
What kind of women do you like?

"Say, Fushiguro... what kind of person is that Ryusei guy?" Nobara questioned as she and Fushiguro walked side by side.

"Ryusei is... a crazy bastard at his core," Fushiguro responded as the two approached a set of vending machines.

"However, if I have to compare him to someone, it has to be Gojo-sensei."

"He is someone who does whatever he wants and however he wants, but at the end of the day, he is one of the most reliable guys I know," 

Fushiguro stated with a small smile on his face as a past memory flashed in his mind.

"So you are Megumi, eh? I heard a lot about ya," a 7-year-old Ryusei said as he stood in front of the 6-year-old Megumi.

"Who are you?" Megumi questioned with a confused look.

"I am... Gojo's real son," Ryusei responded with a grin on his face.

"..." Megumi's eyes widened in surprise as he heard those words.

"Impossible, who in the world can handle him?" Megumi muttered.

"I dunno," Ryusei casually responded.

"So you never met your mother? Sorry about that," Megumi said, thinking he brought up some bad memories.

"Nah, I was just messing with ya. Well then, see ya." With that, Ryusei swiftly parted ways with Megumi.

"And that's how I first met with him."

"That's not crazy, that's damn near mental illness," Nobara responded as she inserted some coins into one of the vending machines.

"Those were my first thoughts too, but who knew that our apartments were so close."

"Talking about someone else behind their backs is not exactly good manners, ya know," Ryusei said as he rested his neck on Megumi's shoulder.

"Uwaahh~" Nobara let out a gasp as she reflexively backed away from him.

"Here, here, no need to be so scared. I won't bite... well, not right now," Ryusei said with a grin on his face.

'What do you mean by right now?' Kugisaki questioned internally.

"Well, anyways, what are you guys talking about, other than my magnificent appearance?" Ryusei questioned.

'He really is another Gojo-sensei,' Nobara thought to herself with a disappointed look on her face.

"Oi, what's with that look?! It's as if I failed your expectations," Ryusei yelled as he pointed at Kugisaki's expression.

"So your curse technique must be mind reading, eh?" She responded.

"Well, since you both have not met formally, how about you introduce each other?" Megumi suggested as he picked up a few snacks from the vending machine.

"Nah, I got a few things to do. After all, today is Tadaka-chan's individual handshake event!" Ryusei proudly stated.

"Oi, who is Tadaka?" Kugisaki whispered to Megumi.

"I think she is an idol? Not sure," Fushiguro responded.

"Well, anyway, we should introduce ourselves. Ryusei Shigure, 16 years old, Special Grade 1," Ryusei introduced himself as he put forward his hand.

'The goofy-looking guy is a grade 1?' Kugisaki thought to herself.

"Kugisaki Nobara, future special grade," Kugisaki said as she shook Ryusei's hand.

'This girl... not half bad,' Ryusei thought to himself with a slight smirk on his face.

As the three first years were talking among themselves, two sets of footsteps approached them.

"What are you doing in Tokyo, Zenin-senpai?" Megumi questioned as he addressed the two Kyoto Jujutsu High Students.

"Ah, so she is her sister after all. Their faces do look similar," Kugisaki stated.

"Yo," Ryusei simply greeted them with a small wave.

"How unpleasant, Fushiguro-kun. If you call me that, no one will be able to tell us apart. Call me Mai," the girl stated.

Mai, Maki's twin, shared her appearance with shorter green hair, reaching just to her neck.

Grade 3 Sorcerer: Mai Zenin

"These guys... They are Okkotsu and the third-year's substitutes," the man stated.

A tall man, 6'3", with a muscular build, tan skin, small black eyes, and a distinctive top-knot bun. Notably scarred from training.

Grade 1 Sorcerer: Aoi Todo

"We were worried about you guys, so we came along with the school principal," Mai said.

"Your friend died, right? Was it painful? Or was it not?" She questioned in a teasing tone.

"What are you trying to say?" Megumi questioned with a small frown on his face.

