
Emma Frost's Adventures in Sexual Healing: Chapter 3

It was one of those brightly lit nights, where the full moon above the skies felt much closer than it actually is. There were few clouds, and even the hustle and bustle of the city that never sleeps failed to dim the magnificence of this celestial object. Looking around, it would not be presumptuous to assume that many have intentionally turned off their lights to observe how beautiful the moon looks at that moment. Yet, on the 81st floor or the Millennium Tower, the penthouse level, the mood was entirely different. Emma sat on a lounge chair clad only in a bathrobe. With one hand holding a cigarette, she gazed upon the moon with a dejected look on her face. Judging by how she kept missing the ashtray without much care however, it was clear that the moon failed to captivate her.

Instead, Emma found herself constantly looking back at her bed. On it, a man with tanned skin and a finely toned set of muscles lay shirtless. He was sleeping soundly with a big smile on his face. To tell the truth, Emma didn't even remember his name. The only thing she recalled was that he was apparently some up and coming male model that was introduced by a friend just a few hours ago at a party. He was, as the industry would say, "looking for favors" while Emma was trying to find a way to alleviate her boredom.

In hindsight, she probably should have known better. Being one of the richest (and most attractive) female superheroes, it wasn't the first time Emma took it upon herself to "help" a budding career. That however, also meant that what many would consider the man of their dreams was nothing more than Mr. Perfect #43 for Emma.

She recalled a moment that happened just a week ago. During one of her patrols around a nearby neighborhood, she stumbled upon a couple who were… getting it on behind a dumpster in an alley. They did not notice her presence on the count of her being on the rooftops.

It was a strange experience to say the least. Emma was very dismissive of it at first. She wanted to leave right away. But then, something inside of her… a kind of curiosity… convinced her to stay. She leaned against a broken Central A/C unit silently and waited. Waited until the couple concluded their business and go on their separate ways.

There was nothing glamorous about it. In fact, by all objective standards, that couple had made a very inadvisable decision. And yet, Emma couldn't shake that image off her mind. The way the man degraded the woman, the way she shrieked with joy in spite of that, how they can be so nonchalant doing it in such a public space, all of this sounded very different from what she was accustomed to. And as much as she hated to admit it, maybe… just maybe, it was worth… experimenting with.

Needless to say, Emma quickly dismissed that line of thought. It's true. She did play around quite a bit. But when she did play around, it was at least within an area that she could have a bit of privacy and with people she had known or at the very least, can control. The former kind of interaction, however, did not have any of these. The risk associated with it, especially for someone as well-known as herself, was much too big.

Emma was about to head to sleep when she spotted the strobing red and blue lights of a firetruck headed towards the general direction of the area where she saw the couple. She hesitated for a moment. She knew that the other heroes are probably on the case already. Yet, she still came to the conclusion that it couldn't hurt to check it out. So, she put her hero suit on. But before going on her way, she pulled out a stack of 100-dollar bills from her drawer without counting and placed it under night lamp next to the sleeping man.

And she was right. By the time she got there, the fire had been extinguished, and the people, evacuated. That's when the thought of visiting that alley crossed her mind once more. It was not far. Just by the bar at the corner of the street about three blocks away. She decided to go despite of her reservations. At the very least, she thought, easing her curiosity would help her clear her mind.

However, when she got there to observe the empty and quiet alley, rather than help her calm down, Emma couldn't help but feel hopeful. Deep down, she was hoping for something to happen. And yet, there was nothing. And just as she feared, her body began to feel hot as she fantasized about watching that couple once more. Without realizing it, she was clutching the edge of her panties, hesitantly trying to tug it to relieve the tension she was feeling inside. There was no denying it anymore, the risk of being found out… the degrading experience… perhaps just by virtue of being very different from what she had been accustomed to… sounded extremely thrilling for her.

That's when she had an idea. Instead of waiting for something to happen, why not just walk into the bar instead? Chances are, that couple was hanging out in the bar before going into the alley. Which means, she'll probably encounter at least a few people who are willing to do that. Besides, if anything goes wrong, it's not like a mind-wipe or two couldn't fix the problem.

So, she got down to street level and walked towards the front door. As she got closer, Emma began to hear faint noises of banter and what appears to be some faint classic rock tunes. She lifted her hand up but stopped short at pushing the door open. It is highly unusual for her to second-guess herself, but there she was, asking if she was sure about this. One deep breath. Two. Then after the third, Emma managed to convince herself that it was too late to turn back.

