

"Are you sure that MIT is the way for you Bill? It's not that I think you can't crack it, it's just that you were always so into journalism so the switch to engineering is a little strange" His sister Mary spoke on the phone as Billy walked down the road, fresh off his physics coaching classes. His tutor had given him a shit ton of additional homework and it sure did annoy him to no end.

"I've done a lot of journalism up to this point to know that abject truths have no place in the industry. People aren't open merely think from all fucking angles ok? It's all about narratives, manipulation and being as vague as possible either for the TRP or some political agenda." Billy replied, irritation lacing his words.

"But Bil-" Mary tried to reason only to be cut short by him.

"There are no ifs and buts here Mary. Media has become political in nature to it's core. The entire sector is divided into either the right wing or the left wing making people believe there are only two absolutes. I am not working so such a sham alright. Just drop it please. There's a reason why Clark and Lois stopped their practice as well" Billy spoke, agitated and disgusted at the current situation of Journalism, something that's supposed to be unbiased to any side of politics.

"Ok ok you do you, SOFIEEE DON'T MAKE ME COME UP THERE YOU LITTLE HEATHEN- yeah uhh sorry I need to go. Those two will end up killing each other" Mary screamed at her elder daughter who was 12.

"Yeah yeah, I got some place to be as well. Tell them that uncle will come over to meet them by the weekend & if they play nice they might also get their favorite Pizza straight from Italy. Alright go fuck off now" Billy spoke with a little laugh at the end.

"Tch! Get Lost asshole, see you Sunday" Mary spoke as she cut the call. Running over to her daughters room.

Billy walked over to the nearest shop, he opened the door straight to The Rock of Eternity. The first step he took inside sent chills down his spine, the aura in the rock was eery at best. Not just something but everything felt wrong.

He walked to the throne room and saw a very clear sign on the mirror, a sign only he could see. Don't say the word in here champion was the message left by Francesca. But things changed for the worst when he saw the Wizard' staff missing & the same was the case with the eye of evil. The cave was brimming with energy, dark and mystical. Had Billy been in his champion form, he would've figured out just how bad things were about to turn & the energy was indicative of someone coming from far, far, far away.

Billy rushed towards the door and walked out of the rock back into the mortal plane. He ran into the nearest alley and screamed SHAZAM with all his might. With a single bolt of lightning stood the hulking Captain Marvel in Billy's stead.

Captain flew right above the city, closed his eyes and breathed in the atmosphere surrounding his city. His heart skipped a beat, a chill went right through him. He opened his eyes, this time the wisdom of solomon helping him see through the clean air at the mystical energy that was surrounding the city like a cloud. Had he payed more attention then he would've seen the same cloud was now starting to replicate itself over other cities. Yet suspiciously, there was nothing going on. Not a scream, not a single feeling of discomfort coming from the city. Everything seemed normal, too normal. This was merely the calm before the storm.

Captain flew towards the city, not noticing a golden ankh forming beneath him and Captain fell straight through it.


He fell on a hard concrete surface, he looked above him to see John Constantine, Zatanna, Alan Scott, Ragman, Madame Xanadu and Dr. Fate standing right above him, their gazes looking straight into his eyes with an intensity that he felt as if they were gazing into his soul. I am at the Tower of Fate he looked around.

"Umm... Hi?" Captain spoke meekly.

"You can feel what's happening, right?" Zatanna spoke.

"Of the darkness looming at dawn, can you feel your fate calling out for you Champion?" Speaks Doctor Fate.

"Shut up all of you. For fucks sake can't you buggers just listen to me once. Look at his face, bloke has no fucking clue what's happening. Walk with me Bill-Captain." Constantine spoke as he blew some smoke and started to walk out of the tower of fate.


Diana of Themyscira fought through a countless horde of humans, being careful to not hurt them. All of them sported the same violet hue in their eyes, unaware of who they were and what they were doing. Slowly they were starting to transform into gargoyles. She was falling short, she was falling slow.

"Look at you dear princess. A goddess bound by the shackles of humanity. You could've ended all these monsters who surround you like a plague and had me by my throat in minutes if you wished. But alas, you are no goddess you are just a glorified claydoll." Spoke Circe, laughing sinisterly as she powered up magical energy in her palms and threw it towards the horde, disintegrating her own victims.

"NOOOO! Circe stop this madness." Wonder Woman screamed in terror, pain and anger.

"See how easy" she laughed harder. She already had a sinister plan in mind. The apple of Hespera won't activate itself. It will take a lot of divine energy to activate it. It's all for your sake my love! All for you. Circe made had made her move and now expected Diana's retaliation.

Diana, mortified at the death of hundreds of innocent civilians for absolutely nothing felt rage like no other. In a yell of anger, she drew out the god killer off it's sheath and flew towards the mad witch with blinding speeds, a shockwave of debris emanating the moment she took off. Her right hook ready to rock Circe's brains off and her fist hit but not the witch, something else entirely. Diana stopped for a moment, her eyes wide.

"Gods of War, forever stupid. Like brother like sister I must say" Circe giggled as the trap she set in place now had it's prey within itself grasp.

"Wha-" Diana felt her stature become smaller as a rune appeared where her fist connected. She was suddenly trapped in a violet cube that started to shrink. In her last minute effort, she pressed the emergency button of the JL intercom. Soon she was tiny, tinier than The Atom in a cube that rested on Circe's palm.

"Now now! You have a purpose to serve. It's all coming back to us, he is coming back to me. The old tales of the lost myths are finally upon us" she had a last hearty laugh as she teleported themselves away to her comrades, the Legion of Doom.
