
The kings have returned Part I

Baii Hu and Li Xi Yan appeared from the twisted air in the alley and walked home. Bai Zhe appeared in an alley not far from them. He stopped by a convenience store before he went home.

"I'm home." Bai Zhe opened the door into the house. He found Baii Hu and Li Xi Yan were waiting for him. Moreover, Bai Mo Li sat not far from them. Bai Shi and Bai Sher had already fallen asleep. It seemed like it was hard to wake them up as well.

"Zhe, do you want to eat something?" asked Baii Hu.

"No. I would rather go take a shower and sleep with my girlfriend," said Bai Zhe.

"Aw, Zhe, you taking care of Qing Qing like this makes me want to find someone to take care of me too," said Baii Hu.

"I think Bai Zhe needs to find you a fierce and strict woman because you are messy. You took your clothes after you came back and left them everywhere. Messy," Li Xi Yan said sarcastically to Baii Hu again.
