
Chapter : 2 : Dog! Fetch!

Gudako P.O.V

???: Can master wake up already? Also can this damn blood come off? It's so oddly mucous like. It doesn't stand out since Gae Bolg is red, but it just feels nasty to hold you know? *Sigh* Not like you can hear me though, since you're knocked out and all.

Huh... I'm alive? Also a voice? A human voice? Does that mean I'm safe? I don't hear the goblins chasing me anymore, so I feel a tiny bit of relief wash over me at that fact. I still feel wary though, everything hurts and I can barely move or do anything at all. I try to at least open my lips to ask what's going on, but all that comes out is a mumble.

Me: Mmmmgghh...

???: Oh! You're waking up? It seems I actually managed to get lucky this time around.

At least they sound friendly, so I next try to get up, but quickly forfeit that idea when I feel a sharp pain course through me. I suck in air with a sharp noise as I try to muffle the pain I felt.

Me: Tsk! It... hurts...

???: Oi master, don't try moving just yet. I only used some basic runes, despite how much I don't want to use them I can't let my master just die in front of me. For now your leg should be healed on the outside, but the bone is still fractured at the very least. The rest of your minor wounds are fine, any pain is just residual, it'll get better soon. Just rest for now, don't worry though, no monsters can get through me!

Oh, so they know some healing magic of some kind? That's helpful, but why would they help me? More importantly why are they calling me master? Did he, at least I assume so, mistake me as someone else? Or is that just common courtesy in this world? Well I still haven't tried opening my eyes yet, they seem to be sort of stuck together with a mixture of dried blood and tears. So I slowly move my hand and wipe it off. Slowly opening my eye lids, my vision is blurry for a moment, but I can make out an outline of a blue colored man? Or is that just his clothes? Anyways I wait for my vision to clear up and finally see- Cu Chulainn from Fate?! Then I roll away while shouting.

Me: Get away! You're E rank luck germs are going to get on me! Cu Chulainn's curse of lancer class is gonna spread!

I immediately regret that as I bonk my head against a log and I instantly feel worse. I guess I got karma for joking around.

Cu Chulainn: Hey! Is that any way to thank the person who just saved you?! Though considering my luck in general I guess I can kind of understand. Also didn't I just tell you not to move!

Me: Sorry...

Cu: It's fine, just don't mess around too much, I don't want to have to reapply runes anymore than I have to. I have a warrior's pride you know? Healing others and throwing fire around is a the job of a magus. Anyways let's go, I'm not good enough as a cook unlike some other servants, so we better make it to a town fast, and to get you new clothes. I'm sure after what happened you must be tired.

Me: After what happened? The last thing I remember was running away from the goblins in the cave? Did you happen to run by me? Actually how are you even here?

Cu: Well that's a simple answer, you summoned me and are thus my master.

Me: I did?

I think back trying to recall some memories, and manage to jog up that I still had the last roll from my 10x pull. Talk about coming in at the last second!

Me: Ah... I remember now.

Cu: Well that's good, but the last thing you remember was running from the goblins? When I found you... you were bleeding out and in horrible shape after some goblins managed to corner you...

Everything around me is reduced to a muffle and blur as I concentrate hard trying to recall when that happened. Seriously? I cant recall it at all, but it also feels like something is missing? When did all that happen-

*Kikikiki* *Kikikiki* *Kikikiki* *Kikikiki*

Goblins? What's happening?

*Snap* *Crunch*

Huh? What's this? No way this happened... no way... no way...

*Kikikiki* *Kikikiki* *Kikikiki* *Kikikiki*

Why are you all getting closer? Get away! Get out!


I feel a pair of arms grasp me. No! Get off! So I begin thrashing around and kicking, even if it hurts.

Me: Get away!!! You aren't real!!! Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! Why are you back, go away-

Cu: Oi! I just told you not to move around a bunch! Calm down! It's just me, Cu Chulainn, Lancer of horrible luck, the blue spandex guy! Tch, I still hate those names that damn Archer had the audacity to call me by... anyways! Calm down, it's alright. I already slaughtered all of those bastards, alright?

Oh? It's just Cu?

