
I would love to tutor you.

Asher stared from a distance at the game most people had come to watch. There was a small crowd that had gathered in the gym, cheering as the game proceeded. 

Perse dodged a ball, caught one, and hit a guy on the opposing team with it. People cheered louder as she caught another ball, did a back flip to dodge two balls that were aimed at her, and hit yet another opponent. 

Beside her, Josh aimed at a poor girl crouching at the edge of the court. There were visibly more players on Josh's team, but none of them were being targeted. Perse was everyone's target, but she didn't seem to have a problem with that. She welcomed the thrill and lived for the challenge.

Asher came closer, an amused smirk on his face as Perse eliminated another opponent. His smirk widened when she caught Logan's ball and hit him with it. The latter threw a tantrum as he walked off the court. With four people remaining on Josh's team, and just one girl on the opponent's team, it was evident who had won. 

Perse and Josh gave each other a look before simultaneously throwing both their balls at her, causing a double elimination as the gym erupted into applause and cheers. 

Asher watched as Perse jumped happily, giving Josh a hug that lasted for six seconds [Yes. He counted!] Josh smirked down at her when the two broke the hug. He said something to her and she laughed. Asher saw how her eyes crinkled at the corners when she laughed. Why has she never laughed like that with him? What was it that Josh had told her that made her laugh like that? Josh whispered something in her ear and she smacked his shoulder laughing. He was tempted to match down there and interrupt whatever the two were talking about. But what right did he have to do that? Perse probably didn't even like him. She might have just felt obligated to tutor him... but he knew better than anyone that that didn't mean they were friends. 

The coach dismissed everyone, and the players headed towards the locker rooms as the spectators gradually dispersed. And faster than he appeared, Asher was nowhere to be seen.

"What's the matter?" Josh asked, noticing how Perse's eyebrows were furrowed. She tried to look past Josh, but then not finding what she must have been looking for, shook her head.

"I thought I saw something,"

"Saw what?" Josh asked, mostly because he couldn't understand what could possibly be more interesting than him__ the ego in him profound.

'Asher' she wanted to say but thought better about it. Now she was starting to see him everywhere he wasn't. That couldn't possibly be a good sign.

"It's not important," she waved her hand dismissively. "What's important is the fact that you lost___ six to two___"

"I believe it's three___"

"Uh huh uh huh," Perse nodded, "Like that makes your loss any less sadder. You owe me a dare,"

"What are you going to make me do?" Josh said, a smirk on his face as he swung his arm over Perse's shoulder, the two of them walking out of the gym and towards the locker rooms.

"At this point, anything I want!" 

"Well that doesn't sound so bad," Josh wiggled his eyebrows, and Perse couldn't help but roll her eyes. She knew just what was running through his head.

"I know what you're thinking___ and you aren't even remotely close. I wouldn't be so happy if I were you,"

They took another turn down another hallway, and the two stopped in their tracks as they stared at the person leaning against the wall outside the girls' locker room. His arms were crossed, and a distant expression covered his face. 

Perse stared at Asher in disbelief. So she hadn't hallucinated seeing him. The latter looked up as if he could feel her staring at him. His face was expressionless as he stared at her, and she felt her heartbeat quicken.

Josh, who had been walking alongside Persephone, tightened his grip on her shoulder as he glanced in Asher's direction, his jaw set with unresolved anger.  Beside her, Josh became rigid and tense. It was evident he wasn't happy to see him, and Asher felt the same way.

"So it really was you I saw you at the gymnasium," Perse said to him, detangling herself from Josh's arm as she walked towards Asher. 

"Who calls it a 'gymnasium'? he asked, lacing the amusement in his voice behind a scowl as he briefly glanced at Josh, still behind Perse and showing no interest in leaving.

"Isn't that what it's called? A gymnasium?"

