
Chapter 912 Learning to Refuse (2)_1

Howard Coleman thought about this, and his eyes began to feel warm.

If she was so determined to love him, why couldn't she love him for a longer period.

As Howard reflected on this, he couldn't help but raise his hand and rub his face. When he lowered his hand, he saw through the bright mirror that someone was standing beside him. He froze for a moment before turning his head and staring straight at the man.

After washing his hands, Andrew Henris noticed the man beside him staring and, although somewhat perplexed, still offered Howard a polite smile. He pulled a paper towel, wiped his hands, and walked away.

Howard waited until Andrew had been gone for a while before he turned, stepped out of the restroom, and exited through the back door of the Summer Palace. Instinctively, he looked for Madeleine's car only to find it gone, and he stood there, slightly dazed, for a moment before walking to his own car. He opened the door and got in.
