

For the first time in our pseudo-relationship, we felt comfortable. We'd finished the honeymoon in St. Thomas, had several heartfelt talks, and we hadn't fought at all. My hormones had exploded through the roof, but knowing things would be okay between me and Smith gave my weary mind a rest.

 We stood together in what used to be my kitchen, gazing at each other through glimmering eyes. Smith Mason was the most beautiful man I'd ever seen, and we'd barely just begun.

 A knock sounded at the front door and we heard the soft pattering of Lily's feet go to answer it.

 A familiar voice spoke confident and deep.


 Smith stiffened beside me while a muscle in his eye twitched.

 My heart raced. Oh no, terrible timing. Who invited him? Whoever arranged this had a wicked sense of humor. Didn't they realize Smith and Dane should not be in the same room together? Must have been Lily. Love her to death, but she screwed up big time on this one.