"Literally no one calls it that," he said, the nonchalance in his voice didn't deter the enthusiasm in Perse as she smiled widely at him. Her victory in dodgeball over Logan's team, and her little bet with Josh, had her too over the moon. 

"I guess literally everyone is illiterate then," she gave an innocent shrug. 

"If you insist," Asher said in resignation with a slight shrug as he looked down at Perse.

Josh, who had just been engaging in a lively conversation with Perse, suddenly found himself standing awkwardly by the sidelines. He shot a quick, uneasy, angry glance at Asher, his competitive spirit flaring up. He had always sensed a rivalry between himself and Asher, particularly when it came to football. And now he was going to have to compete with him for Perse's attention as well?! The mere thought of it enraged it.

Asher, as if mocking him, gave him a knowing smirk. One that told him that he was always going to come second to him. 

Persephone, ever the optimist, sensed the tension in the air and attempted to defuse it with a friendly gesture. "I'd like you to meet Josh," she said, gesturing to her friend. "We've been friends for nine years__?"

"Ten!" Josh corrected, his voice dripping with territorial instincts over Perse as he continued to glare at Asher, who hid his annoyance behind an arrogant smirk. 

"Well we've been friends for the majority of our lives," she smiled. " And Josh, this is Asher___"

"I know who he is!" Josh took a step forward, his entire body tense. Perse sensed the anger radiating off Josh in massive waves. "He's a ___"

"Teammate? Friend?"


"Ouch!" Asher said mockingly. "Please don't hurt my feelings like that,"

Perse felt herself get sandwiched between the two angry bulls. She's always avoided confrontations, and she had no intention of getting caught in between one- Literally!

"If the two of you start fighting I'll walk away," she said, her voice firm as she stood her ground and prevented Josh from moving any closer. 

"You're looking for trouble Thorne," Josh warned, ignoring Perse and the efforts she was making to avoid a confrontation.

"Actually, I was looking for her," Asher nodded towards Perse, and she couldn't help the nervous smile that crawled up her face. "And now that I've found her, you can leave,"

"If you hadn't noticed, P and I were in the middle of something. So maybe you're the one who ought to leave." Josh took another step closer, and Perse found herself pressed against both Josh's and Asher's chests. 

"And who's going to make me, big boy?" This time Asher didn't back down, staring down Josh who was visibly a few inches shorter. 

"I will!"

"Christ you two!" she pushed them away from each other. But Josh only staggered back and Asher barely even moved. "This is not the time nor the place for this,"

"And even if it were, I think we all know how this would have ended,"


"Josh stop," Perse warned, as she grabbed his arm to get her attention. "Go walk it off,"

"I'm not the one who started it" he scowled at her, his expression filled with rage alternating between Asher's presence and Perse's betrayal when she took her side.

Perse wanted to correct him, but she had a feeling that would only make things worse, so she kept it to herself.

"And I haven't said you have___ just walk it off,"

"Are you kidding me? You're taking his side?" he looked at her in disbelief

"I'm not taking sides. Just go walk it off," 

"I can't believe you right now," Perse felt her heart drop when Josh ripped his arm out of hers. The hurt and disappointed expression on his face only added salt to the injury.

He shook his head in obvious disappointment before stomping away. Perse couldn't help but follow him with her eyes, a worried expression on her face. Suddenly, the joy she had minutes ago seemed insignificant and useless.

"Is there a specific reason you're waiting for me outside the girls' locker room or is this just your usual hang-out spot?" Perse asked, and even though she tried, she couldn't hide the tinge of sadness in her voice.

"I came to talk to you,"

"Yeah? What about?"

"My little brother," he said, his voice sounding distant as he stared intently at Perse.

She looked at him confused at the random change of topic.