She pushed the door open, and the bell above her clanged freely in the air. She had expected the music to drown the noise, but as soon as the doors closed behind her, everyone stared at her as if she was a lone cowboy entering a saloon in one of those old spaghetti western movies. Emma was starting to regret her decision, but she wasn't going to let it show. Feigning confidence, she looked back at the peering eyes.

Before long, she noticed that several of the patrons seemed alarmed by her presence. A man in a navy-blue hoodie quickly reached into his pocket and slid a few dollar bills on the countertop, told the barkeep to keep the change, and quickly left. Several others followed suit until all that's left were a couple of guys in biker attire sitting at the corner sofa and the barkeep who was stoically wiping some glasses. One of the men sitting at the corner sofa was just as anxious as the others. He was trying to convince his friend to follow suit, but his friend seemed more intrigued than scared.

Emma made eye contact with the intrigued man. He gave her a thumbs up, and Emma replied with a silent nod as she made her way to the barkeep. She took a seat at the leftmost stool, close to the barkeep.

"Sorry" Emma began. "I didn't mean to scare off your customers."

"Not your fault ma'am. Folks here tend to be suspicious of newcomers" he replied after putting down a glass he just finished cleaning. He then turned his attention to Emma. "Anything I can get you?"

"Well… this is a bit embarrassing but…" Emma lifted her cape up and drew the barkeep's attention to her costume which consisted of a corset, a pair of thigh-high boots, and panties; neither of these were designed to keep a wallet. "I was just going to ask for a glass of water, but now that I think about it, I think I've caused you enough trouble."

As Emma turned around to leave, the man sitting at the corner sofa raised his voice. "Hey old man, get me three more bottles. Two for us, and one for the lady"

Emma turned to the man and smiled. He grinned at her and said "Well, what do you say? Care to join us?"

"Well… well… I guess chivalry isn't dead after all" Emma said as she slowly made her way to the two men.

Emma leaned against the table and extended her hand toward the man. However, instead of shaking her hand, he grabbed her hand, bowed, and kissed it.

"Oh… such a gentleman" Emma remarked jokingly.

"The name's Bob. And that's Jackie."

Jackie also extended his hand. Though he just shook Emma's hand while looking like he was sweating bullets. He glanced at Bob from time to time, as if asking him "what the hell was he thinking?" Though for all his efforts at silently communicating his grievances, Bob seemed to be too preoccupied to notice.

The barkeep arrived with three cold bottles of lagers on a serving tray. Bob grabbed two and handed one to Emma. He raised his bottle a bit, and Emma responded by toasting her bottle against his before taking a sip.

"So, Emma… can I call you that?"

"By all means."

Bob took another sip. He seemed excited to the point of being jittery. "So, Emma, what's a lady like you doing in this part of town?"

Emma opened her cape for a moment to show him her superhero costume. "As you can see, I'm on the job" she said, fully aware of how he was ogling her body. Emma then let her cape go to cover her rather revealing costume once more. "But even I need a break from time to time."

"Heh… superheroing is hard work eh?"

"Tell me about it" Emma sighed. But then she smiled again. She sat next to Bob and got close to his ear. She then asked him in a hushed voice "you wouldn't mind if I sit with you boys, would you?"

Emma sat to the right of Bob. She was listening to him blabber about some random stuff, but she had been focusing her attention on his taciturn friend. Emma has Bob in her bag already. Now, all she has to do is find a way through Jackie. Though Bob was still in the middle of boasting about his pickup truck, Emma interrupted him. She would ask them about personal things like where they're from, how the two knew each other and that kind of stuff.

Yet, it wasn't until the third round of drinks that Jackie started loosening up. He would call bullshit on some of Bob's stories and laugh at his expense. The two would then bicker, and Emma would playfully diffuse the tension.

"Okay Bob, stand up!" Emma commanded.

Bob stood up but almost tipped over when his beer belly got stuck between the table and the sofa. The incident prompted Jackie to laugh and call him a fatass. Bob, in a tipsy state, tried to hastily get back into the booth sofa and threatened to hit Jackie. But Emma quickly grabbed him by the elbow and pulled him back. She got in front of him and fixed his jacket for him.

"There. Good as new" she said.

Emma then turned to Jackie. She slid herself into the booth and sat next to him. She called Bob over to join them.

