
The fall of one god.

Esong was new to the underworld. He had knowledge which Nyx shared or filled him on but he was making his own judgements as he went along. One thing he had learned so far was that the gods were selfish. 

Even when Scarlet was in pain, they were discussing how to use her, talking about the side which would win because of what she was. Did they not care that she was bleeding or that her stomach was tearing?

"So much for your gods being helpful Nyx. They are looking out for themselves, as always." He said, in his mind. 

A voice replied, "That is why we have been going around convincing the council for the last one week to give us chance to plead our case. The gods cannot be counted on often, they tend to show up at the last minute and play savior.

If they won't help, then we have to do this ourselves. Get on top of the bed and help her or let me take control and do it." 