"It's fine, there are some things hard to put into words, right?" She continued.

"Host sounds about right but... the main point is that he is a half-curse monster, isn't he?"

"For that kind of filthy abomination to call himself a sorcerer next to you, you guys must be repulsed by it, right?" Mai stated with a creepy expression on her face.

"Damn, I let you continue, but you talk a lot of nonsense. I just wanna know if these guys are worth being Okkotsu's replacements!" Todo yelled as he ripped apart his shirt.

"Fushiguro, you said right? What kind of women are you into?" Todo questioned, and the three Tokyo students just stared at him confused at the question.

'Wait, that question reminds me of her,' Ryusei thought to himself as a faint image of a woman crossed his mind.

"Depending on your answer, I will beat you up, right here, right now! Okkotsu, even if they are the worst, I will drag the third-year students!" Todo declared.

"By the way, my type is a really tall woman with a nice ass," Todo said as he took a wrestling stance.

"Why do I have to discuss my taste in women with someone I just met?" Megumi questioned.

"That's right, he may seem sour, but he's got high standards," Kugisaki stated as she pointed at Megumi.

"The situation is getting unnecessarily complicated," Megumi muttered annoyed at his predicament.

"Oi, Oi, Oi!" Before the conversation could go further, Ryusei interrupted them.

"What is this shit? Are you Kyoto fuckers ignoring me?" Ryusei questioned glaring at the two.

"Heh, your presence is really small, so I forgot. So what's your type of woman then?" Todo's question was now directed at Ryusei.

"At least introduce yourself. Did they not teach manners at Kyoto?" Ryusei responded.

"You are not the one to talk about manners!" Kugisaki swiftly yelled.

"Kyoto third year, Aoi Todo. Their introductions are over. Now we are friends, right? So answer me already, I don't care if you are into men."

"A guy's inclination reflects everything about him. Guys with boring taste in women are boring themselves. I loathe boring guys."

"The exchange event is my turf, the only place where I can run wild. So if someone bores me at my last exchange event. Who knows what will happen to them. As a band of my kindness, I will leave you only half dead."

"Tokyo first year, Ryusei Shigure. I like slightly muscular and tall women. Also, I am more of an ass over boobs guy," Ryusei responded.

"What's with the specifics, you pervert!" Kugisaki yelled.

"You... you are a great man," Todo responded with a grin on his face.

"Although I prefer smooth bodies over muscular ones," He continued.

"A strong body is a result of hard work and discipline; only good women can build a body like that," Ryusei responded in a knowing manner.

"Well, that is something we cannot agree with then," Todo said as the two started to walk towards each other.

"Since we are friends now, how about a greeting from me, friend!" Ryusei yelled with a grin as he grabbed onto Todo's hair.

"I was thinking the same thing!" Todo responded, reflecting a similar grin.

With their feet planted firmly on the ground, the two grade one sorcerers pulled their arms back, and then they launched a punch at each other's face.



As their fists made contact with each other's faces, blood started to drip from their noses.

'This guy...'

'This bastard...'

'He is amazing!'

The two thought in unison as their grins widened, and they punched each other in the face once again.

"Fuuu... this was great," Ryusei said as he let go of Todo's hair.

"Ending it here?" Todo questioned as he too let go of Ryusei's jacket.

"Yeah, I can't look too bloodied; there is an event I must attend today," Ryusei responded as he wiped the blood from his face.

"I see, it can't be helped. In that case, Ryusei was it? I look forward to seeing you the most in the event," Todo stated.

"I was gonna skip it, but with someone like you, it's gonna be a shame to leave it as it is." With that, Ryusei parted ways.

'Looks like I am next,' Megumi thought to himself.

"Well then, where were we? Megumi, you have yet to tell me your type of woman," Todo questioned as he took another menacing stance.


This chapter was a pain to write. 

Also, Tobi likes Muscular women with a tall height and a nice ass. what about you guys? 

What kind of women do you like? 
