look what we have here, boys! First generation legend, the legendary demon, and some kid! This is gonna be fun!"

**Gangster 2:** (scoffing) "You think three of them can take us all on? They're in for a surprise!"

The atmosphere grew tense, and everyone watching through the TV was horrified by the sheer number of gangsters. Amane and Fuji shared a confident look, determined to protect their loved ones.

**Amane:** (with a wide smirk) "Don't worry, everyone. There are only 3000 of them. We can handle this."

**Fuji:** (grinning) "That's right! This time, you'll witness the strength of three legends."

Izumi, with a confident smile, added his resolve.

**Izumi:** (looking at Amane and Fuji) "I can't wait to put those moves you both taught me to good use!"

The families, though concerned, found solace in the determination of their loved ones. They hoped that the combined might of Amane, Fuji, and Izumi would be enough to protect them from the approaching threat.
