
Chapter 403: Those are Two Lives

As soon as Bella Scott left, Hannah Ford slowly "came to".

Seeing Mrs. Holbrook by her side, she asked quietly, "Mrs. Holbrook, where is my mother?"

"Oh, Mrs. Ford has gone to the reception room to meet visitors from the Scott family."

Being unaware of the estrangement between Bella Scott and her family, Mrs. Holbrook naturally assumed that visiting a sick relative was a common occurrence.

However, at the news, Hannah unconsciously tightened her grip.

The Scott family...

Bella should have had nothing to do with the Scott family for many years now. Or at the very least, the Scott family would not dare to contact Bella publicly.

Unless... the visitor was sent by her grandmother.

A multitude of thoughts flowed through Hannah's mind.

A moment later, she smiled at Mrs. Holbrook, saying, "Mrs. Holbrook, I've been feeling much better these past few days. I'd like to take a walk outside."
