
A bad idea

Meanwhile, back on Earth, Chump was in a gym near the lab. Zippy was powering up the floor while Chump worked out on the treadmill. Thirty-two minutes running, 6 kilometers done.

The gym had recently been cleaned, but weights, dumbbells, and various pieces of machinery were scattered haphazardly. The backyard was filled with the all nearby corpses.

The smell attracted all types of animals, rodents, and bugs, and only made the pile bigger and more mixed than humans. The empty spaces that weren't halls were filled with rat traps and insect traps.

Chump managed to trim his belly a bit, and his muscles showed slight improvement. He was drenched in sweat when a timer went off, blaring a loud warning.

Clem entered the gym, holding a tablet and engrossed in reading. "The structure is nearly complete, and the provided information was well-organized, but I had to make a few modifications here and there."

The human's curiosity peaked. "What did you change?"

"The arms, you made a solid structure around the articulation, and you could crush your bones with that."

"Well, sorry about that…" Chump muttered, uncertain. "I swear it was flexible…Oh right, that calculus right right…" Chump was in deep thought while he was cooling off.

"I've also noticed your training is yielding results. I've never seen someone as dedicated as a Fire Remenant user before. At one point, I was concerned you might be unwell."

Chump coughed involuntarily a couple of times. "Yeah," he managed to say, catching his breath. "I'm fine. That's great news; keep up the good work. With this structure, we just need the battery, the collector, and the 'mind'... huh."

Catching his breath, he continued, "I'm afraid so, but don't worry. Maybe I can persuade Meisho to acquire another blue jade for you, as long as she's satisfied with the information provided."

Chump nodded. "We'll see what we can do about that. Right now, I have other plans."

Clem inquired, "What plans, Mister Chump?"

"I'm heading back to the city tomorrow. I need to retrieve some items from my home." He took a sip of water.

The human eyes hinted determination behind this reasoning.

The golem stood in stunned silence, almost dropping his tablet, until he finally shouted, shocked by the news,

"WHAT?! Are you insane!" Clem's face cracked itself to frown. His agitated voice shouted, "The clean-up is not even over yet, it needs a couple of days to pass two weeks and even then will not be over! Just reduced."

The human drank half the bottle and sat down, he looked around the golem, adverting his gaze directly to him.

"I know…But I left some important stuff there…"

"What can be that important that you risk this whole operation, your life even? I swear if that's the PC of yours that you talked about I will—"

"It's not that, could you calm down please?…" Chump released a sigh of relief. He cleaned his face and forehead of sweat and scratched his left arm with force. "It's small, I can carry it myself.

"Chump what are you…You know what? Forget that plan of yours. Just tell me what it is, and I will get it for you, and nothing will happen."

Clem was about to turn around when Chump voice's cut the improvising plans he planned.

"No." Chump clenched his fist.

"Excuse me?"

"I said no. This is personal. I know you, I know you will get it but it's not the same. I already thought the route, the same way we got here, we will use it to get back to the city. I will go to my home and—"

Clack, click, click.

The wooden left arm of Clem transforms in some sort of canon, its hole glowing up blue purplish. Zippy nibbled his leg, trying to stop him, while making acute noises, she felt terrified.

"You will get killed, captured, or worse. I refuse this reasoning without a proper explanation. Forget about this plan, explain the details, and I will do it."

The human began to walk away.

"I will get some medical equipment to deal with the actual state of the city."

Clem aimed for the human head's…But then stop. "Dammit Chump. I swear if you die I will look for your damn soul and put it on a toaster."

Chump laughed out loud and shook his head. With his left hand, he thumbs up Clem, his voice filled with confidence.

"You worry too much, I will be fine. If you don't trust me, I may tell you now how to access "The Internet". So you can just forget my existence haha…"

The human descended to the ground floor, walking towards the recently upgraded lab. Once he was out of watch from Clem, he hold his left arm and scratched it.

His voice took a dark twist, scoffing, feeling neglected "I know that I'm just a human, an experiment for you…"

Clem froze up, he watched as the human descended without muttering a word. Then looked at his arm, the one that transformed into a cannon aiming at him. His whole body, the whole metallic, stone, and wooden structure began to tremble.

