

Few Hours before Lucas fight with Fallen Human...

Very far away from Lucas, At the Nova Acadmy training ground .


Elera just finished her 4-hour-long training session. Her day had finally come to an end.

Letting out a sluggish sigh, she murmured quietly.

"I'm sleepy...."

'Now let's go back to my room, take a shower, and sleep.'

For their was one thing that Elera needs to keep her focus on, and that is team challenge that was about to start in few days.

Today was supposed to be team meeting with rest of the members, But suddenly one of her team members took an LOA and was not present at class today.

The name of that memeber was... Lucas Darkheart.

Because of Lucas unexpected LOA, team had to cancel their meeting.

'I wonder where he went off...'

Elera thought with sligh frowend on her face, but she quickly dismissed that thought.
