
Sense of Adventure


"Do you want to sleep with Daddy, Belli?" I cradled her close to my chest as she yawned. 

"Sleep with me Belli," Lia bounced on her bed. Eli and Lia would be sleeping in the guest bedroom with two single beds. I was not sure if Belli would be interested in sleeping away from me but I would have loved for her to try to explore out some more. I would have liked her to go to more sleepovers and interact with more children her age, but I also knew not to push. 

She was shy and I knew it would take her some time. 

Belli stared at Lia then looked at me, "Sleep with Lia."

"You sure baby?" I nuzzled her close to me and chewed on her chubby cheek as she giggled. 

"Yes Daddy."

"I'll keep you safe, Belli , don't worry," Eli smiled as Demyan tucked him under the covers of his bed. 

"Thank you," Belli cutely grinned. I tucked in both her and Lia then made sure they had their plush toys. 