The golem gasped from the air, looking at his chest, emitting a greenish-blue light, feeling an unknown pressure on him. Something itch in the golem's eyes, muttering something.

"What I am doing…he is just a human…He is just…a low human…Keep your focus…The missions are more important than my feelings."

His chest lit up.

"Tirurin! Tirurin! Tirurin! Tirurin!"

Someone was calling the golem's transmitter.

Back in the newly upgraded grounded lab, Chump was getting out of a makeshift shower.

Now the place held a few more pieces of machinery, a regular bed, a tiny space where the electrical bunnies happily lived with magnetic food, and a tiny playground.

Included in this furniture were the stone tables and chairs from before, a wardrobe, and some laundry machines. Chump retrieved some clothes he had brought in those bags from earlier.

He looked through the windows. It was nighttime, and he could see the stars in the sky, with all the constellations at his disposal from the ground.

"It is truly beautiful..."

He lay down on his bed, his heart beating rapidly. He knew this was going to be dangerous. His hand shook a lot, and his breathing felt heavy, but his expression showed his determination.

It took him a couple of hours to finally fall asleep, during which Clem didn't come down.

A new day dawned.

Chump woke up the next morning with a sense of purpose. He had slept surprisingly well, considering the impending journey.

Chump moved through his morning routine with a bit more deliberation than usual. He attended to his chores, wrote explanations for Clem, and fed the bunnies.

The electrical animals sensed his unease and tried to comfort him with cuddles and pats, which made him giggle and reciprocate with care. But eventually, he got up and prepared himself for the day.

He chose new attire suitable for his upcoming journey: sleek, modern, and flexible clothing for motorcycle riding. He donned black biker boots, dark blue jeans, a black belt, a sleeveless black shirt, and a black leather jacket.

Next, he opened the first drawer of the wardrobe and retrieved a Beretta 92 handgun, a police taser with deployable cables, and a military knife.

"Better safe than sorry. I don't know if there will be wolves roaming around or any other threats," he mused to himself.

He placed a black motorcycle helmet with red flare designs on his head.

He went out to a nearby garage.

Clem was already there, preparing some kind of drink on his hands thanks to his powers.

"Good morning, Clem," Chump greeted him.

Clem turned and nodded. "Morning, Chump. Are you sure about this?"

Chump nodded resolutely. "I have to do it. There are things I need to retrieve from my home."

Clem sighed but didn't argue further. "Very well. I've prepared some supplies for your journey. You'll find them in your bag, inside the trunk."

Chump boozes a smile, nodding to the golem's support. "Thank you, Clem. I'll be careful."

He retrieved a motorcycle from a nearby garage. It was a black Triumph Tiger 900, perfect for navigating various terrains and boasting an appealing style.

"Just get in, get the stuff, get out. Come on, Chump, you've defeated a magma bear and a giant Taurus made of stone and metal. Just a couple of hours, and it will all be done."

Outside, a relentless storm raged, drenching the landscape with a deluge fiercer than a tropical jungle downpour. Despite the relentless rain, the stench of decay and blood hung heavy in the air, pervading the surroundings. The situation deteriorated with each passing moment.

Undeterred, the human mounted his motorcycle, ignited the engine, and ventured into the abandoned village. It took him a few minutes to acclimate to the challenging conditions of waterlogged terrain and the motorcycle, but he eventually reached the train station.

Slowing down, he manually guided both himself and the vehicle onto the train tracks, making his way towards the city.

A shadowy figure soared above in the sky, taking notice of Chump as he headed towards the city. The mysterious presence followed him closely, hidden in the darkening clouds.

(16/09/2023: Got a feature so you get some free chapter to enjoy! But from now on i will do just release 2 chapters instead of one in feature days, cant afford to work overtime KYAHAHA!)

This chapter and the last one were a single chapter in the 6th version of the novel!

But i decided to expand more the interactions, the lore, you know. The overall content of the story

But i try to not put filler, just little hints or show emotions of each person for the future!


Clyonorcreators' thoughts