Now in between the two men, Emma spread her arms and put each of her hand on the men's shoulders. She looked at both and smiled.

"Woo… I haven't had this much fun for a while!" Emma exclaimed.

"Yeah… same goes for us" Jackie said with his eyes directed toward the area slightly below Emma's neck.

"Y… you… said it pal" Bob said in reply with one of his hands suspended in the air as if he was trying to grab a hold of something he could not quite reach.

Suddenly Emma pulled he arms back and sighed. "Boys… I have a confession to make" she said with a sullen expression. "You see… I haven't been… fully outright with you…" she continued. The men looked at her sympathetically but stayed silent. "I came here because… the other heroes accused me of…" she began. Suddenly, Emma reached for their hands and pulled them dangerously close to her chests. The men's eyes widened in surprise. Emma was taking her time; pausing; seemingly struggling to find the right words. And then, finally, she said, "…out of touch."

The men were holding their breaths even as Emma slowly turned to look at each of them in the eyes. "Do you think…" Emma hesitated. "Do you think I 'm out of touch?" she said, gripping their palms tighter and closer to her chests.

"Uh… nah… that's bull…" Jackie said.

"Yeah… what he said" Bob added.

Emma smiled. She sighed once more, but it was one of relief. Suddenly, she put her hands… and theirs on her thighs. Their reflexes kicked in, and both of them looked down simultaneously. Emma grinned deviously, amused at their reactions. She let their hands go, but they could not bring themselves to pull their hands from her thighs. Game Set Emma thought to herself.

Emma then asked Jackie to scoot over. She asked him where the restroom is, and Jackie, still unable to believe the turn of events, silently pointed to the back-left corner of the bar. Emma thanked him and walked away.

Bob grabbed Jackie's jacket. In a frenzied state and in a hushed scream, he said, "This is it man! We hit the jackpot! Did you see how fucking thirsty that she is?"

In a similarly hushed but annoyed tone, Jackie shot back, "Heh… stop dreaming fatass. Can't you see she's playing us?"

"Drop the act asshole. I saw the dumb look on your face. You want this as much as I do."

"I never said I didn't enjoy it. But unlike you, I'm not stupid. Only reason I didn't start getting handsy was cause god knows what she might do to us if we mess with her. She's dangerous I tell ya."

"Man you're a buzzkill."

"Where are you going?"

"There's a small gap between the bathrooms. But go ahead. Stay. I'm gonna get the show of a lifetime!"

Jackie laughed at him condescendingly. "Don't say I didn't warn you" he said. "I'll make sure to deliver your last words to your folks."

Bob shrugged it off. The only thing in his mind right now was how to make it in time for the show. So, he hurried to the bathroom, and as he was about to ram into the door, he heard a voice call from behind. He turned around and saw Emma leaning against the wall with her arms crossed.

"Emma?" Bob asked. "Wh… what are you doing here?"

Emma pointed to the door of the women's bathroom door. An out of order sign was hanging from its knob. She then walked up to him. The hair on the back of his neck stood up, and he was starting to have cold sweats. Fuck! Did she hear what I said? Bob wondered. He turned his head to the side and closed his eyes. Oh please! Oh please! Let me live!

But to his surprise, he felt a gentle and warm set of hands clasp on his hands. He opened his eyes and looked down cautiously. Emma was indeed holding his hands.

"This is a bit embarrassing…" Emma said hesitantly. "But would you mind… keeping watch for me?"

Bob's jaw dropped. He simply nodded without blinking. He was still questioning how he still retained his ability to stand without a crutch.

Emma smiled, and said, "you're such a gentleman." While keeping eye contact, she slowly pushed the men's bathroom door open. She stood in front of the closest booth and playfully turned Bob's body around so that he was facing the opposite direction. Emma put her hands on his shoulders and whispered, "You're not going to peek, are you?"

Bob swallowed his saliva.

Emma tapped his shoulders and chuckled. "I'm joking! I'm joking!"

A minute passed, and Bob didn't hear a thing, not even the sound of the door closing. He was seriously tempted to check on things. Did she not close the door? He asked himself. Jackie's warnings popped up in his mind, but by then, curiosity was seriously getting to him. Bob hesitantly looked over his shoulders. And then, he saw Emma sitting on the toilet, still fully clothed with her legs crossed.

"You know I can read your mind, right?" Emma asked, as she stood up and walked up to him. Bob was silent, but his expression showed just how anxious he was. She then continued by putting her hands on his shoulders and dragging them down his arms, and then to his waist. Slowly, she made her way onto his belt buckle.

