
Study Group

In the second half of the year I opened a study group.

The reason? Sis and Charlie have O.W.L.s and I thought having people of different 

years and houses would be the most efficient way to learn for the youger ones and

to strenghten the foundation for the older students.

So far I invited sis, who wouldn't turn her brother down, Cedric, who found the idea great, as well as 

Linda and Eli. Both saying they only see if it benifits them in the first month and then make a decision.

Charlie was also interested and even brought his two brothers along. Bill said he can't make it all the time, but tries to at least show up sometimes.

With a group collected we now needed a time and place. We planned for one weekend afternoon and one evening in the week when nobody has other responsibilities like sports or club activities. 

A place was harder to find. I first thought of the library but I know Madam Pince would throw us out in under half an hour, because we want to learn and teach the others, so it couldn't work in a room that required silence. On the other hand it couldn't be a place like the Great Hall, because we couldn't concentrate if someone around us always talks. Outdoor wasn't an option either at the current temperatures in January. 

As I asked what a club does if it wants a room, Bill who is in the Charms club says one can applie for a room if they ask a teacher, but would need a professor as supervisor. 

I guess asking doesn't hurt. But the question is who?

McGonnagal, Flitwick, Sprout, Sinistra and Vector already have established clubs.

Snape wouldn't be a suoervisor as long as hell is still in place. Kettleburn is the same as he likes to be in the forest in his freetime.

It needed to be a professor, so Hagrid, Hooch, Pomfrey and Pince aren't available either.

That leaves the DADA professor who would change each year and would be needed to be convinced, Quirell, who teaches Muggle Studies or the Ancient Runes professor.

Filch, Trelawney and Binns were simply ignored as we wouldn't want any of them.

So my quest for a supervisor was reduced to three persons. I don't like the idea of the first two, as I don't want an everchanging supervisor or the future body of Voldy, but for the good of the group I asked both.

Against our expectations all three denied. Quirell couldn't stand the additional stress and Rakepick doesn't want to be a suoervisor of a club before she breaks the curse on her position, which I know she didn't as it was still in effect later on. The professor of Ancient Runes couldn't be bothered as he had a similar personality as Snape. I really hope he will be replaced by Bagshot in the future as it happens in the books.

That leaved us clueless as to what we should do now. As we couldn't think of anything even after a few days, I asked McGonnagal for advice. She found the idea of interhouse-relationships and studying across the years a brilliant idea and said she would talk to her colleagues at the nearest meeting.

A week later our room got approved, but we didn't know who our supervisor was. McGonnagal said the person would be introduced later and we could study ahead.

She actually got us a room near the library, which is great.

Don't know the answer? Five minutes later we know it thanks to this book next door.

We are thereafter a club, but could invite members ourselves like the professors do. We would welcome anyone, but had to make some rules:

- Respectful tone with all persons

- Help who you wish

-Have fun

Really simple but I got the feeling they wouldn't be the only ones after new members arrive, but it would do for now.

As we finally had a room we took a whole weekend to clean and transform it with our requirements in mind.

A couple of tables with couches in one corner with small bookshelves. We had the library next door, but they could later be filled with studyguides. The other half was a practice area with some targets. 

Bill actually got Flitwick to make us a ward to keep the sounds of both halves separate. 

This way those who practice won't be disturbed by conversations and those who learn or read wouldn't always hear spells being fired right next to them.

At the next Tuesday as none of us would have Astronomy on that evening we would meet and hold our first study-session. I've gone to the kitchen beforehand and ordered a cake to celebrate the creation.

The mood was great and the older ones could give us some tips, while we freshman would produce new ideas we could bounce around.

We arranged our other weekly session to saturday afternoon as some Quidditch games would be played on sundays.

The months go by and the group unexpectedly stayed the same. I thought some others would like to join, but the younger ones didn't want to and older ones don't want to study with us as teaching would take away time they could use to study by themselves. I at least expected some Rawenclaws to show up, but they liked more to read in their common room as it had a small library and 'wouldn't be bothersome' as a few answered. 

Everything worked for me, but at my reading in the library,

I came across some information I dig deeper into.
