
Chapter 76- Strings of Fate [F.D.5] (8)

[Location: True Reality, Unknown True Microcosm]

[5:56 AM, February 28, 134827, AP]

"Kuhaak!" Eve said as she just got smashed into the essence-filled planet surface, creating a spatial distortion in the planet as well as destroying the former lush green forest due to the impact of her hitting the planet, turning it into a barren wasteland. As she tried her best to stand up from the constant pain assaulting her body, a gigantic vine came from one of the humanoid Eternal Flower hands coming right down her.

Seeing the gigantic vine coming at her, she tried to instantly disappear from her position and appear in another position, but she seemed to have failed to do so as an enhanced essence coming from the Humanoid Eternal Flower seemed to be stopping her from getting away and getting smashed by the vine instead, seeing no other choice, she used a 'Original Language'.

"' Yu-thom'" Eve said as a barrier suddenly appeared in front of her, but it seemed to have not stopped the vine as it destroyed the barrier that Eve had created like nothing. Seeing this, Eve is forced to use a more powerful 'Original Language'.

"' Yu-thom-egre-jon'" Eve said as it seemed to have created another barrier, but it seemed to have an unknown inscription written in the barrier this time. As the vine hit, it did not destroy it, as the vine seemed to have stopped from it's tracks as it could not destroy the barrier that Eve had created this time. The humanoid Eternal Flower, seeing that his vines could not reach Eve anymore, used a 'Original Language'

"'El-fyen-dra'" the humanoid Eternal Flower said as his vines seemed to have become stronger as they slowly created cracks from the barrier that Eve had created as cracks spread more and more. Seeing that the barrier that she had created was crumbling, she held the black sword, pointed it at the humanoid Eternal Flower, and gathered a huge amount of essence from the sword. As the barrier was destroyed, she shouted.

"'El-fyen-dra!'" Eve shouted as the essence that is compressed in the sword suddenly pierced through the vine and reached the humanoid Eternal Flower, destroying the Eternal Flower's body in the process as the humanoid Eternal Flower that just got erased from existence suddenly returned as if that level of attack could not hurt him at all.

"It looks like the planet could not hold the intensity of the battle anymore" Eve said as she looked down to see the core of the planet turning into a blackhole as it could not hold the pressure between the fights of such powerful beings. As she finally could escape from the planet, the Eternal Flower seemed to be still readying his attacks to hit her and not minding whether she escaped this time, as she disappeared from her position and appeared somewhere in the middle of the space as she suddenly saw a huge laser coming at her.

"'El-fyen-dra'" Eve said as she slashed down using the black sword to the huge laser, erasing the laser in the process. Despite what she had just done, the laser seemed to have multiplied for some reason as Eve tried her best to dodge every single laser the best she could, but an laser had hit her despite her doing her best to dodge, as the laser had disintegrated her body and soul, as the black sword that is floating in space suddenly erased the lasers coming from any direction, allowing Eve to make her body recover and hold the sword again.

"That was a close call, if not for my Mla still in the surrounding area, I might have been thrown to the Rivers of Samsara again, and I'll have to force myself out just to get here back" Eve said as she filled her bodies with essence as it increased everything about her body as her senses increased to the point of feeling and seeing everything in the broken battlefield they are currently on, as well as more lasers coming at her as she slashed it using the black sword, erasing the laser in the process.

"Round 2 Asshole," Eve said as she filled the black sword with essence as one of the other humanoid Eternal Flowers suddenly appeared behind her and pierced her body and gouged out her heart, yet Eve seemed to have not been affected by it as she pierced the black sword through her body as the sword suddenly got longer, piercing the humanoid Eternal Flower that just appeared, forcing as the flower was about to retaliate by slicing Eve's head, the humanoid Eternal Flower suddenly turned into dust as the Essence in the black sword burst out, as it gives Eve the time to get out of her pincered position.

"1 vs. 2 now, this isn't fair at all" Eve said as she appeared above both the humanoid Eternal Flowers, and the humanoid Eternal Flowers looked up to see her gathering an immense amount of essence and putting it in her sword.

"Hmph! Your one to talk for someone who has not shown their full power yet" one of the humanoid eternal flowers said as one of them manifested swords in their hands and the other a futuristic rifle in his hands, as they both pointed their sword and gun at her.

"So, can you tell me why you're here?" Eve said as she seemed to want to inquire why they were here in the first place, as it's not even close at the end of the cycle, and especially there are three of them instead of one, as even those Eternal Flowers from the Eternal Garden seemed to have gone wild and were trying their best to find a way to get out of the Eternal Garden.

"Isn't it already known to you, essence users, especially for you, one of the hundred blessed, although you're just one of his artifacts yet your still him nonetheless then you must understand why we are here" the Humanoid Eternal Flower said synchronously as they still pointed their weapon at her cautiously, as if waiting for her to move.

"The Eternal Maiden is already about to be born, and it's that seed, correct?" Eve said, as she seemed to know about this already, but it seems she just wanted confirmation on why they even appeared here.

"That's correct, and you already know what it looks like, as we too already know what it looks like. The only thing we need is the location. Since you are here, can you please tell us?" Both the humanoid Eternal Flower speak synchronously as they ask Eve for the location so they can bring the Eternal Maiden back to the Eternal Garden.

"Haha, sorry, I can't give you the location of the Eternal Maiden even though she's not yet born, and she's still inside that seed, so you can only kill me" Eve said as she compressed essence into the sword as the space around her began to twirl and crack.

"You do understand that no matter how much we kill you, we really cannot erase your existence as you are a higher existence than us" the Humanoid Eternal Flower says synchronously, as the entity in front is actually older yet also one of the earliest existences to have appeared even before the First Eldritch, a being once of the Consciousness that is blessed by the Eternal Tree had tried to gain a physical body.

"Oh, that's right, I forgot about that part that I'm actually a much higher entity than you guys. Maybe being an essence user for a very long time had made me forget. Although it's impossible for me to forget, the only explanation is that this is the doing of my child" Eve said, as she actually did not forget anything. If she did forget something, then there's one thing she's sure of, someone tempered her memories, and the only person who could do it secretly is her daughter.

"Wait, no, we should be fighting. Why are we talking?" the humanoid Eternal Flower said synchronously, as they seemed to have noticed something was wrong.

"Tch, a bit tad too early, don't you think?" Eve said as the essence around the black sword twirled around it, compressing it again and again.

"'El-fyen-dra'!" two of the humanoid Eternal Flower shouted as they both fired their weapons like a laser-like essence beam came out of their weapons.

"'El-fyen-dra'!" Eve shouted as her sword had generated more essence. The laser she had created is many times bigger than both of their lasers combined, as the laser that Eve had engulfed the laser they had created, as their bodies too are engulfed by the laser as it disintegrates, but despite that, their bodies suddenly appeared back as if nothing had happened.

~New Powers?~-Ciel

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