
Zon's Struggle

Zon had energized two red blades in his hand, and the ragged cloth that was covering his body seemingly disintegrated, revealing the hardened black suit he was wearing on his body. It was no time to keep up appearances.

Zon didn't care who saw him on the island, because the only important matter was getting the item.

"Beatrix, focus on defensive maneuvers, I'll focus on attack!" Ricar said with urgency in his voice.

Usually, he wouldn't dare to command a high-level warrior, especially one that was skillful enough to earn the rank of an Elder, but in the current situation they were in, he had a really bad feeling about their opponent, and doing things this way might be the only way they could survive.

Placing one hand over his sword, Ricar's weapon started to light up, and he charged forward, thrusting the weapon. Zon avoided the attack with ease, moving to the side and allowing it to go under his arm, but the attack didn't stop there.