"I___" she shook her head. "I don't get it,"

"You told me to figure out what I wanted... why I wanted this? Because my little brother looks up to me__ I'm all he has. I wouldn't wanna lead him astray," 

Persephone's expression underwent a subtle transformation. Her brown eyes softened with a mixture of admiration and understanding. She was struck by the depth of Asher's dedication to his younger sibling, something she hadn't expected from him. In that moment, she saw a side of Asher that transcended his usual snarkiness and aloof demeanor.  It was a selfless and noble aspiration that revealed a hidden layer of his character. Persephone couldn't help but be touched by his sincerity and the genuine love he had for his brother.

She had a feeling this wasn't something he told everyone, so she suppressed her curiosity to ask follow-up questions.

"Okay Asher," she nodded in acknowledgment of his words, her voice gentle as she responded. "I would love to tutor you. With that attitude, I'm sure you'll nail it," Her expression conveyed her genuine support and belief in Asher's abilities.

"Cool," he nodded, an almost smile on his face as he nodded, casually putting his hands in his pockets.

"But we have to have ground rules," Perse smiling despite her voice being serious.

"I'm cool with that," he shrugged.

"And you have to follow them," That earned a smirk from Asher, his cockiness slowly seeping back in.

"I'm capable of following rules!"


"So when can we begin?" he asked, and Perse's smile widened at her enthusiasm.

"How about now?"

"I can't. I'm ten minutes late to detention,"

"Well, can we meet up tomorrow?"

"I still have detention tomorrow," 

"How? It's a Saturday!"

"Since when has that stopped Principal Malt?" he shrugged nonchalantly like it was the most casual thing on the planet.

"So when do you not have detention?"

"Every other day that I don't have football practice,"

"Those aren't many days," she shook her head and withheld any comments about how and why he had detention for those many days. It was a question with a lot of probable answers.

Persephone paced back and forth, her thoughts racing as she contemplated the predicament involving Asher. She couldn't shake the feeling that there had to be a way to help him. 

Asher followed her with his eyes. It was a habit he found annoying, and it made him dizzy, but he enjoyed watching her do it more than he'd care to admit it___ so he didn't protest it.

Perse's mind worked like a whirlwind, brainstorming possible solutions. She couldn't let Asher's future be jeopardized by a couple of bad decisions made at the moment. In the brief minutes she'd talked with him, she had seen glimpses of his potential, his determination to improve academically for the sake of his little brother, and she believed there was more to him than met the eye.

Suddenly, she stopped pacing and stood still, her eyes lighting up with determination, an idea taking shape in her mind. 

"What if I talked to the principal to temporarily suspend your punishment?" she beamed at him, but Asher didn't share the same enthusiasm.

"That's your big idea?" Asher scoffed, and Perse didn't miss the mocking that came with it.

"Do you have any other better idea?"

"At this point, every idea has to be better than this,"

"I'll take that as a no," she smiled. "I'll go freshen up, then pass by his office,"

"You do know that this idea of yours won't work right?"

"Geez. I hope your 'optimism' isn't contagious," Perse chuckled to herself, and Asher rolled his eyes. "I'll give you an update Asher___ but you should still get to detention," she gave him a friendly tap on the shoulder and took that as her cue to leave.

"You know," Asher said and Perse stopped, "Optimism won't get you everywhere,"

"I know," she smiled, shrugging her shoulders. "But pessimism won't get you anywhere," he stood there for a second, waiting for him to let it sink in. "I'll see you later Ash," and she left before Asher had a chance to get a word in. 

He hated that... he really did__ how she always got the last word. It enraged him. But weirdly enough, it thrilled him almost as much. 

His phone pinged with a notification. He took it out and briefly stared at the screen.


'Tell a friend to tell a friend'. Asher couldn't help but scoff at that. And even though 'everyone was invited', he had a feeling Josh wouldn't be too happy to see him there. 

But then again, since when has he cared about what Josh, or anyone, cared or wanted? He could just go there to tick Josh off at his own party. Perse would definitely be there. With how close she and Josh were just a couple of minutes ago, there was no way she could miss it. 

And that was enough reason for him to show up. What's the worst that could happen?!
