
The Celebrity in Disguise show 1

"The details are like what we have discussed. The show will drop you off at a martial arts TV series set. At first, we want to assign you to work as part of the art team. You’ll put up the set and carry things. But from how your skin looks, we think you should not do manual work because we are afraid you cannot do it," said the producer.

"I can do manual work. I used to do this kind of work. Moreover, assigning a boy to do something like serving water or doing some light work is suspicious," said Bai Zhe.

"Good. Good. What name do you want to use? You need a fake name when you are in disguise," said the director.

"What about Jang Lao Hu? There are a lot of people with the surname Jang." Bai Zhe suggested the name he had thought about. (Auntie Jang: Someone called me?)
