
At the end of the politics (1)(double chapter)

"This fucking duke…" Sylfan cursed under his nose, using his voice just loud enough to carry his emotions out of the system while silent enough for his unit commissioner not to hear it.

"How the hell are we supposed to fight if we cannot even find a single enemy to battle?!" Arty, Sylfan's direct subordinate didn't really care to hold his words back. 

Compared to Sylfan, Arty was merely a commoner, nothing more than a tool in the duke's eyes. And no sane commissioner would care about what some commoner was rambling about. 

But if this kind of words denouncing the duke's infinite wisdom were to come out from Sylfan's noble mouth…

"Trust me, I wish I knew Duke's magnificent plan," Sylfan replied, making sure to color his words with enough flair to make them passable for the commissioner's ears. "But as mere pawns on the board of his grandiose plans, we can merely lower our heads and toil away in hopes our efforts will bring fruition to the duke's genius."