Me: When did you get here? Also are the goblins gone?

Cu: They've long since been gone, I'm sorry, I brought up some bad memories carelessly. Being skilled about these things hasn't really ever been my forte, fighting is the only thing I'm really good at. Don't worry, they're all dead, and as long as I'm here not a single one of those goblins are going to get close without their heads being chopped off and their hearts pierced! I'll show you how good of a guard dog the Hound of Ulster is!

His words are comforting, but I wonder why he is being so nice. Didn't we just meet? I have to ask.

Me: Why are you being so nice to me? I know their is the obvious master and servant relationship and all, but didn't we just meet? Why are you going so above and beyond for me?

Cu: Well... I honestly don't know too much myself. But seeing you just brought about some weird nostalgia, and I wouldn't exactly feel great either if I just let my master die the second I was summoned, and I just sort of felt the urge to help, simple as that. Enough of that though, the sun is starting to rise. Let's get ourselves to a village!

Me: That's reassuring, but how exactly are we going to get to a village? I don't see any cart around or anything, and I doubt I could walk without severely slowing us down.

Cu: Hmm? Isn't it obvious? I'll carry you on my back and we'll run there.

Me: No, it really wasn't obvious. But isn't that going to be tiring? We don't know how far the closest village is.

Cu: I'm not a legendary hero for nothing! Don't worry, I can handle carrying just a person around just fine. As for knowing where a village is...

Me: You didn't think of it did you?

Cu: ...

Me: *Sigh* What to do-

[ System Quest being given... ]

[ Mission: Find Village. ]

[ Objective: Find a small village by continuing north. ]

[ Reward: 5 pulls. ]

It's good enough of a reward for just finding a village I guess, and at least I don't have to do the walking.

Me: Ah! I have our solution! We keep going north!

Cu: Really? How?

Me: Fufu... it's magic!

Cu: Oh, that's cool.

Me: I thought you would be more... I don't know... surprised?

Cu: If you've seen what those Casters can do than simply finding a village is pretty tame in comparison.

Me: Damnit! At least be a little impressed! *Ahem* Anyways... carry.

Cu: Huh?

Me: You said you would carry me until the village, so hurry up already won't you?

Cu: Fine, just please stop with that way of speaking already, it reminds me of certain kinds of people.

Me: Okay, I'll stop. But can you seriously hurry up, my butt hurts, this log isn't exactly very comfortable.

And being so close to what I assume to be the goblin cave I came out of isn't very comforting either. So I'd rather hurry up and make it to a safe village, or well hopefully safe village already.

Cu: Alright, on you go!

With that he bends down and I awkwardly crawl onto his back. I kind of feel like a baby doing this, especially considering how limited my mobility is right now. I finally get on and he gets in a position very similar to a sprinter right before a race. Hey, this isn't going to to stupidly fast is it?

Me: I'm still a bit dizzy, so can you go slo-

Cu: Alright! Let's go!

Suddenly my surrounding turns into colored blurs and I feel the wind harshly slapping across my face. Luckily my arms were mostly uninjured as of now, and partially because of the adrenaline rush I just received, I managed to grasp on with all my strength so I didn't fall off.

Cu: Oh I forgot to ask about this, master. But how did you already know my true name? I don't recall saying it out loud, and you actually seemed to already expect who I was. I just found it odd, that's all.

Feeling Cu-sick from his makeshift piggyback ride going faster than a car, I manage to scrounge up enough strength and thoughts from my brain mush to give him a very intellectual answer.

Me: Uh... something something... magic?

Cu: *Sigh* It's fine, don't push yourself over it. I was just curious, this does make it easier for me though. Not a big issue since I assume we aren't in a grail war anyways either, so don't worry about it too much.

Me: Also, are we there yet- pftt! Bleh! A bug got in my mouth! Eww!

Cu: Hah! Looks like I'm not the only one with horrible luck-

A stick flew into his mouth from somewhere. Pfttt! How fitting. So I give him my best smug look despite my ever increasing nausea.

Me: Heh.

Cu: Oi! I know what you are thinking, and I don't like it! Also what happened to my protection from arrows?!