Emma rested her head on his shoulder. She let out a deep sigh so that Bob could feel the heat emanating from her breath. She then playfully snuggled up against his neck so that he could feel her smooth hair brush against his rough skin. "Wanna know a secret Bob?" Emma began. "There was nothing wrong with the women's bathroom."

"You mean…"

"I was the one who put that sign there" she said as she pinched his sipper with her index finger and thumb. "And I have to say Bob…" she began. "You have a very… imaginative mind" she continued while slowly pulling his zipper down. Bob was now grinning wide. Emma could have sworn that she could feel his heartbeat even from behind. "So, what do you say, we drop this charade?" she whispered to his ear. "After all, I know that you know, you want to know how thirsty I really am…"

Bob abruptly turned around, and with incredible speed and intensity, grabbed Emma by the wrists and pinned her against the graffiti-strewn wall. He made eye contact for a few seconds and proceeded to run his eyes down Emma's body and back up again.

"Heh… who would have thought that Emma Frost turned out to be a huge slut"

Emma on the other hand, didn't mind at all. "What is this? The dark ages? Slut-shaming is so out of style." They both laughed.

"So… what are you going to do to me?"

"Heh… I thought you could read minds."

"I can. But spoilers are no fun."

"Well in that case…" he said, as he put his index finger and thumb over Emma's chin. "why don't you show me some love?"

"Ooh how romantic"

And with that, their lips finally made contact. As expected, Bob was very excited. Though Emma's lips were a treat on their own right, the impatient man demanded more. His tongue forcefully pushed its way in between Emma's lips, where it vigorously attempted to coil her tongue. Emma clasped her hand on the back of his head, pulling his hair slightly to try and slow him down a bit. That however, simply got him more excited. He started groaning as he pushed his lips against Emma's. Spit droplets began to form and flow from just below their lips and down along their chins as a result of Bob's crude and rough movements. That was the point where Emma, despite her earlier reservations, began to moan herself.

As he continued his offensive on Emma's tongue, Bob impatiently yanked on the strings that hold Emma's corset together. Still with their tongue wrapped around Bob's, Emma put her hands behind her back and carefully loosed the strings, allowing Bob to pull down her corset to reveal her breasts.

With her breasts in sight, Bob abruptly pulled his head back and dove into her breasts. His hands were now squeezing Emma's breasts tightly. Emma felt vacuum created by Bob's lips as he sucked on her left nipple. On the right, Emma had Bob's thumb flick and push her nipple around as if he was playing with a joystick. The sensation forced her to bite her lip. She pushed Bob's head even further and used her other hand to cover her mouth while she moaned and moaned.

Satisfied, Bob brought his assault to the next phase. He released her breasts and quickly slid his hand under her panties. In a split second, he jammed his middle finger up Emma's already soaking pussy. It was so sudden that Emma hadn't had time to prepare herself. She gasped for air, and just as she was about to scream, Bob quickly jammed his thumb inside of Emma's mouth to shut her up.

Emma started mumbling incoherently. She punched the wall to compensate for her inability to express her reactions. Bob then felt his thumb being sucked on. He grinned as he wiggled his finger inside of Emma.

Bob slowed down for a moment. He took the time to marvel at his work. After a brief moment, he pulled his hands out. Emma collapsed on the floor. She was out of breath, but still managed to chuckle. "Why did you stop?" she asked.

"Who said anything about stopping" Bob said with a devious grin. He then grabbed her by the hands and forcibly pulled her up. He shoved her out of the booth and over to the sink opposite them.

"Bend over" he simply said.

Meanwhile, outside, Jackie was starting to get worried. Both of them had been gone for a while. Where the fuck are they? He thought to himself. The thought of Bob's lifeless body lying in the bathroom began to cross his mind. They may not always get along, but they are friends. So, Jackie braved himself and walked over to the bathroom. Immediately, he noticed the out of order sign on the women's bathroom. What was more conspicuous however, were the noises coming out of the men's bathroom. Jackie held onto the knob and paused. I can do this he said to himself. Wishing to get it over with, Jackie decided that it was better to barge in right away than to sneak his way in. And that was what he did.

Jackie was shocked. There Bob was, half naked, holding one of Emma's legs in the air, and sliding his wet cock inside and outside of Emma as she moaned and encouraged him to go faster.

