
Chapter 22

Eliza again (finally):

It was boring in the villain's headquarters. I was forced to just sit in my room all day with nothing to do. They brought me food three times a day and occasionally Zuri visited me but other than that I was alone. Today though I had heard someone in the room next door. They seemed to be talking to themselves as I only heard one voice.

"Hello?" I called and moved closer to the wall

"Who are you?" The other person asked

"Eliza. You are?"

"Eliza it's me Neito. Himiko took my blood and they locked me up here."

"She took my blood too. I've been trying to find a way to escape."

I heard a knock on my door and darted over to my bed. It opened and Zuri was there smiling at me. She walked towards me slowly and I noticed the door didn't lock behind her.

"I brought you some stuff." She revealed some colored pencils and paper "I remembered I really liked to color with my friend when we were locked up." She appeared to be blinking back tears

"Thanks." I said "You can come set them over here."

She walked towards me and set them on the bed before sitting down herself. I noticed a small key ring sticking out of her pocket. She leaned in to kiss me and I grabbed it without her noticing. She turned away for a moment and I jumped up before running out the door and locking it behind me. I headed next door and freed Neito before we both dashed down the ladder and out the front door. I could hear the villains behind us and knew we couldn't outrun them. Suddenly a car appeared in front of us and the driver motioned for us to get in.

"Hello again sweetie. What have you done this time?" the driver was the old woman who had picked me up after I ran from my parents

"Hi. They're evil supervillains who we kind of just escaped from. Do you think you could drive us to the hero school?"

"Oh of course."

She sped up and we were at the school in a few minutes.

"Thanks." I said as she drove off "Come on let's head inside." I said to Neito

It was the middle of the day so everyone was at their classes. After we signed in we headed to class where Eraserhead was sitting.

"You two have detention. They're in the courtyard." Was all he said

We headed outside where Hitoshi was fighting a bunch of dummies with his capture cloth. He spotted me and Neito and let down his guard allowing the dummies to pin him down. As soon as he was free he ran over to us. The first thing he did was kiss Neito.

"You're ok! I'll never let you out of my sight again." He said as he broke away

I searched the courtyard for Denki and found him talking to the Bakusquad.

"What's he doing with them?" I asked

"Their old friends." Hitoshi explained "Bakugou attacked me and got expelled so they don't have a leader anymore. Most of them didn't want to do the stuff he made them do anyway."

Denki spotted us and ran over and immediately pushed Neito into a wall before kissing him.

"Good to see you too." Neito said laughing

"I was scared for you. I don't think I could live without you." Denki responded before kissing him again

Neito's two boyfriends surrounded him as he continued to laugh. Before eventually they were all laughing together. Just as it should be, I thought.