Me: Sorry, sorry. But on a more serious note, since you noticed something odd about me, I wanted to ask you something as well that I noticed was odd.

Cu: Sure, go ahead. Though don't expect me to have much of a detailed answer.

Me: Are you a heroic spirit right now, or are you incarnated? I also noticed you seemed to remember more than what a heroic spirit should remember, like the grail wars they've been in. Not to mention you don't seem limited by your class anymore on what you can do. So what are you exactly?

Cu: That's... I don't know either honestly. I feel like an existence between a heroic spirit and being alive, I can remember some things I shouldn't be able to as a heroic spirit just fine, but I still have gaps in my memories like one too. I can't spiritualize and my mana supply doesn't seem to be coming from you, as if I was alive. Yet I was summoned like a heroic spirit. I can't figure it out at all.

Me: Hmm...


Cu: Master? What's with the silence-

I raise my head up and my eyes gleem, I nod with a wise and knowing look on my face, and so I speak.

Me: I don't get it at all! I understand absolutely nothing!

That's right! This is all too confusing and my head hurts, so I won't bother thinking about it anymore. If the servants do their servant stuff right, it's all good!

Cu: So confident in your own stupidity!

Me: You aren't much better either, so be quiet. Though you don't seem limited by your class anymore, are you actually still a lancer class? I remember hearing you say that right before I passed out. Courtesy of... traumatic flashbacks.

Cu: Look, I'm sorry about that. Also while I did say that, it was more out of instinct than anything. I tried out some things while you were asleep, and I can do about as much with runes as my caster self without a problem.

Me: So instead of being a specific class, you've been summoned as just Cu Chulainn?

Cu: It seems like it, and is there anything else you want to ask?

This is like a super good deal isn't it? I got Caster Cu, Lancer Cu, and... Berserker Cu? No, but Cu Alter isn't really a real Cu isn't he? So I guess I can't get him as part of the deal. But don't I still get a Berserker Cu? In the form of...

Me: Final question, does that mean you can do your whole berserker thing I've only heard about? What was it again... oh yeah! The warp spasm thing! Aren't you like super strong with that?

Cu: You could say that... but I'll act more like Berserker from that grail war back in Japan from what my memory serves than my current self. In fact from what I've heard people say about me when I was alive I acted a lot worse than that. So I don't particularly recommend it unless we are in an extremely dire situation.

Ah... so a big no unless I need a final resort, got it. Well at least I know I do have a backup plan, even if that backup plan needs a backup plan in case it goes wrong. But still, I got Irish Heracles, so I think I'm more than set for whatever this fantasy world has to throw at me!

*Goblin flashbacks*

Maybe not... a stay at home master doesn't sound that bad either. Yeah, a stay at home master sounds great actually! I can already imagine it so clearly, and it's perfect.


Sitting upon my luxurious couch, I see a beaten and tattered spearman enter my luxurious mansion.

Me: Hmm? Oh if it isn't Cu, how did the mission go?

Cu: I finished it, a bit tough, but well within my capabilities.

Me: Good. Good. Now what about the rewards?

Cu: As expected of a legendary dragon, more than enough was earned to buy that lakeside mansion that you wanted.

Me: Fufufufu, excellent! Good work indeed! I'll permit you a 3 day break before the next quest!

Cu: Such kindness! As expected from Master! Off I go to not die and enjoy my life fully!

??: Now now, it doesn't do to ignore your teacher like that.

???: Umu! It's not nice to ignore your wives, Master!

???: Dear wife, a pest calling itself 'Merlin' has arrived, am I permitted to use the Fae Knights and Rhongomyniad?

???: P-pay attention to me too... I'm a goddess you hear?! I deserve it!


Hehehehe.... I'm surrounded by valleys and hills...

Cu: Master, wake up. You're drooling everywhere.

I desperately try to return to my wonderful dream, and politely tell Cu to shut up for awhile.

Me: Shut up, your teacher is giving me a lap pillow and the view from there is beautiful, shush now.

Cu: What sort of weird dream about my mentor are you having?!

Me: A good one, now be quiet.

Cu: But we're already at the village, and people have been looking at you weirdly.