His fuse then lit up. "You fucking piece of shit!" he yelled. Jackie grabbed Bob by the collar of his shirt and screamed at him. "I was worried about you and this is how you repay me?!"

Bob shoved Jackie back. "Fuck off man! You're the one who didn't want to come!"

"Why you little…"

As Jackie was about to swing his fist, Emma waved her hands and telekinetically stopped both of them from hitting each other. "Boys, boys!" she calmly exclaimed. Slowly, she brought them over to her. She got down to her knees and looked at both in the eyes. "I don't know about you boys, but I'm personally not against taking both of you at the same time."

The two of them were utterly speechless. But it doesn't take a genius to decipher what their stupid-looking smiles meant.

Emma put her hands on both of their stiff cocks while keeping her pinky fingers up. She licked one and then licked the other. She then turned to Bob. "Now Bob, since Jackie's new, you wouldn't mind if I take care of him first, would you?" Bob grumbled, but he didn't protest.

The way Emma's hand, which were covered by the soft fabric of her glove, moved along his shaft proved to be an amazing experience in its own right. But Bob grew jealous of Jackie who was enjoying Emma's tongue running, wriggling, and wrapping around his cock. The smacking noise when Emma sucked on the head of Jackie's penis, and the way he groaned, annoyed Bob.

He then pulled Emma's hand away and gently pushed Jackie to the side. "Scoot over pal" he said. He then tugged on Emma's corset and split it open a bit. Emma seemed to have caught on what he was planning. She put her hands on her breasts and arched her body forwards while still sucking on Jackie's cock. Bob slid his cock in between her breasts and Emma promptly welcomed it by squeezing her breasts together.

Before long, Jackie's breathing became a lot heavier and perceivable. Bob on the other hand, was still relatively calm. So, Emma sneakily put her hands on both ends of the strings on her corset. She looked up for a moment. Bob had his eyes closed, no doubt he was savoring the moment. Emma waited for him to thrust his cock up, and just before he reached the peak, Emma pulled the strings together, ramping up the tension by at least tenfold. Bob let out a meek yelp, which would normally cause Jackie to make fun of him, but he was too far gone to notice.

Both men screamed at the top of their lungs, and Emma pulled back with her mouth open and hands open. The men whimpered and staggered as they launch their loads all over Emma.

Emma was very happy with the results. She would wipe the excess cum over her face. Sometimes she would try to see how long of a cum bridge she could make with them before sucking on her fingers. The boys who thought they were out of ammo began to grow hard again. Without them realizing it, they were slowly jacking off as they watch Emma.

That was of course, the plan all along. Noticing that development, Emma extended her hand to both of them and told them to stand up. She then led them back into the booth. Emma gestured to Bob to sit on the toilet. She grabbed his cock and examined it. Her smile indicated that it was sufficiently hard.

Emma then stood up and turned around. She put both hands on her ass and spread them apart. "Now hold that cock of yours steady, would you?"

Bob grinned. "Come at me slut."

Emma lowered herself slowly. As the cock began to enter her ass, she bit her lip and braced for the pain.

"Fuck!" she yelped, before finally easing herself as her ass slowly swallowed Bob whole. Emma paused for a moment to catch her breath. She then rested her back against Bob and lifted both her legs up. "A little help?" she asked. To which Bob replied by putting his hands over around the back of her knees to help support her.

With a sly smile, Emma spread her pussy open. She gestured with her finger for Jackie to come over. "You're not going to leave a girl hanging now, are you?" she said to him.

Emma threw her head back as Jackie quickly penetrated her. The sensation of having both of her holes filled, and the way the two cocks push against her insides brought instant ecstasy for her. She was gasping for air, and the two men were quick to realize what kind of opportunity they had in front of them.

"Don't stop…" Emma groaned.

"Not until you say it…" Jackie grinned.


"Go on, you know what we want" Bob said while pointing to his own head.

Emma closed her eyes and took a moment to focus. "Oh, why not?" she finally conceded. She wrapped her arms around Jackie and bit her lip. "Put it in me Jackie. Fuck my wet pussy and fill me up!"

Jackie stroked Emma's cheeks. "Good girl" he said.

Jackie started slow. Although he didn't realize it, he was unconsciously syncing his movement with Bob's. Meanwhile, Emma watched as her pussy contract as Jackie pulls and expands when he pushes. The stirring sensation inside of her was driving her crazy. Emma wasn't planning on obliging their requests to the fullest, but that alone was enough to make her reconsider.

