
I am impressed, but not that much

The two princesses took the same car back to the palace. Immediately when they entered, princess Carana enacted a sound barrier and initiated a conversation with princess floozy. 

"Sister," floozy beat her to it, and she said excitedly. 

"Shut up." Princess Carana said sternly and ripped the veil off floozy's head. While she was taken back by the red bumps on her face, she had a lot of rage deep down to concentrate on the face. "You came to this empire illegally without receiving permission from our royal mother which is not only reckless and foolish but also a crime." 


"Shut up Keziah, I am still talking." Princess Carana shouted. 

Princess floozy bowed her head and bit her lip, giving off the appearance of being terribly wronged. 