Me: Oh! We are?! Also are you sure they aren't weirded out by the guy in bright blue skin tight spandex?

Cu: That could be it... and hey! You're clothes' horrible condition from that cave makes me look like I'm the criminal here! So wake up and get off already!

Me: I can't, my legs still hurt a bunch remember?

Cu: *Sigh* Fine, until we can find someone who can properly fix you up I'll carry you.


[ Completed quest 'Find Village'! ]

[ Reward being given. ]

[ Processing... ]

[ 5 pulls received. ]

[ Just say or think when host wishes to roll the gacha. ]While Cu looks around the village for anything, I happen to notice a sign that says 'Adventurer's Guild'. But it's not in my language, odd how I can read that. Maybe it's just another feature of the system? If so, how awfully convenient, what a nice quality of life feature. Also I'll roll the gacha later, I'm still salty over it, and maybe I can save up my luck or something.

Me: Hey Cu, maybe the Guild over there has some info, let's check it out.

Cu: Oh? If you say so, plus maybe I can get a job there, if there is one way I'm good at earning money, it's fighting!

Me: Agreed, we do need a source of income, and I'm out of commission for now, not that I could help much anyways. Oh but if you do accept quests, preferably choose goblin related ones.

Cu: Why is that? I already get the gist of why, but just take it as my curiosity.

Me: The only good goblins are dead ones, I'd feel much better both richer and knowing that those disgusting things are no longer breathing the same air as me.

Cu: Phew! Talk about a grudge! Well if you say so, I'll do it Master.

Finally we make it over to the guild door, and Cu slightly shifts so he can push the door open while making sure I don't fall off. Hmm, for being a dog he is a surprisingly good horse, what a useful multipurpose servant I got! I'm greeted with a bunch of noise, from drunken adventures, people who look either like grizzled veterans or newbies, to an interesting looking guy in really beaten up plate and chain mail armor. I just so happen to catch what he is saying, particularly because it concerns my new #1 enemy.

???: Do you have any quests involving goblins?

I see the guy talking to a relatively young looking girl, who seems to be the person in charge of the front desk here in this guild.

???2: Well we do have one left. It still is free since the client didn't set a limit on the number of people who can take the quest and people aren't particularly interested since the pay isn't that high.

???: I'll take it.

Oh? No limit on the number of people? Also a quest regarding goblins? Sounds great! Though I can't go, I can just send Cu off since I kinda do need money for an inn and medical fees, I hope those aren't too expensive here.

Me: Cu, let's go take that quest too.

Cu: But aren't you injured? You need to rest first.

Me: I know that, that's why I'm only sending you out, we do need money to fix the whole issue of a place to rest and heal in the first place.

Cu: Fair point, alright. I'm used to doing things solo anyways. Hey manager lady! We'll take that quest too!

Guild Girl: Oh, I'm just the Guild Girl! I don't own this place. But to take it you need to be registered as adventurers, which I assume you aren't since you don't have any identification. So I'll need you to sign here.

She hands us a piece of paper to fill out along with a quill and ink.

???: I don't recommend you take that quest, a lot of new adventurers die underestimating goblins.

The armored guy from earlier turned back around when he heard we were taking the quest, and doesn't he look oddly familiar? Might just be deja vu.

Cu: Who are you? But besides that I can assure you that I can handle goblins more than good enough by myself.

???: Your partner is hurt too, it wouldn't be a good decision. I'll handle this myself. Plus a long weapon made of good quality materials like that would just get stuck and give goblins more fighting power if you ended up dead. So stay out of this quest.

Cu: Hah?! I've fought in caves with my spear before! Don't underestimate me here!

???: I'm not underestimating you, I'm preventing two people from making the worst mistake of their lives.

Cu: Damn you! I can handle goblins-


I let their argument fade out. I swear I've seen this guy somewhere before? A full set of unique looking beat up armor and stuff...

Takes goblin quests only...

Says stuff about using cheap equipment to not help the goblins if you die...

Wait a second...


Goblins? A guy who kills goblins?


Is it... no that can't be... Goblin Slayer?


Goblin Slayer!? In what fucking world is that a good "tutorial" world. HUH?! YOU SHITTY SYSTEM-