Emma gasped once more. Her lips tingled at the thought of saying it, but if that could get these boys going, she was now willing to do it.

"I want it…" she muttered as she struggled to keep her moans down.

But they weren't satisfied with just that. Bob grabbed Emma's breasts and started pinching her nipples. "What was that?" he asked with a perverse grin.

Emma shook her head as she let out a muffled moan. In response, Bob pinched even harder. "Go ahead, don't be shy…" he said. At that moment, her will to continue biting her lip waned. It wasn't long until she began to occasionally gasp for air.

"I want you both inside of me!" Emma yelped.

The boys finally obliged. In unison, they moved their hips with more speed and intensity. "Yes! That's it… right there… harder!" she demanded.

Emma was losing it. She rolled her eyes up, drunk in pleasure. "Please… please… I'm your… your personal fucktoy…" she uttered. "I'm… I'm addicted… I'm addicted to your cocks!" Neither one of them had asked her to say that. Bu they were nevertheless aroused by it.

Their movements suddenly became erratic. Jackie and Bob was beginning to groan harder than before. Emma felt their hips buckle, and she instinctively knew that they were at their limits.

"I'm gonna…" Jackie uttered as he prepared himself to pull out. But Emma immediately wrapped her legs around his waist, preventing him from doing so. She stroked Bob's cheek behind her briefly looked at both in the eyes. "Cum…" she pleaded. "Cum inside me!"

The two men splurged all of their remaining load inside each of their respective holes. As the warm jets of cum force their way inside of Emma, she felt an overwhelming sense of bliss. And then, she herself, squirted all of her juices all over the place.

As the afterglow kicked in, Emma loosened her legs' grip on Jackie. He pulled out and leaned against the wall to catch his breath. There was one last thing he wanted to witness.

Emma's pussy twitched for a few moments, and then, there it is. Jackie's cum slowly oozed out of her pussy and dripped down onto the floor. He wiped some of the cum that was still around her pussy with his fingers.

"Open wide" he told Emma. And Emma obligingly sucked on his fingers.

About half an hour later…

Emma walked out of the toilet all clean. She was towing the two boys who were now unconscious from the alcohol and exhaustion. She laid them back on the sofa booth and started looking around.

"Looking for this?" the barkeep said while holding her neatly folded white cape.

"Ah yes" Emma said. "Thank you."

"Hope you don't mind, but I took it to the back cause I thought it was bound to get dirty with all of that spilled beer on the table."

"Not at all. That was kind of you."

The barkeep then sighed and turned his attention to the bathroom area. "Seems like you had a good time" he said.

Emma sensed that he knew what was happening all along. "Sorry about that" she said. "But I did clean all that up for you. It's one of the less glamorous perks of telekinesis you know."

"Well thank you" he replied. "Most folks never even bother throwing their used condoms in the right place."

"I take it, this happens a lot?"

The barkeep chuckled. "This is a bar in a poor neighborhood ma'am. Most times, I'm just glad that I never had an overdosed junkie inside."

"I see…" Emma said, unsure of what else to say.

After a bit of an awkward silence, Emma told him that she's covering for all the costs. But the barkeep refused. He reminded he that Bob had promised to put it on his tab.

"Right…" Emma began. "Well, if you don't mind, I'll do a bit of cleanup myself then." Emma then raise done hand over the two unconscious boys.

"I don't think that will be necessary ma'am."

"Why is that?"

"It's not the first time they passed out drunk here. Come morning, I'll tell them that they had too much to drink to remember anything. Besides… there's no one else but us here."

"Well then… I suppose you have a point. I do hope I can trust you with this secret."

"Keeping secrets is part of a barkeep's sacred oath ma'am. Your secret is safe with me."

Emma extended her hand forward, and the barkeep did the same to shake her hand.

"Is there anything I can do to repay your generosity?" Emma asked.

"When it comes to money, all I ask from my patrons is to pay for their drinks ma'am."

The two then exchanged their goodbyes. Emma opened the front door and the bell over it jingled. As she was about to close it, the barkeep said, "however, when it comes to favors, I tend to be a lot more accommodating."

Emma smirked and looked over her shoulder. "You got a water heater and a bed here?"

"As a matter of fact, I do."

She then flipped over the sign on the front door from open to closed.

"Well then… I hope you don't mind closing early today."
